예제 #1
        public IsolationWindow(EditIsolationWindow isolationWindow)
            Start = isolationWindow.Start.HasValue ? isolationWindow.Start.Value : TransitionFullScan.MIN_RES_MZ;
            End = isolationWindow.End.HasValue ? isolationWindow.End.Value : TransitionFullScan.MAX_RES_MZ;
            Target = isolationWindow.Target;
            StartMargin = isolationWindow.StartMargin;
            EndMargin = isolationWindow.EndMargin;
            CERange = isolationWindow.CERange;

예제 #2
 private int FindErrorCell(EditIsolationWindow editWindow)
     if (!editWindow.Start.HasValue)
     if (!editWindow.End.HasValue)
     if (cbSpecifyMargin.Checked && !editWindow.StartMargin.HasValue)
     if (cbSpecifyCERange.Checked && !editWindow.CERange.HasValue)
예제 #3
        private IList <EditIsolationWindow> CreateIsolationWindows()
            var    isolationWindows = new List <EditIsolationWindow>();
            double start;
            double end;
            double windowWidth;
            double margin;
            int    windowsPerScan = 0;
            double overlap        = Overlap;

            double.TryParse(textMargin.Text, out margin);

            // No isolation windows if we don't have enough information or it is nonsense.
            if (!double.TryParse(textStart.Text, out start) ||
                !double.TryParse(textEnd.Text, out end) ||
                !double.TryParse(textWidth.Text, out windowWidth) ||
                (Multiplexed && !int.TryParse(textWindowsPerScan.Text, out windowsPerScan)))

            bool isIsolation = Equals(comboWindowType.SelectedItem, EditIsolationSchemeDlg.WindowType.MEASUREMENT);

            if (isIsolation)
                start       += margin;
                end         -= margin;
                windowWidth -= 2 * margin;

            if (start >= end ||
                windowWidth <= 0 ||
                overlap >= 100 ||
                (Multiplexed && windowsPerScan == 0))

            // Calculate how many windows will be needed.
            double windowStep  = windowWidth * (100 - overlap) / 100;
            int    windowCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((end - start) / windowStep);

            if (Multiplexed && windowCount % windowsPerScan != 0)
                windowCount = (windowCount / windowsPerScan + 1) * windowsPerScan;

            // For optimized window placement, we try to align windows with the low spots
            // in m/z space.  This requires us to adjust both the window width
            // and the starting offset of the windows.
            if (cbOptimizeWindowPlacement.Checked)
                windowStep  = Math.Ceiling(windowWidth * (100 - overlap) / 100) * OPTIMIZED_WINDOW_WIDTH_MULTIPLE;
                windowWidth = Math.Ceiling(windowWidth) * OPTIMIZED_WINDOW_WIDTH_MULTIPLE;

            while (start + (windowCount - 1) * windowStep + windowWidth > TransitionFullScan.MAX_RES_MZ || windowCount > MAX_GENERATED_WINDOWS)
                windowCount -= Multiplexed ? windowsPerScan : 1;

            double?ceRange = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textCERange.Text))
                double ceRangeValue;
                if (double.TryParse(textCERange.Text, out ceRangeValue))
                    ceRange = ceRangeValue;

            // Generate window list.
            bool generateMargin = !Equals(margin, 0.0);

            if (overlap > 0)
                if (windowCount % 2 == 0)
                start -= (windowWidth - windowStep);
            for (int i = 0; i < windowCount; i++, start += windowStep)
                // Apply instrument limits to method start and end.
                var methodStart = Math.Max(start - margin, TransitionFullScan.MIN_RES_MZ);
                var methodEnd   = Math.Min(start + windowWidth + margin, TransitionFullScan.MAX_RES_MZ);

