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Offers a Code based approach to Cake builder system. Contains the Code.Cake.dll.


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Code-based approach to the Cake (C# Make) build system. Provides a C# build host to use Cake methods, utilities and addins in a .NET application.

This project is not affiliated with Cake, nor supported by the Cake contributors.

Using Code.Cake

  1. Create or open a NET framework C# project
  2. Install the Code.Cake NuGet package: Install-Package Code.Cake
  3. Create a build class:
// Cake extension methods and utilities are split into many different namespaces, which all need to be specified.
// They're all on if you're looking for them.
using Cake.Common.Build;
using Cake.Common.Diagnostics;
using Cake.Common.IO;
using Cake.Common.Tools.NuGet;
using Cake.Common.Tools.DotNetCore;
using Cake.Common.Tools.DotNetCore.Build;

// AddPathAttribute will add directories to the process' PATH environment variable.
// Use it if you have external executables like nuget.exe, octo.exe, etc.
public class Build : CodeCakeHost
    public Build()
        // The Cake property has all Cake properties, tools and extension methods on it
        Cake.Log.Verbosity = Verbosity.Diagnostic;

        var configuration = "Debug";
        var solutionFileName = "MySolution.sln";

        // Task example
            .Does(() =>
                Cake.CleanDirectories( "**/bin/" + configuration, d => !d.Path.Segments.Contains( "CodeCakeBuilder" ) );
                Cake.CleanDirectories( "**/obj/" + configuration, d => !d.Path.Segments.Contains( "CodeCakeBuilder" ) );

        // Tasks can depend on other tasks, which will be executed before
            .Does(() =>
                // CreateTemporarySolutionFile is a feature of Code.Cake.
                using( var tempSln = Cake.CreateTemporarySolutionFile( solutionFileName ) )
                    tempSln.ExcludeProjectsFromBuild( "CodeCakeBuilder" );
                    Cake.DotNetCoreBuild( tempSln.FullPath.FullPath, new DotNetCoreBuildSettings()
                        Configuration = configuration,
                        Verbosity = DotNetCoreVerbosity.Minimal,
                        ArgumentCustomization = args => args.Append( "/p:GenerateDocumentation=true" )
                    } );

        // If no task is specified when you execute Code.Cake, the "Default" task will be executed
  1. In your code, call Code.Cake. Following Program.cs is the standard one we use:
using System;

namespace CodeCake
    class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// CodeCakeBuilder entry point. This is a default, simple, implementation that can 
        /// be extended as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>An error code (typically negative), 0 on success.</returns>
        static int Main( string[] args )
            var app = new CodeCakeApplication();
            RunResult result = app.Run( args );
            if( result.InteractiveMode == InteractiveMode.Interactive )
                Console.WriteLine( $"Hit any key to exit." );
                Console.WriteLine( $"Use -{InteractiveAliases.NoInteractionArgument} or -{InteractiveAliases.AutoInteractionArgument} parameter to exit immediately." );
            return result.ReturnCode;


More information: Multiple Build scripts, Interactive mode and Exclusive target

Multiple Build scripts

You can have multiple Build class in a CodeCakeBuilder.exe.

using Cake.Common.Diagnostics;
using Cake.Core.Diagnostics;

namespace CodeCake
    public class MySecondBuild : CodeCakeHost
        public MySecondBuild()
            Cake.Information( "I'm here!" );

Choose the one you want to run on the command line: CodeCakeBuilder.exe MySecondBuild

Interactive Mode

By default CodeCake runs in interactive mode. This enables yor script to ask you questions like:

    Task( "Run-IntegrationTests" )
        .IsDependentOn( "Compile-IntegrationTests" )
        .WithCriteria( () => Cake.InteractiveMode() == InteractiveMode.NoInteraction
                            || Cake.ReadInteractiveOption( "Run integration tests?", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'Y' )
        .Does( () =>

See the InteractiveAliases source code for more information about this CodeCake specific extension.

On CI server, or when no interaction are required, compile CodeCakBuilder project and launch: CodeCakeBuilder.exe -nointeraction, or even simpler from the solution directory just call dotnet run --project CodeCakeBuilder -nointeraction

An intermediate mode is available: CodeCakeBuilder.exe -autointeraction. In this mode, command line arguments can drive the behavior of the execution. Given the sample script below:

    IEnumerable<FilePath> nugetPackages = Cake.GetFiles( releasesDir.Path + "/*.nupkg" );
    if( Cake.InteractiveMode() != InteractiveMode.NoInteraction )
        var localFeed = Cake.FindDirectoryAbove( "LocalFeed" );
        if( localFeed != null )
            Cake.Information( "LocalFeed directory found: {0}", localFeed );
            if( Cake.ReadInteractiveOption( "PushLocal", "Do you want to publish to LocalFeed?", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'Y' )
                Cake.CopyFiles( nugetPackages, localFeed );
    var apiKey = Cake.InteractiveEnvironmentVariable( "NUGET_API_KEY" );
    if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( apiKey ) )
        Cake.Information( "Could not resolve NUGET_API_KEY. Push to is skipped." );
        var settings = new NuGetPushSettings
            Source = "",
            ApiKey = apiKey
        foreach( var nupkg in nugetPackages ) Cake.NuGetPush( nupkg, settings );

CodeCakeBuilder.exe -autointeraction -PushLocal=N -ENV:NUGET_API_KEY="xxx"

Will not push to the local feed but will try to push to the nuget feed. With -autointeraction, when no command line argument can be found for the ReadInteractiveOption, the first choice is assumed (for the LocalPush above, it would be Y[es]).

Exclusive target and ExclusiveOptional target

CodeCake supports to run one and only one task, ignoring any of its dependencies. This is useful when you need an external control of the Build script (when the dependent tasks have alreay been peformed and you don't want to pay the cost of running them again).

CodeCakeBuilder.exe -nointeraction -target="Unit-Testing" -exclusive

Will only run the Unit-Testing task but NOT its dependencies.

CodeCakeBuilder.exe -nointeraction -target="Unit-Testing" -exclusiveOptional

Will only run the Unit-Testing task (and NOT its dependencies) ONLY if it exists. If the task does not exist, nothing is done and a warning is emitted:

`No task 'Unit-Testing' defined. Since -exclusiveOptional is specified, nothing is done.

Build instructions

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Execute dotnet run --project CodeCakeBuilder -nointeraction

NuGet packages

Feed Code.Cake
NuGet stable NuGet
NuGet prerelease NuGet Pre Release

Build status

Branch Visual Studio 2017
latest AppVeyor
master AppVeyor


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing.


Assets in this repository are licensed with the MIT License. For more information, please see LICENSE.txt.

Open-source licenses

This repository and its components use the following open-source projects:


Offers a Code based approach to Cake builder system. Contains the Code.Cake.dll.







No packages published


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