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Code samples

A small sampling of each language I have spent at least a semester on.

Parser (Java)- A plain grammer tree arithmetic calculator. However, it does run a pretty wide gamut of Java programming concepts like class factories, interfaces and abstract classes. It also involves some nasty tree recursion. I say nasty because I wrote the CRUD system for it before I knew what a CRUD was. My proffesor is cruel.

Cartoon Sales(Pure JavaScript)- It's only javascript but this was my first web-design class. This assignment was a little vague so I went overbaord trying to make it very scalable and usable by others by making many atomic functions.

WSCU Virtual Tour(OpenSource Javascript implemented into an MVC Framework) The projects repo: I learned a lot about pulling from open-source projects and implementing already-made code. There is some Node.js and AngularJS involved.

Functional Graphics(Python)- A practice in Python. This assignment was loathed by us students. There is too much exact math that is really hard to debug. Luckily we have coding night and our Proffesor who has been doing this assignment for maybe a decade. So he helped up us through that. It is in my coding examples just to show some of the python things Ive used like functional abstractions and operator overloading.

RayTracer(C#)- A C# API for the domain specific language, visual POV Ray. I added the light class. This class was a good exersize in C#. I had to be signed into this class (Visual programming in C sharp) by my proffesor/advisor because I didn't have a class prerequisite. It was my first year of programming so I enjoyed a deluge a new concepts while learning a new language but I did successfully make my own neural net, Ray tracer from scratch (not this ray-tracer), and Conway's Life Game which was fun.