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JustEat.StatsD NuGet Version NuGet Downloads

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The point


We use this within our components to publish statsd metrics from .NET code. We've been using this in most of our things, since around 2013.


  • statsd metrics formatter
  • UDP client handling

Publishing statistics

IStatsDPublisher is the interface that you will use in most circumstances. With this you can Increment or Decrement an event, and send values for a Gauge or Timing.

The concrete class that implements IStatsDPublisher is StatsDImmediatePublisher. For the constructor parameters, you will need the statsd server host name. You can change the standard port (8125). You can also prepend a prefix to all stats. These values often come from configuration as the host name and/or prefix may vary between test and production environments.

Example of setting up a StatsDPublisher

An example of Ioc in NInject for statsd publisher with values from configuration:

	string statsdHostName =  ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["statsd.hostname"];
	int statsdPort = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["statsd.port"]);
	string statsdPrefix =  ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["statsd.prefix"];
        .WithConstructorArgument("cultureInfo", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
        .WithConstructorArgument("port", statsdPort)
        .WithConstructorArgument("prefix", statsdPrefix);

Example of using the interface

Given an existing instance of IStatsDPublisher called stats you can do for e.g.:

		var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        var success = DoSomething();

		var statName = "DoSomething." + success ? "Success" : "Failure";
		stats.Timing(statName, stopWatch.Elapsed);

Simple timers

This syntax for timers less typing in simple cases, where you always want to time the operation, and always with the same stat name. Given an existing instance of IStatsDPublisher you can do:

    //  timing a block of code in a using statement:
   using (stats.StartTimer("someStat"))

   // also works with async
    using (stats.StartTimer("someStat"))
        await DoSomethingAsync();

The StartTimer returns an IDisposable that wraps a stopwatch. The stopwatch is automatically stopped and the metric sent when it falls out of scope on the closing } of the using statement.

Functional style
   //  timing a lambda without a return value:
   stats.Time("someStat", () => DoSomething());

    //  timing a lambda with a return value:
    var result = stats.Time("someStat", () => GetSomething());

    // and correctly times async lambdas using the usual syntax:
    await stats.Time("someStat", async () => await DoSomethingAsync());
    var result = await stats.Time("someStat", async () => await GetSomethingAsync());
Changing the name of simple timers

Sometimes the decision of which stat to send should not be taken before the operation completes. e.g. When you are timing http operations and want different status codes to be logged under different stats.

The timer has a StatName property to set or change the name of the stat. To use this you need a reference to the timer, e.g. using (var timer = stats.StartTimer("statName")) instead of using (stats.StartTimer("statName"))

The stat name must be set to a non-empty string at the end of the using block.

   using (var timer = stats.StartTimer("SomeHttpOperation."))
      var response = DoSomeHttpOperation();
	  timer.StatName = timer.StatName + response.StatusCode;
	  return response;

The idea of "disposable timers" for using statements comes from this StatsD client.

How to contribute


How to release



Our library for publishing metrics to statsd







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  • C# 97.5%
  • PowerShell 2.5%