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RouteLocalizationMVC is an MVC package that allows localization of your routes.

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RouteLocalizationMVC is an MVC package that allows localization of your routes with fluent interfaces:

    .ForAction(x => x.Index())
    .ForAction(x => x.Book())

It has similar functionality as the localization features of AttributeRouting but with MVC 5 it can be used as lightweight addition to the existing MapMvcAttributeRoutes functionality.

RouteLocalizationMVC has the following behaviour:

  • Preinitialisation of the current thread culture with the LocalizationHttpModule
  • If a culture specific route is requested, the thread culture gets overridden by CultureSensitiveRouteHandler
  • Every translated route is replaced by a TranslationRoute. The overridden GetVirtualPath uses the current culture for route generation. This ensures that for example german routes are used when the thread culture is german.

Example: Use LocalizationHttpModule to initialize ThreadCulture

You can set the GetCultureFromHttpContextDelegate of the LocalizationHttpModule to initialize the thread culture as needed (cookie, domain tlc, etc.):

// Set LocalizationHttpModule to initialize ThreadCulture from Browser UserLanguages
LocalizationHttpModule.GetCultureFromHttpContextDelegate = httpContext =>
    // Set default culture as fallback
    string cultureName = Configuration.DefaultCulture;
    if (httpContext.Request.UserLanguages != null)
        // Get language from HTTP Header
        foreach (string userLanguage in httpContext.Request.UserLanguages.Select(x => x.Split(';').First()))
                CultureInfo userCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(userLanguage);
                // We don't can / want to support all languages
                if (!Configuration.AcceptedCultures.Contains(userCultureInfo.Name.ToLower()))
                // Culture found that is supported
                cultureName = userCultureInfo.Name.ToLower();
                // Ignore invalid cultures
    // Return accepted culture
    return new CultureInfo(cultureName);

Example: Apply culture to every translated route


public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();


// Apply culture to every translated route
Configuration.AddCultureAsRoutePrefix = true;

    .ForAction(x => x.Index())

// This results into one english generated route "~/en/Welcome" and one german generated route "~/de/Willkommen"

Example: Force route generation for a specific language

If you want to generate a translated route for a specific language, you can add culture to RouteDictionary:

@Url.RouteUrl(new RouteValueDictionary(ViewContext.RouteData.Values) { { "Culture", "en" } })

This would print the current route for english translation. This could be handy if you want to implement a "change culture" link.

Configuration and Extension Hooks

The Configuration Class has a lot of static parameters that can be modified, most of them are for validation:

public static HashSet<string> AcceptedCultures { get; set; }

public static bool AddCultureAsRoutePrefix { get; set; }

public static bool ApplyDefaultCultureToRootRoute { get; set; }

public static string DefaultCulture { get; set; }

public static bool ValidateCulture { get; set; }

public static bool ValidateRouteArea { get; set; }

public static bool ValidateRoutePrefix { get; set; }

public static bool ValidateURL { get; set; }

For the culture configuration, you can hook to the CultureSelected EventHandler, if you want to store the informationen for selected cultures (e.g. store culture in a ProfileStoarge that will be used for database queries):

LocalizationHttpModule.CultureSelected += ...

CultureSensitiveRouteHandler.CultureSelected += ...

More Information can be found in the WebSample.


RouteLocalizationMVC is an MVC package that allows localization of your routes.






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