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Torch is an extensible plugin loader for .NET applications mainly designed for video game modding. The core APIs provide support for common features required in game modding like text-based commands, access control, and patching.


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Quick Start

  • Make sure you have installed the latest versions of .NET and .NET Framework.
  • If you are working on Torch.SpaceEngineers, BEFORE you load the solution you need to run setup.bat and follow the instructions to link the game DLLs to the solution. If you aren't working on Torch.SpaceEnginers, just unload the project because nothing else depends on it. This project will be moved to a separate repository in the future.
  • Build and run Torch.exe in Debug mode with the arguments --nolauncher --load TestPlugin.dll to start experimenting.


Documentation can be found on the docs branch or viewed at


Project Summary
Torch Entry point for starting a Torch application.
Torch.Core Game-agnostic service APIs and default implementations.
Torch.Core.Tests Unit tests for Torch.Core.
TestPlugin A debugging plugin to test core Torch features.
Torch.SpaceEngineers Plugin to load a Space Engineers Dedicated Server through Torch.