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Med Life


When arriving at a public hospital, who has never had a problem with the organization of care? A lost record, employees unaware of the progress of the procedure, doctor without access to their medical history. Even your chaperones who are in the reception in agony without information from your loved ones or how long they will wait until they are met. From the point of view of public administration, there are many software that promise to solve a lot, but can not adapt to the functioning of the organs, and have very high costs.


This project aims to integrate the hospital's operational departments by streamlining care and providing professionals with a higher level of reliability, allowing them quick access to the most urgent patients through the manchester protocol and access to their patients' medical history. With this information you can generate a more accurate diagnosis for your patients.


During the development period the Asp.Net Core framework was used for API development, along with the Entity Framework Core to communicate with SQL Server. The Front End was developed in Vue JS. “O .NET Core é uma plataforma para desenvolvimento de aplicações desenvolvida e mantida pela Microsoft como um projeto open source. É uma solução mais leve e modular que o .NET Framework e pode ser usada em diferentes sistemas operacionais” (2019,DEVMEDIA) .

“O Entity Framework Core (EF Core) é uma versão leve, extensível e multiplataforma do Entity Framework. O EF Core introduz muitas melhorias e novos recursos quando comparado com o EF6.x. Ao mesmo tempo, o EF Core é uma nova base de código e um novo produto.”(2019,Marcoratti).

SQL Server is a relational database manager created by Microsoft that uses the Structured Query Language (SQL).

“Vue é um framework progressivo para a construção de interfaces de usuário. Vue foi projetado desde sua concepção para ser adotável incrementalmente. A biblioteca principal é focada exclusivamente na camada visual, sendo fácil adotar e integrar com outras bibliotecas ou projetos existentes.”(2014,Vue.js).

Microsoft Power Bi is powerful decision support software that enables you to create detailed and intuitive DashBoards on top of massive data.


With this the design offers a patient control queue with a simple and dynamic view from arrival to departure of a attended patient. Control all public hospital staff so that no documents are left aside. In addition to a database of all patients who are attended to facilitate the care of both the secretary and a doctor.


DEVMEDIA. O que é .NET Core? Disponível em,usada%20em%20diferentes%20sistemas%20operacionais. Acesso em 24. nov. 2019.

Macoratti. José Carlos. Entity Framework Core Disponível em,de%20objetos%20espec%C3%ADficos%20do%20dom%C3%ADnio. Acesso em em 24. nov. 2019.

Vue.js. O que é Vue.js? Disponível em Acesso em 25. nov. 2019.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4
