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Avenue Clothing - Sitecore

What do I get?

When installing Avenue Clothing you get:

  • The Avenue Clothing store, complete with a catalog, several categories and a variety of products.
  • Functional checkout process, including billing and shipping address forms, payment- and shipping options, basket overview and order confirmation.
  • Example product definitions(Shirt, Shoe, Accessory)
  • Example uCommerce data type(Color)
  • A simple and quick way to go from zero to hero, by building the solution on top of a clean Sitecore + uCommerce installation (more on this later..)
  • Frontend and backend validated user input
  • Faceted search
  • Full-text search
  • Product review system


Ucommerce v7.18.0.18185 and higher

Overall System Architecture

The Avenue Clothing Sitecore accelerator was built with the Helix design principles and guidelines in mind.

The solution contains a separate project for each major area of interest. Each project contains modules(conceptual groupings of assets), that can be used interchangeably and independently.

Modules are built with an MVC structure, and represent controller renderings in the Sitecore backend, which can be attached to content items, layouts or templates.

A rendering can be added as a control by clicking PRESENTATION --> DETAILS on the desired item. Most renderings in the Avenue Clothing website are used on the Avenue Clothing item, and on the category and product definitions which can be found at:

Templates --> User Defined --> uCommerce definitions

For example:

Product definitions:
Templates --> User Defined --> uCommerce definitions --> Shirt

Category definitions:
Templates --> User Defined --> uCommerce definitions --> Default Category Definition

The projects can also contain JavaScript modules in the /Scripts folders. These are client-side logical modules created, bundled and served using the Require.js library.

These modules are not interrelated but can communicate using JavaScript events. Every Require.js module that starts with the prefix “js” and placed in the "/Scripts" folder will be automatically bundled.

How To Install Avenue Clothing For Sitecore

Clone this repository to your favorite location on your computer.

  1. Getting your deploy site up and running

    1.1 You need a clean Sitecore 8.x website with uCommerce installed.

  2. Getting avenue-clothing installed

    2.1 Open up the visual studio solution with the 'AvenueClothing.sln' file found under the folder 'src'

    2.2 Modify the "$websiteRoot" parameter found in the top of the 'Deploy.To.Local.ps1' file found under the solution folder 'deploy'. This parameter needs to match the website root path of your running website with Sitecore and uCommerce.

    2.3 Build your solution and refresh your browser to see Avenue-Clothing in action!

  3. Generating an installation package (this is only needed if you want to deploy Avenue-Clothing on a computer where the solution is not present like on azure or similar.)

    3.1 Open a powershell prompt in windows and navigate the execution path to the following folder relative to your repo: 'tools\deploy'.

    NOTE Typing 'dir' should show you a list of files including 'Deploy.To.Package.ps1'

    3.2 Now you should just run the command: .\Deploy.To.Package -version x.x.x

    NOTE You can also use the -configuration and specify either 'debug' or 'release' to build the solution in either ms build configuration.

    3.3 The package will be put into the folder 'c:\tmp' and you can now use the package to install it on a sitecore + uCommerce environment through the Sitecore package pages in the Sitecore backend.

Enable Commerce Connect APIs

  1. Start with a fresh installation of Sitecore 8.x and a uCommerce version of 7.5.x. For a detailed guide on how to get Commerce Connect up and running with uCommerce, please refer to our article on Installing Commerce Connect. (

  2. Switch to "The Commerce Connect Way" branch of this repository.

  3. In the Deploy.To.Local.ps1 file, make sure that the Apis value in the $properties is set to "Apis" = "CommerceConnect" and that you modify the $WebsiteRoot to the path of your local environment.

3.5. If you've been using the uCommerce APIs previously and you want to switch to Commerce Connect APIs, you need to do this step as well. In your local website, navigate to "{website root}\sitecore modules\Shell\uCommerce\Apps\Avenue Clothing\Pipelines\Initialize" and remove the .default from "SynchronizeSitecoreItems.config.default" to make sure the configuration will be picked up at the next build. This extra task will recreate all the items in the store. After the first build, change its name back to .default.

  1. Build the solution and enjoy your accelerator with Commerce Connect!

If you need assistance with an issue, you're more than welcome to contact us on our dedicated support forum: Eureka!


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  • JavaScript 36.9%
  • C# 29.0%
  • PowerShell 23.7%
  • HTML 8.0%
  • CSS 2.2%
  • Batchfile 0.2%