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Sequin Build status NuGet Version

OWIN middleware for creating a customisable command processing pipeline in .NET CQRS applications.



Install from NuGet:

Install-Package Sequin

Add/update your Startup.cs class and configure Sequin:

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

The default configuration will configure a /commands endpoint to handle commands and register all command handlers in referenced assemblies. An overload of the UseSequin() method will accept an instance of SequinOptions which enables custom configurations.

Create a command handler

Commands are simple classes which define properties to hold the command data:

public class SampleCommand
    public int PropertyA { get; set; }
    public int PropertyB { get; set; }

Command handlers are classes which implement the IHandler<T> interface defined in the the Sequin.Core package:

public class SampleCommandHandler : IHandler<SampleCommand>
    public void Handle(SampleCommand command)
        // Handler implementation

The default Sequin configuration will automatically discover classes implementing IHandler<T> in referenced assemblies. This behaviour can be changed by implementing a custom ICommandRegistry and configuring it using SequinOptions.

By default command handler instances are created using Activator.CreateInstance(). This behaviour can be changed by implementing a custom IHandlerFactory and configuring it using SequinOptions.

Issue commands

Commands are issued as JSON PUT requests to the configured endpoint URL (by default this is /commands). Commands are identified in a request using the configured IComandNameResolver instance. By default this is set to RequestHeaderCommandNameResolver which discovers commands based on a header of command in the request; the header value must match the name of a command class name.

Example HTTP Request

PUT /commands HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:50214
command: MyCommand
Content-Type: application/json


Configuring the Sequin pipeline

Sequin enables any piece of OWIN middleware to be plugged in between a command being discovered in a request and it being issued to the appropriate handler. This allows for functionality such as authentication and validation to be hooked in.

app.UseSequin(new SequinOptions
    CommandPipeline = new []
        new CommandPipelineStage(typeof(AuthorizeCommand)), 
        new CommandPipelineStage(typeof(MyCustomMiddleware)),

Each stage of the command pipeline will be executed in the order specified at configuration. In the example above the AuthorizeCommand middleware will execute before MyCustomMiddleware.


Releases will be pushed regularly to NuGet. A new release is created automatically whenever changes are pushed to master.


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