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KomfoSharp is a Komfo API library that simplifies adding Komfo to your .NET desktop and web applications. You can build your own integration layer with Komfo utilizing the fluent API provided by KomfoSharp.


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KomfoSharp is a .NET wrapper for the Komfo API. Find more about KomfoSharp API.


To install KomfoSharp, in Visual Studio, on the Tools tab, click Library Package Manager (or NuGet Packet Manager) and then click Package Manager Console.

Enter the Install-Package command with the name of the package at the prompt:

PM> Install-Package KomfoSharp

KomfoSharp depends on Newtonsoft.Json, therefore, to prevent Newtonsoft.Json from being overwritten, you need to include the IgnoreDependencies parameter in the command.


KomfoSharp is a Komfo API library that simplifies adding Komfo to your .NET desktop and web applications. You can build your own integration layer with Komfo utilizing the fluent API provided by KomfoSharp.

Open Source Support

This project is open source software.

Learn the Komfo API

Make sure you visit to learn more about the Komfo API.

Komfo API version

KomfoSharp supports Komfo API v1, including:

  • Authentication
  • Twitter followers
  • Advertising

Supported Platforms

  • .NET 4.5 and higher

Asynchronous approach

KomfoSharp provides the asynchronous API to make calls to Komfo, based on the async/await capabilities of C#.

TDD ready

KomfoSharp API is TDD ready and can be mocked in your tests.

Data format handling

KomfoSharp handles JSON serialization and deserialization. When you send requests:

  • Pass the date and time in UTC.
  • Pass Twitter handles without the @ sign.


You must copy the configurations presented in the KomfoSharp.dll.config to the configuration file of your application (for example: web.config).


To access the Komfo API, you must first receive the access token. To receive the token, you need the client_id and client_secret which you can copy from the settings page of your Komfo account.

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
    var tokensRequest = komfoSession.Requests.OAuth20.Tokens
      .Scopes(TokenScopes.TwitterFollowers | TokenScopes.Advertising )

    var tokensResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(tokensRequest);

      "Access Token: {0}, expires in: {1} days.",

Use the access token that you received in all subsequent API calls. When the access token expires, make a new authentication call to get a fresh copy. You can enable automatic renewal of the token using the following session setup:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();

using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  .Scopes(TokenScopes.TwitterFollowers | TokenScopes.Advertising)
  // create requests inside the session

If the token is renewed, the fresh copy is available in komfoSession.Configuration.Token.

The Komfo API is divided into areas that you connect to separately. To get access to an area the appropriate token scope should be used:

  • TokenScopes.TwitterFollowers - gives access to the Twitter followers area;
  • TokenScopes.Advertising - gives access to the Advertising area;
  • TokenScopes.All - gives access to the all areas above.

Twitter followers

This API area provides access to Twitter data, as well as to Sentiment and Engagement scores of your active followers on Twitter.

Retrieve metrics

To retrieve the Engagement and Sentiment scores for a set of Twitter handles:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();

using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var metricsRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Twitter.Followers.Metrics
    .TwitterHandles(new[] { "<twitter_handle1>", "<twitter_handle2>", "<twitter_handle3>" })

  var metricsResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(metricsRequest);

  foreach (var metric in metricsResponse.Data)

You can specify a set of fields to retrieve:

var metricsRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Twitter.Followers.Metrics
  .TwitterHandles(new[] { "<twitter_handle1>", "<twitter_handle2>", "<twitter_handle3>" })
  .Fields(MetricFields.Channel | MetricFields.RequestHandle | MetricFields.Engagement)

Retrieve stream

You can retrieve all the Twitter stories in a certain period for a set of Twitter handles as follows:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();

using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var streamRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Twitter.Followers.Stream
    .TwitterHandles(new[] { "<twitter_handle1>", "<twitter_handle2>", "<twitter_handle3>" })

  var tweets = new List<Tweet>();
    var streamResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(streamRequest);
    streamRequest = streamResponse.Next;
  while (streamRequest!= null);

  foreach (var tweet in streamResponse.Data)

The Komfo API has a limitation on the number of results per call. The KomfoSharp automatically prepares subsequent requests if necessary (streamResponse.Next). To achieve this, the TweetFields.GatheredTime field must be included in the results.