                // Skip this isolation window if it is empty due to instrument limits.
                if (methodStart + margin >= methodEnd - margin)

                var window = new EditIsolationWindow
                    Start       = methodStart + (isIsolation ? 0 : margin),
                    End         = methodEnd - (isIsolation ?  0 : margin),
                    Target      = null,
                    StartMargin = generateMargin ? (double?)margin : null,
                    EndMargin   = generateMargin ? (double?)margin : null,
                    CERange     = ceRange
                if (overlap > 0)
                    var index = Math.Max(Math.Min(i % 2 == 1 ? i / 2 : i, isolationWindows.Count), 0);
                    isolationWindows.Insert(index, window);
                    // when optimized isolation windows are used the windows do not overlap evenly
                    // the window step must flip-flop between the smaller and larger overlapping region
                    windowStep = windowWidth - windowStep;

        private IList<EditIsolationWindow> CreateIsolationWindows()
            var isolationWindows = new List<EditIsolationWindow>();
            double start;
            double end;
            double windowWidth;
            double margin;
            int windowsPerScan = 0;
            double overlap = Overlap;

            double.TryParse(textMargin.Text, out margin);

            // No isolation windows if we don't have enough information or it is nonsense.
            if (!double.TryParse(textStart.Text, out start) ||
                !double.TryParse(textEnd.Text, out end) ||
                !double.TryParse(textWidth.Text, out windowWidth) ||
                (Multiplexed && !int.TryParse(textWindowsPerScan.Text, out windowsPerScan)))
                return isolationWindows;

            bool isIsolation = Equals(comboWindowType.SelectedItem, EditIsolationSchemeDlg.WindowType.MEASUREMENT);
            if (isIsolation)
                start += margin;
                end -= margin;
                windowWidth -= 2*margin;

            if (start >= end ||
                windowWidth <= 0 ||
                overlap >= 100 ||
                (Multiplexed && windowsPerScan == 0))
                return isolationWindows;

            // Calculate how many windows will be needed.
            double windowStep = windowWidth * (100 - overlap) / 100;
            int windowCount = (int) Math.Ceiling((end - start) /windowStep);
            if (Multiplexed && windowCount % windowsPerScan != 0)
                windowCount = (windowCount/windowsPerScan + 1)*windowsPerScan;

            // For optimized window placement, we try to align windows with the low spots
            // in m/z space.  This requires us to adjust both the window width
            // and the starting offset of the windows.
            if (cbOptimizeWindowPlacement.Checked)
                windowStep = Math.Ceiling(windowWidth * (100 - overlap) / 100) * OPTIMIZED_WINDOW_WIDTH_MULTIPLE;
                windowWidth = Math.Ceiling(windowWidth) * OPTIMIZED_WINDOW_WIDTH_MULTIPLE;

            while (start + (windowCount-1) * windowStep + windowWidth > TransitionFullScan.MAX_RES_MZ || windowCount > MAX_GENERATED_WINDOWS)
                windowCount -= Multiplexed ? windowsPerScan : 1;

            double? ceRange = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textCERange.Text))
                double ceRangeValue;
                if (double.TryParse(textCERange.Text, out ceRangeValue))
                    ceRange = ceRangeValue;

            // Generate window list.
            bool generateMargin = !Equals(margin, 0.0);
            if (overlap > 0)
                if (windowCount%2 == 0)
                    windowCount ++;
                windowCount ++;
                start -= (windowWidth - windowStep);
            for (int i = 0; i < windowCount; i++, start += windowStep)
                // Apply instrument limits to method start and end.
                var methodStart = Math.Max(start - margin, TransitionFullScan.MIN_RES_MZ);
                var methodEnd = Math.Min(start + windowWidth + margin, TransitionFullScan.MAX_RES_MZ);

                // Skip this isolation window if it is empty due to instrument limits.
                if (methodStart + margin >= methodEnd - margin)

                var window = new EditIsolationWindow
                    Start = methodStart + (isIsolation ? 0 : margin),
                    End = methodEnd - (isIsolation ?  0 : margin),
                    Target = null,
                    StartMargin = generateMargin ? (double?)margin : null,
                    EndMargin = generateMargin ? (double?)margin : null,
                    CERange = ceRange
                if (overlap > 0)
                    var index = Math.Max(Math.Min(i%2 == 1 ? i/2 : i, isolationWindows.Count), 0);
                    isolationWindows.Insert(index, window);
                    // when optimized isolation windows are used the windows do not overlap evenly
                    // the window step must flip-flop between the smaller and larger overlapping region
                    windowStep = windowWidth - windowStep;

            return isolationWindows;