public static unsafe void GetJobRange(ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex, out int beginIndex, out int endIndex)
            int *startEndIndices = (int *)ranges.StartEndIndex;

            beginIndex = startEndIndices[jobIndex * 2];
            endIndex   = startEndIndices[jobIndex * 2 + 1];
예제 #2
        public unsafe static void GetJobRange(ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex, out int beginIndex, out int endIndex)
            int *ptr = (int *)((void *)ranges.StartEndIndex);

            beginIndex = ptr[jobIndex * 2];
            endIndex   = ptr[jobIndex * 2 + 1];
예제 #3
        // TODO: Currently, the actual work stealing code sits in (big) Unity's native code w/ some dependencies
        //     For now, let's simply split the work for each thread over the number of job threads
        public static bool GetWorkStealingRange(ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex, out int begin, out int end)
            // IndicesPerPhase is used as a "done" flag.
            bool done = ranges.IndicesPerPhase == 0;
            begin = 0;
            end   = ranges.ArrayLength;
            ranges.IndicesPerPhase = 0;
            begin = jobIndex * ranges.IndicesPerPhase;
            end   = Math.Min(begin + ranges.IndicesPerPhase, ranges.ArrayLength);
            ranges.IndicesPerPhase = 0;
            return(begin < end);
예제 #4
        // TODO: Currently, the actual work stealing code sits in (big) Unity's native code w/ some dependencies
        // This is implemented trying to use the same code pattern:
        //        while (true)
        //        {
        //            if (!JobsUtility.GetWorkStealingRange(ref ranges, jobIndex, out int begin, out int end))
        //                break;
        public static bool GetWorkStealingRange(ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex, out int begin, out int end)
            if (ranges.State == WorkStealingState.Done)
                begin = 0;
                end   = 0;

            if (ranges.runOnMainThread > 0)
            // There's only one thread, and the IndicesPerPhase don't have much meaning.
            // Do everything in one block of work.
            begin        = 0;
            end          = ranges.ArrayLength;
            ranges.State = WorkStealingState.Done;
            return(end > begin);


        // Divide the work equally.
        // TODO improve by accounting for the indices per phase.
        int nWorker = JobWorkerCount > 0 ? JobWorkerCount : 1;
        begin = jobIndex * ranges.ArrayLength / nWorker;
        end   = (jobIndex + 1) * ranges.ArrayLength / nWorker;

        if (end > ranges.ArrayLength)
            end = ranges.ArrayLength;
        if (jobIndex == nWorker - 1)
            end = ranges.ArrayLength;

        ranges.State = WorkStealingState.Done;
        return(end > begin);
 public static extern bool GetWorkStealingRange(ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex, out int beginIndex, out int endIndex);
예제 #6
 static extern unsafe void invoke_managed_job_execute_function(IntPtr functionPointer, void *payLoad, IntPtr additionalPtr, IntPtr bufferRangePatchData, ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex);
예제 #7
 public static bool GetWorkStealingRange(ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex, out int begin, out int end) => throw new NotImplementedException();