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Roslyn analyzers for INotifyPropertyChanged.

  • 1.x versions are for Visual Studio 2015.
  • 2.x versions are for Visual Studio 2017.
  • 3.x versions are for Visual Studio 2019.


Id Title
INPC001 The class has mutable properties and should implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
INPC002 Mutable public property should notify.
INPC003 Notify when property changes.
INPC004 Use [CallerMemberName]
INPC005 Check if value is different before notifying.
INPC006_a Check if value is different using ReferenceEquals before notifying.
INPC006_b Check if value is different using object.Equals before notifying.
INPC007 The class has PropertyChangedEvent but no invoker.
INPC008 Struct must not implement INotifyPropertyChanged
INPC009 Don't raise PropertyChanged for missing property.
INPC010 The property sets a different field than it returns.
INPC011 Don't shadow PropertyChanged event.
INPC012 Don't use expression for raising PropertyChanged.
INPC013 Use nameof.
INPC014 Prefer setting backing field in constructor.
INPC015 Property is recursive.
INPC016 Notify after update.
INPC017 Backing field name must match.
INPC018 PropertyChanged invoker should be protected when the class is not sealed.
INPC019 Getter should return backing field.
INPC020 Prefer expression body accessor.
INPC021 Setter should set backing field.

Using PropertyChangedAnalyzers

The preferable way to use the analyzers is to add the nuget package PropertyChangedAnalyzers to the project(s).

The severity of individual rules may be configured using rule set files in Visual Studio 2015.


PropertyChangedAnalyzers can be installed using Paket or the NuGet command line or the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio 2015.

Install using the command line:

Install-Package PropertyChangedAnalyzers


The ruleset editor does not handle changes IDs well, if things get out of sync you can try:

  1. Close visual studio.
  2. Edit the ProjectName.rulset file and remove the PropertyChangedAnalyzers element.
  3. Start visual studio and add back the desired configuration.

Above is not ideal, sorry about this. Not sure this is our bug.

When using old style packages.config

Many times running the nuget update command breaks things. The script below can be used to manually update.

var package = "PropertyChangedAnalyzers";
var oldVersion = "";
var newVersion = "2.7.3";
foreach (var csproj in Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\\Git\\Path\\To\Sln", "*.csproj", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
    string text = File.ReadAllText(csproj);
    if (text.Contains($"{package}.{oldVersion}"))
        // <Analyzer Include="..\packages\PropertyChangedAnalyzers.\analyzers\dotnet\cs\PropertyChangedAnalyzers.dll" />
        // <Analyzer Include="..\packages\PropertyChangedAnalyzers.\analyzers\dotnet\cs\Gu.Roslyn.Extensions.dll" />
        File.WriteAllText(csproj, text.Replace($"{package}.{oldVersion}", $"{package}.{newVersion}"));

    // <package id="PropertyChangedAnalyzers" version="" targetFramework="net46" developmentDependency="true" />

foreach (var csproj in Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\\Tfs\\Coromatic\\BoxEr", "packages.config", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
    string text = File.ReadAllText(csproj);
    if (text.Contains($"id=\"{package}\" version=\"{oldVersion}\""))
        // <package id="PropertyChangedAnalyzers" version="" targetFramework="net46" developmentDependency="true" />
        File.WriteAllText(csproj, text.Replace($"id=\"{package}\" version=\"{oldVersion}\"", $"id=\"{package}\" version=\"{newVersion}\""));

Current status

Early alpha, names and IDs may change.


Roslyn analyzers for INotifyPropertyChanged







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