예제 #1
        private static void CollectRoutesFromDfa(KeyValuePair <char, string> entry, char symbol, Automaat <string> source,
                                                 ref Dictionary <char, string> newMergedState)
            string[] states = entry.Value.Split('_');
            foreach (string state in states)
                List <Transition <string> > trans = source.GetTransition(state);

                foreach (Transition <string> t in trans)
                    if (t.Symbol == symbol)
                        if (!newMergedState.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                            newMergedState.Add(entry.Key, t.ToState + "_");
                            newMergedState[entry.Key] = newMergedState[entry.Key] + t.ToState + "_";
                ///TEST THIS
                if (newMergedState.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    newMergedState[entry.Key] = newMergedState[entry.Key].TrimEnd('_');
예제 #2
        private static int CheckAvailableRoutes(string[] states, char symbol, Automaat <string> ndfa)
            //array which shows how many possible routes there are for each sub-state
            int[] possibleRoutesPerState = new int[states.Length];
            //// value that shows the amount of routes the ndfa has for all the substates combined.
            int correctAmountOfRoutes = 0;

            //reads ndfa for possible routes, saves maximum amount of accessible routes to correctAmountOfRoutes
            foreach (string state in states)
                if (ndfa.GetTransition(state).Count(transition => transition.Symbol == symbol) > correctAmountOfRoutes)
                    correctAmountOfRoutes = ndfa.GetTransition(state).Count(transition => transition.Symbol == symbol);
예제 #3
        private static void contains(DfaGenerateValue param, ref Automaat <string> dfa)
            char[] chars        = param.Parameter.ToCharArray();
            int    stateCounter = 0;

            foreach (char c in chars)
                dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(stateCounter.ToString(), c,
                                                          (stateCounter + 1).ToString()));

                stateCounter = dfa.States.Count - 1;


            //Hardcopy states
            List <string> ogStates = new List <string>();

            foreach (string state in dfa.States)

            for (int i = 0; i < ogStates.Count; i++)
                string state = ogStates[i];

                List <Transition <string> > trans = dfa.GetTransition(state);

                SortedSet <char> routesPresent = new SortedSet <char>();
                foreach (Transition <string> t in trans)

                foreach (char letter in dfa.Symbols)
                    if (!routesPresent.Contains(letter) && !dfa.FinalStates.Contains(state))
                        int stateToReturnTo = backTrackForWorkingRoute(chars, letter);

                        dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(state, letter, ogStates[stateToReturnTo]));

            foreach (char c in dfa.Symbols)
                foreach (string finalstate in dfa.FinalStates)
                    dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(stateCounter.ToString(), c, stateCounter.ToString()));
예제 #4
        private static void beginsWith(DfaGenerateValue param, ref Automaat <string> dfa)
            char[] chars        = param.Parameter.ToCharArray();
            int    stateCounter = 0;

            foreach (char c in chars)
                dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(stateCounter.ToString(), c,
                                                          (stateCounter + 1).ToString()));

                stateCounter = dfa.States.Count - 1;

            foreach (char c in dfa.Symbols)
                dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(stateCounter.ToString(), c, stateCounter.ToString()));

            //Hardcopy states
            SortedSet <string> ogStates = new SortedSet <string>();

            foreach (string state in dfa.States)

            foreach (string state in ogStates)
                List <Transition <string> > trans = dfa.GetTransition(state);

                SortedSet <char> routesPresent = new SortedSet <char>();
                foreach (Transition <string> t in trans)

                foreach (char letter in dfa.Symbols)
                    if (!routesPresent.Contains(letter))
                        dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(state, letter, "F"));

            if (dfa.States.Contains("F"))
                foreach (char letter in dfa.Symbols)
                    dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>("F", letter, "F"));
예제 #5
        public static Automaat <string> MinimizeDfa(Automaat <string> automaat)
            SortedSet <Partition> partitions = new SortedSet <Partition>();
            Partition             nonFinals  = new Partition('A');
            Partition             finals     = new Partition('B');

            // Setup first step of minimalisation (ready given Automaat for the recursion method
            SortedSet <string> states = automaat.States;

            foreach (string state in states)
                List <Transition <string> > trans = automaat.GetTransition(state);
                Row row = new Row();
                foreach (Transition <string> t in trans)
                    row.AddRoute(t.Symbol, t.ToState);

                if (automaat.FinalStates.Contains(state))
                    finals.AddRow(state, row);
                    nonFinals.AddRow(state, row);


            // Enter minimizing recursion
            partitions = MinimizePartitions(partitions);

            // Define start and final states
            foreach (Partition p in partitions)
                foreach (string finalState in automaat.FinalStates)
                    if (p.ContainsState(finalState))
                        p.IsFinal = true;
                foreach (string startState in automaat.StartStates)
                    if (p.ContainsState(startState))
                        p.IsStart = true;

            return(RetrieveDfaFromPartitions(partitions, automaat.Symbols));
예제 #6
        private static void ConvertState(string currentState, ref Automaat <string> dfa, ref Automaat <string> ndfa)
            //If this state is already completely processed, return to avoid stackoverflow exception
            if (dfa.GetTransition(currentState).Count == ndfa.Symbols.Count)

            //split given state for comparison
            string[] states = currentState.Split('_');

            //Loop through all symbols aka all the necessary routes
            foreach (char symbol in ndfa.Symbols)
                //checks if this symbol already has a route in the new DFA
                if (CheckExistingRouteForChar(currentState, symbol, dfa))

                int correctAmountOfRoutes = CheckAvailableRoutes(states, symbol, ndfa);

