public void Controller_Updater_UpdaterUpdate()
     /* updater requires update, exception generated. User should have started main application first. */
     FakeOperations operations = new FakeOperations(false, true);
     Upgrader.Program._operations = operations;
 public void Controller_Updater_UpdateBoth()
     /* updater requires update, exception generated. User should have started main application first. */
     FakeOperations operations = new FakeOperations(true, true);
     Upgrader.Program._operations = operations;
     operations.AssertCodingSequence(FakeOperations.UPDATE_APP, FakeOperations.LAUNCH_APP);
 public void Controller_Updater_HappyPath()
     /* happy path, both Updater and App do not require update. Application launched.*/
     FakeOperations operations = new FakeOperations(false, false);
     Upgrader.Program._operations = operations;
 public void Controller_Updater_AppUpdate()
     /* application requires update. it get updated and then launched*/
     FakeOperations operations = new FakeOperations(true, false);
     Upgrader.Program._operations = operations;
     operations.AssertCodingSequence(FakeOperations.UPDATE_APP, FakeOperations.LAUNCH_APP);
 public void Application_Controller_HappyPath()
     /* happy path, both Updater and App do not require update. Nothing happens, App restart is not required.*/
     FakeOperations operations = new FakeOperations(false, false);
     Upgrader.Program._operations = operations;
     bool restart = Upgrader.Program.IsApplicationRestart_Inner(null);
     Assert.AreEqual(false, restart);
 public void Application_Controller_Both_ThroughUpdater()
     /* Both updater and application require update, since application was started through UPADTER, - exception happened. User should have started main application.*/
     FakeOperations operations = new FakeOperations(true, true);
     Upgrader.Program._operations = operations;
     bool restart = Upgrader.Program.IsApplicationRestart_Inner(UPDATER_ARGS);
     Assert.AreEqual(false, restart);
 public void Application_Controller_Both()
     /* Both updater and application require update, since application was started first, we update updater, launch it to update application and quit. */
     FakeOperations operations = new FakeOperations(true, true);
     Upgrader.Program._operations = operations;
     bool restart = Upgrader.Program.IsApplicationRestart_Inner(null);
     operations.AssertCodingSequence(FakeOperations.UPDATE_UPDATER, FakeOperations.LAUNCH_UPDATER);
     Assert.AreEqual(true, restart);