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Online, multiplayer turn-based strategy game. Made with Unity and Firebase.

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This is a cross-platform game prototype leveraging Unity and Firebase to create an online, multiplayer turn-based strategy game.

This repository is only for the client-side game. Please see the repository tictactoe-multiplayer-cloud-functions to see the Cloud Functions trigger functions that handle the backend game logic (determing whose turn it is, verifying win conditions to determine a winner).


I used Unity for the client-side game, Firebase Firestore for the database, and Firebase Cloud Functions for handling backend logic. Since TicTacToe is a turn-based stategy game, players could technically take turns at anytime. No real-time multiplayer networking is needed, so I opted to use Firestore as the serverless database. The game clients can read and write data directly to Firestore, and Cloud Functions trigger functions will respond to changes in the data and handle the matchmaking and game-winning logic.


  1. Open the project in Unity.
  2. Build the game for iOS. Unity will create an Xcode project.
  3. Open the Xcode project. Make sure to open Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace and not Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj.
  4. Connect your iPhone.
  5. Select your phone in the list of available devices and build the game.

While building the game in Xcode you may experience some build errors for missing dependencies. Remember to update the cocoapods by opening Terminal, locating the project folder for the Xcode project, and performing a pod update.

How to Play

Click on the Find Match button to initiate a matchmaking request. This automatically places you in a queue until another player makes a matchmaking request and a match is created. A list of available matches will be shown on the screen. To begin the game, click Play on one of the available matches.

When the game begins, the upper panel will indicate whether you have been assigned the "X" or "O" mark and whose turn it is each round (as judged by the blue underline). Players take turns placing a mark on the 3x3 grid. When it is your turn, tap on any of the empty grid spaces to place your mark. The first player to have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line of marks wins the game.

Once the game is over, you can return to the lobby to find another match by pressing Play again.

How It Works

Signing In

For simplicity's sake, I used Firebase Authentication's anonymous sign-in.


When the LobbyScene opens, the LobbyManager starts listening for available matches for the player to play.

//  LobbyManager.cs

private void OnEnable()
    MatchesStore.OnMatchesUpdated += HandleMatchesUpdated;
//  MatchesStore.cs

public void ListenMatches()
    //  Get the signed-in user's ID
    string userId = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CurrentUser.UserId; 

    //  Listen for active matches where the user is a player 
    Query query = db.collection("matches").WhereEqualTo(userId, true).WhereEqualTo("isActive", true);
    listener = query.Listen(snapshot =>
        List<Match> matches = new List<Match>();
        foreach (DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot in snapshot.Documents)
            Match match = new Match(documentSnapshot);
        //  Broadcast event with the list of matches

If a match is available it will be populated on the screen, and the player can click on it to initiate the game. The match ID is saved to a ScriptableObject so that it can be accessed by the GameManager in the GameScene. When a match in the list of available matches is selected by the player, the StateManager in the PersistentScene, which is listening for the OnMatchSelected event, tells the SceneController to begin loading the GameScene.

If there are no matches available, the player can submit a matchmaking request (create a queue).

//  QueuesStore.cs

public Task CreateQueue()
    //  Get the signed-in user's ID
    string userId = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CurrentUser.UserId; 

    //  Create a new queue document
    Dictionary<string, object> queue = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "userId", userId }

    return db.collection("queues").AddAsync(queue).ContinueWithOnMainThread(task =>
        DocumentReference newDocRef = task.Result;
        Debug.Log("Added queue document with ID: " + newDocRef.Id);
        //  Broadcast event


A match document carries all the information for a given game, including whose turn it is and which mark ("O" or "X") has been placed on each of the 9 grid spaces. Since TicTacToe is a turn-based game, each player is essentially taking turns updating the match document. Each player's game client listens for updates to the match and therefore sees the changes happen in real-time.

When the GameScene opens, the GameManager starts listening for the match with the match ID provided by the lobby.

