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Funky Music Demo


This is an API developed using Azure functions (V3) to connect to MusicBrainz and to return artist and their associated recordings.


Architecture and Design

The design I have used in here is the clean architecture design principles. Please see below for how the solution and its modules are organized.

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API Layer (FunkyMusic.Demo.Api)

I have used Azure functions to implement the API.

  • All the Azure functions are in V3.

  • Please create a local.settings.json file once you clone and then add the below content to the file

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "MusicSearchConfig:Url": "",
    "MusicSearchConfig:MinConfidenceForArtistFilter": 85,
    "MusicSearchConfig:ApplicationId": "PostmanRuntime/7.26.10",
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",

Available Azure Functions

There are three Azure functions implemented here.


This will return a matching list of artists according to the search criteria.

A sample cURL command to call the service locally,

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:7071/api/music/search/artist?name=eminem' \
--header 'correlationId: 666'


This will return the recordings which are associated with a given artist id.

A sample cURL command to call the service locally,

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:7071/api/music/search/records/artist/b95ce3ff-3d05-4e87-9e01-c97b66af13d4' \
--header 'correlationId: 666'


This was designed and implemented as a BFF function, because from the description of the task this fit more likely like an orchestration between multiple services.

A sample cURL command to call the service locally,

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:7071/api/myapp/music/artist?name=eminem' \
--header 'correlationId: 666'


The Mediator pattern has been used to design and implement the abstractions and implementations here. Note that defining abstractions explictly have been avoided here but still the same level of abstraction has been achieved through a generic interface. For that have used mediatr library. Also all the mediator instances implement throughout the solution goes through a validation pipeline and a performance data logging pipeline. These pipeline setups are done one time and all the mediator implementations can benefit from them (more details in the Domain layer).

public class SearchArtistByNameHandler : IRequestHandler<SearchArtistByNameRequestDto, Result<SearchArtistByNameResponseDto>>
  // omitted for brevity.  

public class SearchRecordsForArtistIdHandler : IRequestHandler<SearchRecordsForArtistByIdRequestDto, Result<SearchRecordsForArtistByIdResponseDto>>
    // omitted for brevity.

Specific response formatters

Each API endpoint will return a response which will be unique (somewhat) to its service. This responsilibity of returning an HTTP response has been separated from the main functionality.

public interface IResponseFormatter<T> where T : class
  IActionResult GetActionResult(Result<T> result);

public class SearchArtistByNameResponseDtoFormatter : IResponseFormatter<SearchArtistByNameResponseDto>

public class SearchRecordsForArtistByIdResponseDtoFormatter : IResponseFormatter<SearchRecordsForArtistByIdResponseDto>


For each request, specific validators have been implemented. They are executed through the validation pipeline implemented in the Domain module (ValidationBehaviour<TRequest, TResponse>) which is in the CORE layer. Have used FluentValidation nuget package here.

API Documentation

API documentation for the HTTP triggered Azure functions are implemented. This will be beneficial for us to hookup this under an APIM or to simply refer the API endpoints request and response structures. Both UI and JSON document endpoints are available.


Domain (FunkyMusic.Demo.Domain)

This is part of the CORE layer of the system. This module contains the domain specific abstractions, implementations and models which are not dependent on any other layer.

Validator Pipeline

A domain specific validation pipeline has been implemented so that the respective validator will be executed prior to the actual action. In this way all the validator executions can be seamlined as part of a single execution pipeline and only if the validation is successful, the next action in the pipeline will be carried out.

    public class ValidationBehaviour<TRequest, TResponse> : IPipelineBehavior<TRequest, Result<TResponse>> where TRequest : IValidatable
        private readonly ILogger<ValidationBehaviour<TRequest, TResponse>> _logger;
        private readonly IValidator<TRequest> _validator;

        public ValidationBehaviour(IValidator<TRequest> validator, ILogger<ValidationBehaviour<TRequest, TResponse>> logger)
            _validator = validator;
            _logger = logger;

        public async Task<Result<TResponse>> Handle(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, RequestHandlerDelegate<Result<TResponse>> next)
            if (_validator == null)
                return await next();

            var requestType = typeof(TRequest).Name;

            var validationResult = await _validator.ValidateAsync(request, cancellationToken);

            if (validationResult.IsValid)
                _logger.LogInformation("Validation successful for {correlationId} in {dtoRequest}", request.CorrelationId, requestType);

                var operation = await next();
                return operation;

            _logger.LogWarning("Validation error occured for {correlationId} in {dtoRequest} with errors: {@errors}", request?.CorrelationId,  requestType, validationResult?.Errors);
            return Result<TResponse>.Failure(ErrorCodes.ValidationError, validationResult);

Performance pipeline

This is more into logging and to check how fast the actions are carried out through the mediator instances. This will be helpful to identify performance bottlenecks in the code.

    public class PerformanceBehaviour<TRequest, TResponse> : IPipelineBehavior<TRequest, Result<TResponse>> where TRequest : IValidatable
        private readonly ILogger<PerformanceBehaviour<TRequest, TResponse>> _logger;

        public PerformanceBehaviour(ILogger<PerformanceBehaviour<TRequest, TResponse>> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public async Task<Result<TResponse>> Handle(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, RequestHandlerDelegate<Result<TResponse>> next)
            var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            var response = await next();


            _logger.LogInformation("{request} with {correlationId} ended, time taken {timeTaken} ms.", typeof(TRequest).Name, request?.CorrelationId, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            return response;

Both of these pipelines will be registered at the startup of the application.

Application (FunkyMusic.Demo.Application)

This contains application level request/responses and implementations.

Infrastructure Layer

This contain the actual implementations where the system will be connecting with the external music service to request relevant information.

Typed HTTP Client

A typed HTTP client implementation has been done to get artist and recordings data from the MusicBrainz API.

    public interface IMusicSearchApiClient
        Task<Result<MusicArtistSearchResponseDto>> SearchArtistsByNameAsync(string artistName);
        Task<Result<MusicArtistRecordSearchResponseDto>> GetRecordsForArtistByIdAsync(string artistId);

    internal class MusicSearchApiClient : IMusicSearchApiClient
      public MusicSearchApiClient(HttpClient httpClient, MusicSearchConfig musicSearchConfig, ILogger<MusicSearchApiClient> logger)
            _httpClient = httpClient;
            _musicSearchConfig = musicSearchConfig;
            _logger = logger;
      // Omitted for brevity...


  • Followed a BDD style when implementing the test cases. Also for each layer a specific test project is available.

  • Have used Bddfy package here to organize the test cases and also it'll generate a test result file automatically once the test cases are executed. Here's a part of the report for the API project.

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  • The current test coverage of the solution is as below,

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