                //the TOSTATE of the to be added implementation
                string toState = "";
                if (correctAmountOfRoutes == 0)
                    dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(currentState, symbol, "F"));
                    bool isFinalState = GenerateToState(ref toState, states, symbol, ndfa);

                    dfa.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(currentState, symbol, toState));

                    //Checks if currentState is should be final aswell (could be done better)
                    if (ndfa.FinalStates.Contains(currentState))

                    if (isFinalState)

                    //checks if its not a loop to itself
                    if (currentState != toState)
                        ConvertState(toState, ref dfa, ref ndfa);
예제 #7
        private static bool CheckExistingRouteForChar(string currentState, char symbol, Automaat <string> dfa)
            List <Transition <string> > currentTrans = dfa.GetTransition(currentState);

            foreach (Transition <string> t in currentTrans)
                if (t.Symbol == symbol)
예제 #8
        //Fills toState string with correct TOSTATE, returns true or false whether or not this new TOSTATE should be a final state
        private static bool GenerateToState(ref string toState, string[] states, char symbol, Automaat <string> ndfa)
            //boolean that will save whether this new TOSTATE needs to be a finalstate
            bool isFinalState = false;
            //Set of all the substates that need to be combined. this set does also include all states reached through epsilon routes
            SortedSet <string> newStates = new SortedSet <string>();

            //Loop through all the substates
            foreach (string state in states)
                //ndfa transitions for state
                List <Transition <string> > trans = ndfa.GetTransition(state);

                //This loop goes through all the aforementioned transitions
                //to see if there are routes with the correct symbol that need to be added to the new TOSTATE
                foreach (Transition <string> t in trans)
                    if (t.Symbol == symbol)
                        RetrieveEpsilonIncludedState(t.ToState, ndfa, ref newStates);

                        //DEPRECATED, does not work if finalstate is reached through epsilon routes
                        //Check if this state is final, if one of the substates for the new TOSTATE is final, TOSTATE becomes final as a whole.
                        //if (ndfa.FinalStates.Contains(t.ToState))
                        //    isFinalState = true;

            //combines substates into one string (TOSTATE)
            foreach (string subState in newStates)
                toState += subState + "_";
                if (ndfa.FinalStates.Contains(subState))
                    isFinalState = true;
            toState = toState.TrimEnd('_');
예제 #9
        private static void RetrieveEpsilonIncludedState(string state, Automaat <string> auto,
                                                         ref SortedSet <string> subStateList)
            //Add given state to the given substatelist

            //retrieve the list of transitions from the given state
            List <Transition <string> > trans = auto.GetTransition(state);

            //Loop through all the transitions in search of epsilon routes. If a epsilon route is found that is not yet included in the list the route and its subsequent epsilon routes-
            //Will be added to substatelist through recursion.
            foreach (Transition <string> t in trans)
                if (t.Symbol == '$' && !subStateList.Contains(t.ToState))
                    RetrieveEpsilonIncludedState(t.ToState, auto, ref subStateList);
            /////Handy should we ever need to remove duplicates from an array without the use of sortedset<>
            //string[] individualSubStates = (completeState.Split('_')).Distinct().ToArray();
예제 #10
        private static void AddMergedState(Dictionary <char, string> prevMergedState, ref Automaat <string> merged, Automaat <string> dfaA, Automaat <string> dfaB, MergeType type)
            // string[] states = prevMergedState.Split('_');
            // Add prev
            int    countFinal = 0;
            int    countStart = 0;
            string completePrevMergedState = "";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <char, string> entry in prevMergedState)
                completePrevMergedState += entry.Value + "_";

                if (entry.Key == 'A')
                    if (dfaA.FinalStates.Contains(entry.Value))
                    if (dfaA.StartStates.Contains(entry.Value))

                else if (entry.Key == 'B')
                    if (dfaB.FinalStates.Contains(entry.Value))
                    if (dfaB.StartStates.Contains(entry.Value))

            completePrevMergedState = completePrevMergedState.TrimEnd('_');

            if (type == MergeType.Union && countFinal == prevMergedState.Count)
            else if (type == MergeType.Concatenation && countFinal >= 1)

            if (type == MergeType.Union && countStart == prevMergedState.Count)
            else if (type == MergeType.Concatenation && countStart >= 1)

            if (merged.GetTransition(completePrevMergedState).Count == merged.Symbols.Count)

            foreach (char symbol in merged.Symbols)
                Dictionary <char, string> newMergedState = new Dictionary <char, string>();
                // This could break though
                if (CheckExistingRouteForChar(completePrevMergedState, symbol, merged))

                foreach (KeyValuePair <char, string> entry in prevMergedState)
                    if (entry.Key == 'A')
                        CollectRoutesFromDfa(entry, symbol, dfaA, ref newMergedState);
                    else if (entry.Key == 'B')
                        CollectRoutesFromDfa(entry, symbol, dfaB, ref newMergedState);

                string completeNewMergedState = "";
                foreach (KeyValuePair <char, string> entry in newMergedState)
                    completeNewMergedState += entry.Value + "_";
                completeNewMergedState = completeNewMergedState.TrimEnd('_');
                merged.AddTransition(new Transition <string>(completePrevMergedState, symbol, completeNewMergedState));

                AddMergedState(newMergedState, ref merged, dfaA, dfaB, type);