예제 #1
        protected double GetFcrGeneral()
            SectionRectangular r = new SectionRectangular(t_w, h_o);
            SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(Material.YieldStress);
            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();

            AffectedElementInFlexure flexuralElement = new AffectedElementInFlexure(r, mat, log);
            return flexuralElement.GetPlateBucklingCriticalStress(c);

            #region Obsolete
            //double lambda = GetLambda();
            //double F_y = Material.YieldStress;

            //double Q;
            //if (lambda<=0.7)
            //    Q = 1.0;
            //else if (lambda<=1.41)
            //    Q = (1.34 - 0.468 * lambda);
            //    Q = ((1.3) / (Math.Pow(lambda, 2)));
            //double F_cr = F_y * Q;
            //return F_cr; 
 public AffectedElementInFlexure(SectionRectangular Section, ISteelMaterial Material, ICalcLog CalcLog, bool IsRolled=false)
     : base(Section, Material, CalcLog)
     this.HasHolesInTensionFlange = false;
     this.A_fg = 0;
     this.A_fn = 0;
     this.IsRolled = IsRolled;
예제 #3
 public void ConnectedPlateReturnsFlexuralStrength()
     ICalcLog log = new  CalcLog();
     SectionRectangular Section = new SectionRectangular(0.5, 8);
     ISteelMaterial Material = new SteelMaterial(50);
     AffectedElementInFlexure element = new AffectedElementInFlexure(Section, Material, log);
     double phiM_n = element.GetFlexuralStrength();
     Assert.AreEqual(360.0, phiM_n);
예제 #4
        public void RectangleShapeReturnsYieldStrength()

            FlexuralMemberFactory factory = new FlexuralMemberFactory();
            SectionRectangular r = new SectionRectangular(0.5, 12.0);

            SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(50.0, 29000);
            ISteelBeamFlexure beam12 = factory.GetBeam(r, mat, null, MomentAxis.XAxis, FlexuralCompressionFiberPosition.Top);

            SteelLimitStateValue Y =
            double phiM_n = Y.Value;
            double refValue = 67.5; 
            double actualTolerance = EvaluateActualTolerance(phiM_n, refValue);

            Assert.LessOrEqual(actualTolerance, tolerance);
        public void HssRhsConcentratedForceThroughPlateReturnsValue()
            SectionTube ch = new SectionTube(null, 8, 8, 0.25,0.93*0.25,1.5*0.25);
            SteelMaterial matE = new SteelMaterial(46.0);
            SteelRhsSection Element = new SteelRhsSection(ch, matE);

            SectionRectangular rec = new SectionRectangular(0.25,8.0);
            SteelMaterial matR = new SteelMaterial(36.0);
            SteelPlateSection pl = new SteelPlateSection(rec,matR);

            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();

            RhsLongitudinalThroughPlate concForceConnection = new RhsLongitudinalThroughPlate(Element, pl, log, false,45.0, 148.0, 0.0);
            double phiR_n = concForceConnection.GetHssWallPlastificationStrengthUnderAxialLoad().Value;

            double refValueSec = 46.2;
            double actualToleranceSec = EvaluateActualTolerance(phiR_n, refValueSec);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(actualToleranceSec, tolerance);
 public CrossSectionRectangularShape(IConcreteMaterial Material, string Name, double Width, double Height )
     this.material = Material;
     shape = new SectionRectangular(Name, Width, Height, new Point2D(0,0));
        public static Dictionary<string, object> HssToTransversePlateLocalPunchingStrengthOfPlate(CustomProfile HssSection,CustomProfile PlateSection,
            double theta, string HssTransversePlateType, double F_y, double F_yp, bool IsTensionHss, double P_uHss, double M_uHss)
            //Default values
            double phiR_n = 0;
            bool IsApplicableLimitState = false;

            //Calculation logic:
            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();
            SteelLimitStateValue limitState = null;


            SteelPlateSection pl = null;

            if (!(PlateSection.Section is ISectionRectangular))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                ISectionRectangular rect = PlateSection.Section as ISectionRectangular;
                double t_pl, b_pl = 0.0;
                WosadSection.SectionRectangular rSect;
                if (rect.B <= rect.H)
                    rSect = new WosadSection.SectionRectangular(rect.B, rect.H);
                    rSect = new WosadSection.SectionRectangular(rect.H, rect.B);
                pl = new SteelPlateSection(rSect, mat);


            TransversePlateType transvPlateType;
            bool IsValidTransvPlate = Enum.TryParse(HssTransversePlateType, true, out transvPlateType);
            if (IsValidTransvPlate == false)
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert string. Transverse plate type must be TConnection or XConnection. Please check input");


            if (!(HssSection.Section is ISectionHollow))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                if (HssSection.Section is ISectionPipe)
                    SteelChsSection sec = new SteelChsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionPipe, mat);
                    ChsTransversePlate transversePlateChs = new ChsTransversePlate(sec, pl, log, IsTensionHss, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                    limitState = transversePlateChs.GetLocalPunchingStrengthOfPlate();
                    phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                    IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;

                else if (HssSection.Section is ISectionTube)
                    SteelRhsSection sec = new SteelRhsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionTube, mat);
                    RhsTransversePlate transversePlateRhs = new RhsTransversePlate(sec, pl, log, IsTensionHss, transvPlateType, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                    limitState = transversePlateRhs.GetLocalPunchingStrengthOfPlate();
                    phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                    IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;

                    throw new Exception("Unsupported type of hollow section. Please use Tube or Pipe.");

