private void getInitialTweets()
            // this method mainly exists as the entry point for initially setting newestID and oldestID

            ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();

            IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> tweets = service.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options);

            if (tweets == null)
                gotInitialTweets = true;

                newestID = tweets.First().Id;
                oldestID = tweets.Last().Id;

                foreach (var tweet in tweets)
                    incomingTweetsTextBox.Text += buildTweetString(tweet);

                appStatusLabel.Text = "OK";
예제 #2
        public JsonResult GetHomeTweetsSince(string userName, string Nick, long id)
            var twitterSecret = new Social_media_access.Models.TwitterSecretData(userName, Nick);
            var service       = new TweetSharp.TwitterService(twitterSecret._OAuthConsumerKey, twitterSecret._OAuthConsumerSecret);

            service.AuthenticateWith(twitterSecret._OAuthAccessToken, twitterSecret._OAuthAccessTokenSecret);
            var _ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions = new TweetSharp.ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();

            _ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions.Count   = 11;
            _ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions.SinceId = id;
            var tweets = service.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(_ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions);

            return(Json(tweets, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #3
        static public List <TwitterItem> getTimeline(TwitterService service, AccountTwitter account, DoWorkEventArgs e, decimal minimumId)
            IEnumerable <TwitterStatus> tweets;
            List <TwitterItem>          allTweets = new List <TwitterItem>();

                ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options = new TweetSharp.ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
                options.Count = Properties.Settings.Default.TwitterItemsFetchInPast;

                if (minimumId >= 0)
                    options.SinceId = Convert.ToInt64(minimumId);
                IAsyncResult result = service.BeginListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options);
                tweets = service.EndListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(result);

                foreach (TwitterStatus status in tweets)
                    if (e != null)
                        if (e.Cancel)
                            AppController.Current.Logger.writeToLogfile("Cancel received for timeline");
                    allTweets.Add(API.TweetSharpConverter.getItemFromStatus(status, account));
            catch (Exception exp)
                AppController.Current.sendNotification("ERROR", exp.Message, exp.StackTrace, "", null);
		public virtual void ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options, Action<IEnumerable<TwitterStatus>, TwitterResponse> action)
			var count = options.Count;
			var since_id = options.SinceId;
			var max_id = options.MaxId;
			var trim_user = options.TrimUser;
			var exclude_replies = options.ExcludeReplies;
			var contributor_details = options.ContributorDetails;
			var include_entities = options.IncludeEntities;
			WithHammock(action, "statuses/home_timeline", FormatAsString, "?count=", count, "&since_id=", since_id, "&max_id=", max_id, "&trim_user="******"&exclude_replies=", exclude_replies, "&contributor_details=", contributor_details, "&include_entities=", include_entities);
		public virtual IAsyncResult BeginListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options)
			var count = options.Count;
			var since_id = options.SinceId;
			var max_id = options.MaxId;
			var trim_user = options.TrimUser;
			var exclude_replies = options.ExcludeReplies;
			var contributor_details = options.ContributorDetails;
			var include_entities = options.IncludeEntities;

			return BeginWithHammock<IEnumerable<TwitterStatus>>(WebMethod.Get, "statuses/home_timeline", FormatAsString, "?count=", count, "&since_id=", since_id, "&max_id=", max_id, "&trim_user="******"&exclude_replies=", exclude_replies, "&contributor_details=", contributor_details, "&include_entities=", include_entities);
		public virtual Task<TwitterResponse<IEnumerable<TwitterStatus>>> ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineAsync(ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options)
			var count = options.Count;
			var since_id = options.SinceId;
			var max_id = options.MaxId;
			var trim_user = options.TrimUser;
			var exclude_replies = options.ExcludeReplies;
			var contributor_details = options.ContributorDetails;
			var include_entities = options.IncludeEntities;
			return ExecuteRequest<IEnumerable<TwitterStatus>>("statuses/home_timeline", FormatAsString, "?count=", count, "&since_id=", since_id, "&max_id=", max_id, "&trim_user="******"&exclude_replies=", exclude_replies, "&contributor_details=", contributor_details, "&include_entities=", include_entities);
예제 #7
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: JuliJT/social-pipe
        public void listTimeLineTweets()

            if (!_alreadyRegister)
                // Step 3 - Exchange the Request Token for an Access Token
                string verifier = textBox1.Text; // <-- This is input into your application by your user
                var access = _twitterService.GetAccessToken(_requestToken, verifier);
                // Step 4 - User authenticates using the Access Token
                _twitterService.AuthenticateWith(access.Token, access.TokenSecret);
                _alreadyRegister = true;