//  GameManager.cs

private void OnEnable()
    MatchesStore.OnMatchUpdated += HandleMatchUpdated;
//  MatchesStore.cs

public void ListenMatch(string matchId)
    DocumentReference docRef = db.collection("matches").Document(matchId);
    listener = docRef.Listen(snapshot =>
        Match match = new Match(snapshot);
        //  Broadcast event with the updated match

Each time the match is updated, the GameManager broadcasts events for the grid space marks (OnMarksUpdated) and for whose turn it is (OnTurnChanged).

//  GameManager.cs

private void HandleMatchUpdated(Match match)
    if (match == null) return;

    //  Save the match 
    this.match = match;

    //  If the game is no longer active, don't run any events or game logic
    if (!match.isActive)
        //  If the game is no longer active, run the game over logic

    //  Broadcast event for the updated grid space marks
    //  Broadcast event for which player's turn it is

A game is over when the isActive field of the match is false. When the game is over, a game over UI pops up, and the player can press Play again to return to the lobby to find another match.



Called by the AuthenticationManager when the user successfully signs in.


Called by the AuthenticationManager when the user signs out.


Called by the LobbyManager when the player picks a match to play.


Called by the GameManager when the marks are updated. Passes a List of marks corresponding to the 9 grid spaces.

The mark buttons on the 9 grid spaces listen for this event and change their mark to "O" or "X" accordingly when the marks are updated.


Called by the GameManager when it's the next player's turn. Passes the user ID of the player whose turn it is to place a mark on the grid.

The mark buttons on the 9 grid spaces listen for this event and disable themselves when it's not the signed-in user's turn. The PlayerIndicatorPanel on the UI also listens for this event to show whose turn it is.


The Firestore database has 2 collections: queues and matches.


A queue document has the following fields:

    "userId": "0cj3jkdflj2ldkfjd",
    "isActive": true,
    "createdOn": "July 6, 2020 at 12:14:45 PM UTC-7"
Field Type Description
userId string Identifies the player who created the matchmaking request.
isActive bool Determines whether the matchmaking request is currently active. This is set by the Cloud Functions backend.
createdOn timestamp The timestamp for when the queue was created. This is set by the Cloud Functions backend.


A match document has the following fields:

    "isActive": true,
    "playerO": "T2ekijVZMgOhVA48z86Vxam4XZm2",
    "playerX": "xTES8vbX84NbqmX10RGBScWt1Jf2",
    "players": {
        "xTES8vbX84NbqmX10RGBScWt1Jf2": true,
        "T2ekijVZMgOhVA48z86Vxam4XZm2": true
    "turn": "T2ekijVZMgOhVA48z86Vxam4XZm2",
    "winner": "",
    "marks": {
        "0": "",
        "1": "O",
        "2": "",
        "3": "X",
        "4": "O",
        "5": "",
        "6": "X",
        "7": "",
        "8": "O"
    "createdOn": "July 6, 2020 at 01:25:42 PM UTC-7",
    "modifiedOn": "July 8, 2020 at 10:05:31 PM UTC-7",
Field Type Description
isActive bool Determines whether the match is currently active. A match is active when it is first created. The match is set inactive when the game ends.
turn string The user ID of the player whose turn it is. This field helps the clients determine whose turn it is and whether or not to disable input from the player. The Cloud Functions backend determines whose turn it is.
playerO string The user ID of the player whose mark is "O".
playerX string The user ID of the player whose mark is "X".
winner string The user ID of the winning player, if there is a winner. If there is no winner, this field is left blank.
players object This field is used on the client side for querying matches that the signed-in user is a member of.
marks object An object mapping representing the 9 grid spaces in a TicTacToe game. This field is updated each time a player places a new mark on the grid.



Loads the individual scenes in and out according to the state of the game.

I highly recommend checking out Unity's Adventure - Sample Game project for an example implementation of this.


Handles the logic for signing in the player anonymously.


Handles the logic for matchmaking.


Handles the gameplay logic.


If you have any questions, message me on Twitter or email me at