You can specify the fields to retrieve and the time period of the data to include in the response:

var streamRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Twitter.Followers.Stream
  .TwitterHandles(new[] { "<twitter_handle1>", "<twitter_handle2>", "<twitter_handle3>" })
  .Fields(TweetFields.Channel | TweetFields.RequestHandle | TweetFields.Text )

Please refer to the Komfo API documentation for the default values of parameters and limitations.


This API area provides access to Facebook advertising data, as well as Ad Accounts and Custom Audiences.

To use the advertising API the one must have Facebook Ad account.

Custom Audiences

You can retrieve the custom audiences as follows:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var customAudiencesRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences.Create();

  var customAudiencesResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(customAudiencesRequest);

  foreach (var customAudience in customAudiencesResponse.Data)

It's possible to create new empty custom audience:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var newCustomAudienceRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences
    .New(customAudience => customAudience
      .Description("The people who like sport"))

  var newCustomAudienceResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(newCustomAudienceRequest);

  this.Show("New custom audience ID: {0}", newCustomAudienceResponse.Data.CustomAudienceId);

And add users to it, providing either:

  • Emails
var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var addUsersToCustomAudienceRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences
    .Add(users => users.Emails(new[] { "<email1>", "<email2>" }))

  var addUsersToCustomAudienceResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(addUsersToCustomAudienceRequest);

  this.Show("Entries received: {0}", addUsersToCustomAudienceResponse.Data.EntriesReceived);
  • Phone numbers
var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var addUsersToCustomAudienceRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences
    .Add(users => users.PhoneNumbers(new[] { "<phone1>", "<phone2>" }))

  var addUsersToCustomAudienceResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(addUsersToCustomAudienceRequest);

  this.Show("Entries received: {0}", addUsersToCustomAudienceResponse.Data.EntriesReceived);
  • Facebook IDs
var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var addUsersToCustomAudienceRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences
    .Add(users => users
      .FacebookIds(new[] { "<fb_ID1>", "<fb_ID1>" })
      .FacebookApplicationsIds(new[] { "<fb_App_ID1>" }))

  var addUsersToCustomAudienceResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(addUsersToCustomAudienceRequest);

  this.Show("Entries received: {0}", addUsersToCustomAudienceResponse.Data.EntriesReceived);

The users can be removed from the custom audience in the same manner as they were added (using komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences.CustomAudienceId("<ID>").Users.Remove).

Please refer to the Komfo API documentation for the limitations on amount of users per request.

For better security, emails and phone numbers can be hashed with SHA256 method:

var addUsersToCustomAudienceRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences
  .Add(users => users
    .Emails(new[] { "<email1>", "<email2>" })

If the hashing is enabled, apply the following rules:

  • Normalize email addresses by trimming leading and trailing whitespace and converting all characters to lowercase.
  • Normalize phone numbers by removing any symbols, letters, and any leading zeroes.

To get the status, some statistics and error conditions for the custom audience:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var customAudienceStatusRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences

  var customAudienceStatusResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(customAudienceStatusRequest);


The most important number that you can get from the custom audience status is approximate size - the correct number of Facebook recognized users in the audience. This number is provided by Facebook after it finishes processing and matching the list.

To retrieve the particular custom audience:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var customAudienceRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences

  var customAudienceResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(customAudienceRequest);


If the custom audience is a part of a single or multiple campaigns – the campaign IDs will be presented in the result.

To delete the particular custom audiences:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var customAudienceDeleteRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.CustomAudiences

  var customAudienceDeleteResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(customAudienceDeleteRequest);


It's possible to delete only those custom audiences that are not in an active ad set.