            var options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
            options.Count = 200;
            // Step 5 - get Tweets
            var tweets = _twitterService.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options);

            if (tweets == null)

            foreach (var tweet in tweets)

                    var values = new[]
                                         tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text, tweet.RetweetCount.ToString(),
                    var lvItem = new ListViewItem(values);
                    listView1.Items.Insert(listView1.Items.Count, lvItem);
                //Console.WriteLine("{0} says '{1}'", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text);
            //IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> mentions = service.ListTweetsMentioningMe();
예제 #8
        private void twitterToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TwitterClientInfo twitterClientInfo = new TwitterClientInfo();
            twitterClientInfo.ConsumerKey = consumerKey; //Read ConsumerKey out of the app.config
            twitterClientInfo.ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret; //Read the ConsumerSecret out the app.config
            TwitterService twitterService = new TwitterService(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
            requestToken = twitterService.GetRequestToken();
            if (AdvancedSoftwareProject.Properties.Settings.Default.AccessToken != "" && AdvancedSoftwareProject.Properties.Settings.Default.AccessTokenSecret != "")
                    twitterService.AuthenticateWith(AdvancedSoftwareProject.Properties.Settings.Default.AccessToken, AdvancedSoftwareProject.Properties.Settings.Default.AccessTokenSecret);
                catch (Exception ex)
            var options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
            var currentTweets = twitterService.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options);
            List<TwitterStatus> tweets = currentTweets.ToList();

            //See for more info on how to use tweets etc

            twitterFeed.DocumentText = "";
            string twitterHTML = "<div style = \"color:0099FF\">";

            for (int i = 0; i < tweets.Count; i++)
                if (i != tweets.Count - 1)
                    twitterHTML = twitterHTML + tweets[i].TextAsHtml + "<br><br>";
                    twitterHTML = twitterHTML + tweets[i].TextAsHtml + "</div>";

            twitterFeed.DocumentText = twitterHTML;
예제 #9
파일: Twitter.cs 프로젝트: raouldc/OptiDev
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the tweets for ChildCancerNZ
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> getTweets()
            List<String> urlOfImages = new List<String>();
            var service = new TwitterService(OAuthConsumerKey, OAuthConsumerSecret);
            service.AuthenticateWith(OAuthToken, OAuthTokenSecret);
            ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();

            IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> tweets =
                service.ListTweetsOnUserTimeline(new ListTweetsOnUserTimelineOptions {ScreenName = "ChildCancerNZ"});

            return tweets;
예제 #10
        // methode om posts in de lijst posts te plaatsen van alle sociale netwerken
        public void syncPosts()
            if ((this.chkbFacebook.Checked || this.chkBoxAll.Checked) && currentParent.loggedInUsers.ContainsKey(Post.SocialNetwork.Facebook))
                // sync Facebook:

                // parameters om mee te geven aan het request naar de FB API
                Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                parameters["since"] = this.FBsince;
                parameters["limit"] = 25;

                // news feed ophalen
                if (!FBisSyncing)
                    this.FBisSyncing = true;
                    currentParent.FBclient.GetTaskAsync("/me/home", parameters);
                    currentParent.FBclient.GetCompleted +=
                        (o, e) =>
                            if (e.Error == null)
                                dynamic result = e.GetResultData();

                                if (result.paging != null && != 0)

                                    // nodig om bij te houden van wanneer we de laatste resultaten hebben opgehaald (Google: Facebook API pagination)
                                    string prevLink = result.paging.previous;
                                    string since = prevLink.Substring(prevLink.LastIndexOf("&since=") + 7, prevLink.IndexOf("&access_token=") - (prevLink.LastIndexOf("&since=") + 7));
                                    this.FBsince = Convert.ToInt32(since);

                                    // de opgehaalde posts verwerken
                                    foreach (dynamic fbPost in
                                        string strFromID =;
                                        long intFromID = Convert.ToInt64(strFromID);

                                        User user = new FacebookUser(intFromID.ToString(),, "" + strFromID + "/picture?width=100&height=100");

                                        string bericht = fbPost.message;
                                        string link =;
                                        string id =;

                                        string pictureUrl = fbPost.picture;

                                        DateTime tijdstip = Post.parseFBTime((string)fbPost.created_time);

