private void EndCurrentPaint() { switch (paintTool) { case PaintTools.Pencil: case PaintTools.FlatPencil: case PaintTools.ConvexHull: { // Bake line renderer into a mesh so we can raycast on it if (currentPaint != null) { TranslatePaintToItsCenter(); GameObject paintObject = SceneManager.InstantiateUnityPrefab(currentPaint); GameObject.Destroy(currentPaint.transform.parent.gameObject); currentPaint = null; CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(paintObject); command.Submit(); GameObject paintInstance = command.newObject; PaintController controller = paintInstance.GetComponent <PaintController>(); controller.color = GlobalState.CurrentColor; controller.controlPoints = freeDraw.controlPoints; controller.controlPointsRadius = freeDraw.controlPointsRadius; } break; } case PaintTools.Volume: { if (currentVolume != null) { if (volumeEditionMode == VolumeEditionMode.Create) { GameObject volumeObject = SceneManager.InstantiateUnityPrefab(currentVolume); GameObject.Destroy(currentVolume.transform.parent.gameObject); currentVolume = null; CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(volumeObject); command.Submit(); GameObject volumeInstance = command.newObject; VolumeController controller = volumeInstance.GetComponent <VolumeController>(); controller.color = GlobalState.CurrentColor; controller.origin = volumeGenerator.origin; controller.bounds = volumeGenerator.bounds; controller.field = volumeGenerator.field; controller.resolution = volumeGenerator.resolution; controller.stepSize = volumeGenerator.stepSize; } else // EDIT { // TODO: send an update mesh command. Which is it??? } } } break; } }
private void AddObject(GameObject gobject) { if (!items.TryGetValue(selectedItem, out AssetBankItem item)) { Debug.LogWarning($"Item {} not found in Asset Bank (id: {selectedItem})"); return; } // Get the position of the mouthpiece into matrix Matrix4x4 matrix = SceneManager.RightHanded.worldToLocalMatrix * mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 t, out _, out _); Vector3 scale =; CommandGroup group = new CommandGroup("Instantiate Bank Object"); try { // Add the object to scene ClearSelection(); CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(gobject); command.Submit(); GameObject newObject = command.newObject; if (item.imported) { ParametersController controller = newObject.GetComponent <ParametersController>(); if (null == controller) { controller = newObject.AddComponent <ParametersController>(); controller.isImported = true; controller.importPath = item.assetName; } } // Set the object size to 20cm in the user space Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); foreach (var subMeshFilter in newObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>()) { if (!useDefaultInstantiationScale) { bounds.Encapsulate(subMeshFilter.mesh.bounds); } } if (bounds.size.magnitude > 0) { scale *= (0.2f / bounds.size.magnitude) / GlobalState.WorldScale; // 0.2: 20cm } AddToSelection(newObject); SceneManager.SetObjectMatrix(newObject, Matrix4x4.TRS(t, Quaternion.identity, scale)); Selection.HoveredObject = newObject; } finally { group.Submit(); } }
private void StopPainting() { if (grass == null) { return; } // Unparent from RIGHT_HANDED so that CommandAddGameObject can RE-ADD. grass.transform.SetParent(null, false); CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(grass.gameObject); command.Submit(); grass = null; uiActiveButton.Checked = false; // may be useless, StopPainting come from clicking on that button. }
public void CreateLight(string lightType) { GameObject light = null; switch (lightType) { case "Sun": light = ResourceManager.GetPrefab(PrefabID.SunLight); break; case "Spot": light = ResourceManager.GetPrefab(PrefabID.SpotLight); break; case "Point": light = ResourceManager.GetPrefab(PrefabID.PointLight); break; } if (light) { Matrix4x4 matrix = parentContainer.worldToLocalMatrix * mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(10f, 10f, 10f)); GameObject instance = SceneManager.InstantiateUnityPrefab(light); Vector3 position = matrix.GetColumn(3); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.forward) * Quaternion.LookRotation(matrix.GetColumn(2), matrix.GetColumn(1)); Vector3 scale = new Vector3(matrix.GetColumn(0).magnitude, matrix.GetColumn(1).magnitude, matrix.GetColumn(2).magnitude); CommandGroup undoGroup = new CommandGroup("Instantiate Light"); try { ClearSelection(); CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(instance); command.Submit(); instance = command.newObject; AddToSelection(instance); SceneManager.SetObjectTransform(instance, position, rotation, scale); Selection.HoveredObject = instance; } finally { undoGroup.Submit(); } } }
protected override void DoUpdateGui() { VRInput.ButtonEvent(VRInput.primaryController, CommonUsages.gripButton, () => { if (UIObject) { Matrix4x4 matrix = cameraContainer.worldToLocalMatrix * mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(5f, 5f, 5f)); GameObject cameraPrefab = ResourceManager.GetPrefab(PrefabID.Camera); GameObject instance = SceneManager.InstantiateUnityPrefab(cameraPrefab); Vector3 position = matrix.GetColumn(3); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.forward) * Quaternion.LookRotation(matrix.GetColumn(2), matrix.GetColumn(1)); Vector3 scale = new Vector3(matrix.GetColumn(0).magnitude, matrix.GetColumn(1).magnitude, matrix.GetColumn(2).magnitude); CommandGroup undoGroup = new CommandGroup("Instantiate Camera"); try { ClearSelection(); CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(instance); command.Submit(); GameObject newCamera = command.newObject; AddToSelection(newCamera); SceneManager.SetObjectTransform(instance, position, rotation, scale); Selection.HoveredObject = newCamera; } finally { undoGroup.Submit(); UIObject = null; } } OnStartGrip(); }, () => { OnEndGrip(); }); // called to update focal slider value UpdateUI(); }