To retrieve the campaigns:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var campaignsRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.Campaigns.Create();

  var campaignsResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(campaignsRequest);

  foreach (var campaign in campaignsResponse.Data)

To create an empty campaign:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var newCampaignRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.Campaigns
    .New(campaign => campaign
      .Name("Summer 2015")
      .Description("The campaign to be started at summer, 2015"))

  var newCampaignResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(newCampaignRequest);

  this.Show("New campaign ID: {0}", newCampaignResponse.Data.CampaignId);

To add a custom audience to an empty campaign (one custom audience per call):

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var addCustomAudienceToCampaignRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.Campaigns
    .Add(customAudience => customAudience.CustomAudienceId("<ID>"))

  var addCustomAudienceToCampaignResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(addCustomAudienceToCampaignRequest);

  this.Show("Added custom audience ID: {0}", addCustomAudienceToCampaignResponse.Data.CustomAudienceId);

Custom audiences can be removed from the campaign in the same way as they were added (using komfoSession.Requests.Ads.Campaigns.CampaignId("<ID>").CustomAudiences.Remove).

To retrieve all custom audiences that included in the specific campaign:

var komfoSessions = new KomfoSessions();
using (var komfoSession = komfoSessions
  var customAudiencesRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Ads.Campaigns

  var customAudiencesResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(customAudiencesRequest);

  foreach (var customAudience in customAudiencesResponse.Data)

Dealing with Komfo API Rate Limiting

Komfo limits the frequency of API calls per access token. After the limit is exceeded, the HTTP 429 error is returned. KomfoSharp provides the way to poll Komfo in such cases:

var metricsRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Twitter.Followers.Metrics
  .TwitterHandles(new[] { "<twitter_handle1>", "<twitter_handle2>", "<twitter_handle3>" })

KomfoSharp tries to resend the request several times at a certain interval. The default polling configuration is specified in the KomfoSharp configuration. You can override the default polling configuration:

var metricsRequest = komfoSession.Requests.Twitter.Followers.Metrics
  .TwitterHandles(new[] { "<twitter_handle1>", "<twitter_handle2>", "<twitter_handle3>" })
  .WithPolling(polling => polling.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)).Attempts(4))

Handling Komfo API Errors

When Komfo is not able to handle a request and returns an error, KomfoSharp captures it and raises an exception. To handle exceptions:

  var metricsResponse = await komfoSession.ExecuteAsync(metricsRequest);
catch (KomfoProviderException ex)
  // analyze ex.KomfoStatusCode

The Komfo error code is available in the KomfoStatusCode property of the KomfoProviderException class. The possible codes are:

public enum KomfoStatusCode
  SecureConnection = 1,
  InvalidApiCall = 2,
  InvalidHttpMethod = 3,
  MissingOrInvalidRequiredParameter = 4,
  InvalidAccessToken = 5,
  RateLimit = 6,
  InternalServerError = 7,
  InvalidClientCredentials = 50,
  MoreThan100TwitterHandles = 100,
  SinceGreaterThanUntil = 101,
  SinceAndUntilMustBeWithinTheLast30Days = 102,
  AtLeastOneInvalidValueIsPassedInIds = 103,
  ThereIsNoActiveAdAccountInClient = 200,
  FacebookGeneralError = 201,
  AdAccountAccessTokenNotValid = 202,
  MoreThan5000EmailsInGroup = 231,
  AudienceIdIsNotValidCustomAudience = 232,
  MissingFacebookApp = 233,
  CustomAudienceParticipateInActiveAdvertisements = 234,
  CampaignIdIsNotValidCampaign = 250,
  CustomAudienceIsAddedMultipleTimesToCampaign = 251,
  CustomAudienceDoesNotExistInCampaignButIsRequestedToBeRemoved = 252


KomfoSharp is a Komfo API library that simplifies adding Komfo to your .NET desktop and web applications. You can build your own integration layer with Komfo utilizing the fluent API provided by KomfoSharp.







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