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To make server:

% genmake make
% make


To install for Vim:

You will need Vim compiled with Ruby support.

% ./


This all works way better in Neovim.

In Neovim, it requires you to have a plugin manager like Vundle or Pathogen or
vim-plug, then install the node-host and the neovim-vff plugin.

:BundleInstall neovim/node-host
:BundleInstall dannydulai/neovim-vff

You will need to navigate to the node-host directory
(~/.vim/bundle/node-host) and run "npm install"


In the root of the filesystem tree you want to scan, create a .vff file.

After that, you can include or exclude files using the following statements:

include <pattern>
exclude <pattern>

Patterns are matched in order and short circuit on match. Directories
be matched against the exclude list and not scanned if they match. Unmatched
files will be excluded, unmatched directories will be scanned. 

You can include *'s at the start and/or the end of the pattern, not in the

"#" is the start of a comment on any line. Blank lines are ignored.


[~/work/project] % cat .vff
include *.c
include *.cs
include *.cpp
include *.h
include *.java
include *.lua
include *.pl
include *.py
include *.rb
include *.tcl
include *.awk
include *.sed
include *.sh
include *.bash

When you start vim, it will connect to VFFServer, and start it up if it can't.
Then you can hit ^F (find) or ^E (grep) to bring up the dialog. Start typing to


Like Command-T plugin, but much much faster because it caches the data instead of scanning it every time you launch vim






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