상속: Xwt.Widget
예제 #1
        public ListBoxSample()
            // Default list box

            ListBox list = new ListBox ();

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++)
                list.Items.Add ("Value " + n);

            PackStart (list, true);

            // Custom list box

            ListBox customList = new ListBox ();
            ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon);
            customList.DataSource = store;
            customList.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (icon));
            customList.Views.Add (new TextCellView (name));

            var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
            PackStart (customList, true);
예제 #2
		public ListBoxSample ()
			// Default list box
			ListBox list = new ListBox ();
			for (int n=0; n<100; n++)
				list.Items.Add ("Value " + n);
			PackStart (list, true);
			// Custom list box
			ListBox customList = new ListBox ();
			customList.GridLinesVisible = true;
			ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon);
			customList.DataSource = store;
			customList.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (icon));
			customList.Views.Add (new TextCellView (name));
			var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");
			for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
				var r = store.AddRow ();
				store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
				store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
			PackStart (customList, true);

			var spnValue = new SpinButton ();
			spnValue.MinimumValue = 0;
			spnValue.MaximumValue = 99;
			spnValue.IncrementValue = 1;
			spnValue.Digits = 0;
			var btnScroll = new Button ("Go!");
			btnScroll.Clicked += (sender, e) => customList.ScrollToRow((int)spnValue.Value);

			HBox scrollActBox = new HBox ();
			scrollActBox.PackStart (new Label("Scroll to Value: "));
			scrollActBox.PackStart (spnValue);
			scrollActBox.PackStart (btnScroll);
			PackStart (scrollActBox);
예제 #3
파일: ListBox.cs 프로젝트: sergueik/xwt_swd
        public ListBoxSample()
            // Default list box

            ListBox list = new ListBox();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                list.Items.Add("Value " + n);

            list.KeyPressed += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Key == Key.Insert)
                    int r = list.SelectedRow + 1;
                    list.Items.Insert(r, "Value " + list.Items.Count + 1);
                    list.FocusedRow = r;

            PackStart(list, true);

            // Custom list box

            ListBox customList = new ListBox();
            customList.GridLinesVisible = true;
            ListStore store = new ListStore(name, icon);
            customList.DataSource = store;
            customList.Views.Add(new ImageCellView(icon));
            customList.Views.Add(new TextCellView(name));

            var png = Image.FromResource(typeof(Application), "class.png");

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + n);

            customList.KeyPressed += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Key == Key.Insert)
                    var r = store.InsertRowAfter(customList.SelectedRow < 0 ? 0 : customList.SelectedRow);
                    store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                    store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + (store.RowCount + 1));
                    customList.FocusedRow = r;

            PackStart(customList, true);

            var spnValue = new SpinButton();
            spnValue.MinimumValue = 0;
            spnValue.MaximumValue = 99;
            spnValue.IncrementValue = 1;
            spnValue.Digits = 0;
            var btnScroll = new Button("Go!");
            btnScroll.Clicked += (sender, e) => customList.ScrollToRow((int)spnValue.Value);

            HBox scrollActBox = new HBox();
            scrollActBox.PackStart(new Label("Scroll to Value: "));
예제 #4
파일: ListBoxTests.cs 프로젝트: m13253/xwt
		public void DefaultValues ()
			var list = new ListBox ();
			Assert.AreEqual (ScrollPolicy.Automatic, list.VerticalScrollPolicy);
			Assert.AreEqual (ScrollPolicy.Automatic, list.HorizontalScrollPolicy);