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Getting started

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

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How to Build

The generated code uses the Newtonsoft Json.NET NuGet Package. If the automatic NuGet package restore is enabled, these dependencies will be installed automatically. Therefore, you will need internet access for build.

  1. Open the solution (APIMATICCalculator.sln) file.
  2. Invoke the build process using Ctrl+Shift+B shortcut key or using the Build menu as shown below.

Building SDK using Visual Studio

How to Use

The build process generates a portable class library, which can be used like a normal class library. The generated library is compatible with Windows Forms, Windows RT, Windows Phone 8, Silverlight 5, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android and Mono. More information on how to use can be found at the MSDN Portable Class Libraries documentation.

The following section explains how to use the APIMATICCalculator library in a new console project.

1. Starting a new project

For starting a new project, right click on the current solution from the solution explorer and choose Add -> New Project.

Add a new project in the existing solution using Visual Studio

Next, choose "Console Application", provide a TestConsoleProject as the project name and click OK.

Create a new console project using Visual Studio

2. Set as startup project

The new console project is the entry point for the eventual execution. This requires us to set the TestConsoleProject as the start-up project. To do this, right-click on the TestConsoleProject and choose Set as StartUp Project form the context menu.

Set the new cosole project as the start up project

3. Add reference of the library project

In order to use the APIMATICCalculator library in the new project, first we must add a projet reference to the TestConsoleProject. First, right click on the References node in the solution explorer and click Add Reference....

Open references of the TestConsoleProject

Next, a window will be displayed where we must set the checkbox on APIMATICCalculator.PCL and click OK. By doing this, we have added a reference of the APIMATICCalculator.PCL project into the new TestConsoleProject.

Add a reference to the TestConsoleProject

4. Write sample code

Once the TestConsoleProject is created, a file named Program.cs will be visible in the solution explorer with an empty Main method. This is the entry point for the execution of the entire solution. Here, you can add code to initialize the client library and acquire the instance of a Controller class. Sample code to initialize the client library and using controller methods is given in the subsequent sections.

Add a reference to the TestConsoleProject

How to Test

The generated SDK also contain one or more Tests, which are contained in the Tests project. In order to invoke these test cases, you will need NUnit 3.0 Test Adapter Extension for Visual Studio. Once the SDK is complied, the test cases should appear in the Test Explorer window. Here, you can click Run All to execute these test cases.



In order to setup authentication and initialization of the API client, you need the following information.

Parameter Description
gfdsfkl sd
dsfsdf TODO: add a description
oAuthClientId OAuth 2 Client ID
oAuthClientSecret OAuth 2 Client Secret
oAuthUsername OAuth 2 Resource Owner Username
oAuthPassword OAuth 2 Resource Owner Password

API client can be initialized as following.

// Configuration parameters and credentials
string gfdsfkl = "gfdsfkl"; // sd
string dsfsdf = "ds";
string oAuthClientId = "oAuthClientId"; // OAuth 2 Client ID
string oAuthClientSecret = "oAuthClientSecret"; // OAuth 2 Client Secret
string oAuthUsername = "oAuthUsername"; // OAuth 2 Resource Owner Username
string oAuthPassword = "oAuthPassword"; // OAuth 2 Resource Owner Password

APIMATICCalculatorClient client = new APIMATICCalculatorClient(gfdsfkl, dsfsdf, oAuthClientId, oAuthClientSecret, oAuthUsername, oAuthPassword);

You must now authorize the client.

Authorizing your client

This SDK uses OAuth 2.0 authorization to authorize the client.

The Authorize() method will exchange the user's credentials for an access token. The access token is an object containing information for authorizing client requests and refreshing the token itself.

catch (OAuthProviderException e)
    //handle exception here

The client can now make authorized endpoint calls.

Refreshing token

An access token may expire after some time. To extend its lifetime, you must refresh the token.

catch (OAuthProviderException e)
    //handle exception here

If a token expires, the SDK will attempt to automatically refresh the token before the next endpoint call requiring authentication.

Storing an access token for reuse

It is recommended that you store the access token for reuse.

You can store the access token in a file or a database.

// store token

However, since the the SDK will attempt to automatically refresh the token when it expires, it is recommended that you register a token update delegate to detect any change to the access token.

client.Configuration.OAuthTokenUpdateCallback = SaveTokenToDatabase;

The token update callback will be fired upon authorization as well as token refresh.

Creating a client from a stored token

To authorize a client from a stored access token, just set the access token after creating the client:

client = APIMATICCalculatorClient();

Complete example

using APIMATICCalculator.PCL;
using APIMATICCalculator.PCL.Models;
using APIMATICCalculator.PCL.Exceptions;

namespace OAuthTestApplication
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Configuration parameters and credentials
           string gfdsfkl = "gfdsfkl"; // sd
           string dsfsdf = "ds";
           string oAuthClientId = "oAuthClientId"; // OAuth 2 Client ID
           string oAuthClientSecret = "oAuthClientSecret"; // OAuth 2 Client Secret
           string oAuthUsername = "oAuthUsername"; // OAuth 2 Resource Owner Username
           string oAuthPassword = "oAuthPassword"; // OAuth 2 Resource Owner Password
            APIMATICCalculatorClient client = new APIMATICCalculatorClient(gfdsfkl, dsfsdf, oAuthClientId, oAuthClientSecret, oAuthUsername, oAuthPassword);

            //callback for storing token for reuse when token is updated
            Configuration.OAuthTokenUpdateCallback = SaveTokenToDatabase;

            //obtain access token, needed for client to be authorized
            OAuthToken storedToken = LoadTokenFromDatabase();
            if (storedToken != null)
                Configuration.OAuthToken = storedToken;
                catch (OAuthProviderException e)
                    //Handle Exception here

        //function for storing token to database
        static void SaveTokenToDatabase(OAuthToken token)
            //Save token here

        //function for loading token from database
        static OAuthToken LoadTokenFromDatabase()
            OAuthToken token = null;
            //token = Get token here
            return token;

// the client is now authorized and you can use controllers to make endpoint calls
// client will automatically refresh the token when it expires and call the token update callback

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: SimpleCalculatorController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the SimpleCalculatorController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ISimpleCalculatorController simpleCalculator = client.SimpleCalculator;

Method: GetCalculate

Calculates the expression using the specified operation.

Task<double> GetCalculate(Models.GetCalculateInput input)


Parameter Tags Description
operation Required The operator to apply on the variables
x Required The LHS value
y Required The RHS value

Example Usage

GetCalculateInput collect = new GetCalculateInput();

var operation = Models.OperationTypeEnumHelper.ParseString("MULTIPLY");
collect.Operation = operation;

double x = 4;
collect.X = x;

double y = 5;
collect.Y = y;

double result = await simpleCalculator.GetCalculate(collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: APIController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the APIController class can be accessed from the API Client.

IAPIController client = client.Client;

Method: New

TODO: Add a method description

Task<dynamic> New(Models.NewInput input)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required TODO: Add a parameter description
cacheControl Required TODO: Add a parameter description
contentType Required TODO: Add a parameter description
postmanToken Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

NewInput collect = new NewInput();

var body = new Models.NewRequest();
collect.Body = body;

string cacheControl = "cache-control";
collect.CacheControl = cacheControl;

string contentType = "content-type";
collect.ContentType = contentType;

string postmanToken = "postman-token";
collect.PostmanToken = postmanToken;

dynamic result = await client.New(collect);

Back to List of Controllers


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