            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "phiR_n", phiR_n }
,{ "IsApplicableLimitState", IsApplicableLimitState }
        public static Dictionary<string, object> HssToLongitudinalPlateMaximumPlateThicknessForShear(CustomProfile HssSection,CustomProfile PlateSection,
            double F_y,double F_yp,bool IsTensionHss,double P_uHss,double M_uHss)
            //Default values
            double t_max = 0;

            //Calculation logic:
            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();
            SteelLimitStateValue limitState = null;


            SteelPlateSection pl = null;

            if (!(PlateSection.Section is ISectionRectangular))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                ISectionRectangular rect = PlateSection.Section as ISectionRectangular;
                double t_pl, b_pl = 0.0;
                SectionRectangular rSect;
                if (rect.B <= rect.H)
                    rSect = new SectionRectangular(rect.B, rect.H);
                    rSect = new SectionRectangular(rect.H, rect.B);
                pl = new SteelPlateSection(rSect, mat);



            if (!(HssSection.Section is ISectionHollow))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                if (HssSection.Section is ISectionPipe)
                    SteelChsSection sec = new SteelChsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionPipe, mat);
                    ChsLongitudinalPlate longitudinalPlateChs = new ChsLongitudinalPlate(sec, pl, log, IsTensionHss,90.0, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                    //limitState = longitudinalPlateChs.ge
                    //phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                    //IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;
                    t_max = longitudinalPlateChs.GetHssMaximumPlateThicknessForShearLoad().Value;

                else if (HssSection.Section is ISectionTube)
                    SteelRhsSection sec = new SteelRhsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionTube, mat);
                    RhsLongitudinalPlate longitudinalPlateRhs = new RhsLongitudinalPlate(sec, pl, log, IsTensionHss,90.0, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                    //limitState = longitudinalPlateRhs.GetHssYieldingOrCrippling();
                    //phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                    //IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;
                    t_max = longitudinalPlateRhs.GetHssMaximumPlateThicknessForShearLoad().Value;
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported type of hollow section. Please use Tube or Pipe.");

            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "t_max", t_max }
        public List<IMoveableSection> GetTransformedRebarShapes(double YMax, double YMin)

            List<IMoveableSection> barSections = new List<IMoveableSection>();
            double E_c = this.Section.Material.ModulusOfElasticity;
            double E_s = 29000000.0; //Steel modulus of elasticity
            double n = E_s / E_c;

            List<RebarPoint> filteredBars = LongitudinalBars.Where
                b => 
                        b.Coordinate.Y >= YMin && b.Coordinate.Y <=YMax

            foreach (RebarPoint rbrPnt in filteredBars)

                double A_bar = rbrPnt.Rebar.Area*n;
                double d_bar = rbrPnt.Rebar.Diameter;
                if (d_bar == 0)
                    d_bar = (YMax - YMin) / 100.0;
                Point2D thisCentroid = new Point2D(rbrPnt.Coordinate.X, rbrPnt.Coordinate.Y);

                SectionRectangular rect = new SectionRectangular(null, A_bar / d_bar, d_bar, thisCentroid);
                //rect.Centroid = new Point2D(rbrPnt.Coordinate.X, rbrPnt.Coordinate.Y);

            return barSections;
        //public override ISection Clone()
        //    throw new NotImplementedException();

        public ISliceableSection GetSliceableShape()
            SectionRectangular r = new SectionRectangular(this.B, this.H);
            return r;
        public static Dictionary<string, object> HssToLongitudinalPlateWallPlastification(CustomProfile HssSection,CustomProfile PlateSection,
            double F_y,double F_yp, double P_uHss,  double M_uHss,double theta=90.0, bool IsTensionHss=false, bool IsThroughPlate=false)
            //Default values
            double phiR_n = 0;
            bool IsApplicableLimitState = false;

            //Calculation logic:
            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();
            SteelLimitStateValue limitState = null;


