예제 #1
        //Method calculating the list of Weight2 associated with the corresponding row/combination. Weight2 involve always more than one variable (connected by multiplication)
        private static List<Weight2> calculateWeights2(Combination curCombination, List<double> curVals2, List<Operation> curOpers2, double rowVal)
            List<Weight2> curWeights2 = new List<Weight2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < curVals2.Count; i++)
                if (i < curVals2.Count - 1 && curOpers2[i] == Operation.Multiplication)
                    Weight2 curWeight2 = new Weight2();
                    curWeight2.combValue = curVals2[i];
                    i = i + 1;
                    curWeight2.combValue = curWeight2.combValue * curVals2[i];

                    while (i < curVals2.Count - 1)
                        if (curOpers2[i] == Operation.Multiplication)
                            i = i + 1;
                            curWeight2.combValue = curWeight2.combValue * curVals2[i];
                            i = i - 1;
                else if (i == 0 || curOpers2[i - 1] != Operation.Multiplication)
                    curWeights2.Add(new Weight2() { combValue = curVals2[i], combItems = new List<CombinationItem>() { curCombination.items[i] } });

            if (curWeights2.Count > 1)
                foreach (Weight2 item in curWeights2)
                    double curWeight = rowVal == 0 ? -1 : Math.Abs(item.combValue / rowVal);
                    if (curWeight > 1 || curWeight < 0) curWeight = 1.0; //This variable is meant to dismiss variables not relevant at all (i.e., being consistently very small); any other situation does not really matter
                    item.combWeight = curWeight;
                curWeights2 = new List<Weight2>();

            return curWeights2;
예제 #2
        //Looking at the weights2 variable to determine whether there are group of factors (e.g., var1*var2) which should better be removed
        private ValidCombination removeMultiRedundant(ValidCombination curValidComb, List<Input> inputs, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig)
            List<Weight2> allWeights2 = new List<Weight2>();
            for (int i = 0; i < curValidComb.calcVals[0].weights2.Count; i++)
                //i2 avoids the warning "Using the iteration variable in a lambda expression is..."
                //which, curiously, is only shown in VB.NET (even with Option Strict Off!), but not in C# (even though this "problem" is common to both)
                int i2 = i;
                Weight2 curWeight2 = new Weight2();
                curWeight2.combWeight = curValidComb.calcVals.Average(x => x.weights2[i2].combWeight);
                curWeight2.combItems = new List<CombinationItem>(curValidComb.calcVals[0].weights2[i].combItems);

            bool goAhead = allWeights2.FirstOrDefault(x => x.combWeight >= curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight) != null;
            goAhead = goAhead ? goAhead : allWeights2.FirstOrDefault(x => x.combWeight <= 0.5 * curConfig.limitVals.maxErrorToIgnoreVar) != null;
            if (goAhead)
                //One of the variables contributes in a much more relevant way (to the final calculated value) than all the other ones in the combination
                List<int> itemsToIgnore = new List<int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < allWeights2.Count; i++)
                    if (allWeights2[i].combWeight < curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight)
                        //The current variable might be irrelevant. The analysis performed in the following lines consists basically in removing this variable and comparing the resulting errors (with vs. without it)
                        Combination tempDependent = new Combination();
                        tempDependent.items = curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Except(allWeights2[i].combItems).ToList();

                        if (ignoreItem(tempDependent, curValidComb, inputs, yVals, curConfig))
                            itemsToIgnore.AddRange(allWeights2[i].combItems.Select(x => x.variable.index));

                if (itemsToIgnore.Count > 0)
                    curValidComb = validCombWithIgnoredItems(curValidComb, itemsToIgnore, inputs, yVals, curConfig, true);

            return curValidComb;