            SteelPlateSection pl = null;

            if (!(PlateSection.Section is ISectionRectangular))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                ISectionRectangular rect = PlateSection.Section as ISectionRectangular;
                double t_pl, b_pl = 0.0;
                WosadSection.SectionRectangular rSect;
                if (rect.B <= rect.H)
                    rSect = new WosadSection.SectionRectangular(rect.B, rect.H);
                    rSect = new WosadSection.SectionRectangular(rect.H, rect.B);
                pl = new SteelPlateSection(rSect, mat);



            if (!(HssSection.Section is ISectionHollow))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                if (HssSection.Section is ISectionPipe)
                    SteelChsSection sec = new SteelChsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionPipe, mat);
                    ChsLongitudinalPlate longitudinalPlateChs = new ChsLongitudinalPlate(sec, pl, log, IsTensionHss,theta, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                    limitState = longitudinalPlateChs.GetHssWallPlastificationStrengthUnderAxialLoad();
                    if (IsThroughPlate == false)
                        phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                        phiR_n = 2.0* limitState.Value; //analogous to Rectangular HSS provsions
                    IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;

                else if (HssSection.Section is ISectionTube)
                    SteelRhsSection sec = new SteelRhsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionTube, mat);
                    if (IsThroughPlate == false)
                        RhsLongitudinalPlate longitudinalPlateRhs = new RhsLongitudinalPlate(sec, pl,  log, IsTensionHss,theta, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                        limitState = longitudinalPlateRhs.GetHssWallPlastificationStrengthUnderAxialLoad();
                        phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                        IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;  
                        RhsLongitudinalThroughPlate longitudinalPlateRhs = new RhsLongitudinalThroughPlate(sec, pl, log, IsTensionHss,theta, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                        limitState = longitudinalPlateRhs.GetHssWallPlastificationStrengthUnderAxialLoad();
                        phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                        IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported type of hollow section. Please use Tube or Pipe.");

            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "phiR_n", phiR_n }
,{ "IsApplicableLimitState", IsApplicableLimitState }
예제 #12
 public void SectionRectangleReturnsCentroid()
     SectionRectangular sr = new SectionRectangular(3, 2);
     sr.Centroid = new Mathematics.Point2D(0, 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(3, sr.GetElasticCentroidCoordinate().Y);
예제 #13
 private void GetCopeSection()
     _rectangle = new SectionRectangular(this.Section.t_w, this.h_o);
예제 #14
 internal SectionRectangular(double b, double h)
     ISection  r = new ds.SectionRectangular("", b, h, new dm.Point2D(0, 0));
     Section = r;
        public static Dictionary<string, object> HssCapPlateLocalYieldingOrCripplingOfHss(CustomProfile HssSection,CustomProfile PlateSection,double t_pCap,double F_y,double F_yp,bool IsTensionHss,double P_uHss,double M_uHss)
            //Default values
            double phiR_n = 0;
            bool IsApplicableLimitState = false;

            //Calculation logic:
            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();
            SteelLimitStateValue limitState = null;


            SteelPlateSection pl = null;

            if (!(PlateSection.Section is ISectionRectangular))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                ISectionRectangular rect = PlateSection.Section as ISectionRectangular;
                double t_pl, b_pl = 0.0;
                SectionRectangular rSect;
                if (rect.B<=rect.H)
                    rSect = new SectionRectangular(rect.B, rect.H);
                    rSect = new SectionRectangular(rect.H, rect.B);
                pl = new SteelPlateSection(rSect, mat);



            if (!(HssSection.Section is ISectionHollow))
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert section. Section needs to be either a Pipe or a Tube. Please check input.");
                SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(F_y);
                if (HssSection.Section is ISectionPipe)
                    SteelChsSection sec = new SteelChsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionPipe, mat);
                    ChsCapPlate capRhs = new ChsCapPlate(sec, pl, t_pCap, log, IsTensionHss, P_uHss, M_uHss);

                    limitState = capRhs.GetHssYieldingOrCrippling();
                    phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                    IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;

                else if (HssSection.Section is ISectionTube)
                    SteelRhsSection sec = new SteelRhsSection(HssSection.Section as ISectionTube, mat);
                    RhsCapPlate capRhs = new RhsCapPlate(sec, pl, t_pCap, log, IsTensionHss, P_uHss, M_uHss);
                    limitState = capRhs.GetHssYieldingOrCrippling();
                    phiR_n = limitState.Value;
                    IsApplicableLimitState = limitState.IsApplicable;
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported type of hollow section. Please use Tube or Pipe.");

            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "phiR_n", phiR_n }
                ,{ "IsApplicableLimitState", IsApplicableLimitState }
예제 #16
        public void ExtendedPlateBucklingFlexuralStrength()
            double phiR_n;
            double h_o = 9.0;
            double t_w = 0.5;
            SectionRectangular r = new SectionRectangular(t_w, h_o);
            SteelMaterial mat = new SteelMaterial(36);
            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();

            AffectedElementInFlexure flexuralElement = new AffectedElementInFlexure(r, mat, log);
            double lambda = flexuralElement.GetLambda(10);
            double refValue = 0.408;

            double actualTolerance = EvaluateActualTolerance(lambda, refValue);

            Assert.LessOrEqual(actualTolerance, tolerance);

 private CompoundShape GetRectangularShape()
     SectionRectangular rect = new SectionRectangular(12, 12);
     return rect;
 public AffectedElementInCompression(double F_y, double b,double t)
     SteelMaterial material = new SteelMaterial(F_y, double.PositiveInfinity, SteelConstants.ModulusOfElasticity, SteelConstants.ShearModulus);
     SectionRectangular section = new SectionRectangular(b,t);
     Section = new SteelPlateSection(section, material);