                                        Post postToAdd;

                                        if (fbPost.type == "photo")
                                            postToAdd = new FotoPost(id, user, bericht + " " + link, tijdstip, Post.SocialNetwork.Facebook, pictureUrl);
                                            postToAdd = new Post(id, user, bericht + " " + link, tijdstip, Post.SocialNetwork.Facebook);

                            this.FBisSyncing = false;


            if ((this.chkbInstagram.Checked || this.chkBoxAll.Checked) && currentParent.loggedInUsers.ContainsKey(Post.SocialNetwork.Instagram))
                // sync Instagram

            if ((this.chkbTumblr.Checked || this.chkBoxAll.Checked) && currentParent.loggedInUsers.ContainsKey(Post.SocialNetwork.Tumblr))
                // sync Tumblr

            if ((this.chkbTwitter.Checked || this.chkBoxAll.Checked) && currentParent.loggedInUsers.ContainsKey(Post.SocialNetwork.Twitter))

                if (!TWisSyncing)
                    TWisSyncing = true;

                    ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
                    if (TWsince != -1)
                        options.SinceId = TWsince;
                        options.Count = 10;

                    IAsyncResult result = currentParent.TWclient.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options, (tweets, response) =>

                        if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

                            foreach (TwitterStatus tweet in tweets)
                                if (tweet.Id > TWsince)
                                    TWsince = tweet.Id;

                                User user = new TwitterUser(tweet.Author.ScreenName, tweet.Author.ScreenName, tweet.Author.ProfileImageUrl);

                                string bericht = tweet.Text;
                                string id = tweet.IdStr;
                                string link = tweet.Source;

                                DateTime tijdstip = Post.parseTWTime(tweet.CreatedDate.ToString());

                                Post postToAdd = new Post(id, user, bericht, tijdstip, Post.SocialNetwork.Twitter);

                                foreach (TwitterMedia media in tweet.Entities.Media)
                                    if (media.MediaType == TwitterMediaType.Photo)
                                        postToAdd = new FotoPost(id, user, bericht, tijdstip, Post.SocialNetwork.Twitter, media.MediaUrl);



                        this.TWisSyncing = false;




예제 #11
        public List<TwitterStatusLight> ListHomeTimeline(Int64 LastID)
            ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions option = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
            option.SinceId = LastID;
            IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> response = _TwitterService.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(option);
            List<TwitterStatusLight> convertResponse = new List<TwitterStatusLight>();
            foreach(TwitterStatus row in response)
                TwitterStatusLight res = ConvertResult(row);

            return convertResponse;
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the list of tweets one has
        /// </summary>
        public void GetTweets()
            ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions updateOpts = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
            updateOpts.Count = 25;
            var numUpdates = User.Account.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(updateOpts);
            List<TwitterStatus> unformattedTweets = new List<TwitterStatus>();
                unformattedTweets = numUpdates.ToList();
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                TwitterResponse resp = User.Account.Response;

                if (resp.RateLimitStatus.RemainingHits == 0)
                    ScreenDraw.ShowMessage("You have hit the API Limit. Please try again in a few minutes");
                else if (resp.RateLimitStatus.RemainingHits < 0)
                    /* This shouldn't happen ever anymore, but keeping it here JUUUST in case */
                    ScreenDraw.ShowMessage("An error occured when retrieving tweets from Twitter. Please restart ClutterFeed");
            localTweetList = new List<InteractiveTweet>(); /* Resets the full list */
            for (int index = 0; index < unformattedTweets.Count; index++)
                InteractiveTweet formattedTweet = new InteractiveTweet();
                formattedTweet = ConvertTweet(unformattedTweets[index]);
        public static List<ModelTwitterFeedsDetails> GetTwitterTweets(string ScreenName)
            ModelTwitterFeeds modelTwitterFeeds = new ModelTwitterFeeds();
            List<ModelTwitterFeedsDetails> lstModelTwitterFeedsDetail = new List<ModelTwitterFeedsDetails>();
                /*>>> API Creadentials <<<<////
                >> Under Informnation is creating from Personal Account Information API
                >> For any change in this credentials Login Account : [email protected]
                >> API Name : News Get Application
                >> Please don't change any word without permission from following API Admin*/
                string _consumerKey = "cvRCCaqLUlM9SyolFwYEQQ2uZ";
                string _consumerSecret = "sVvOgCPwuzXo37v4qjAriGbftwEefMC9xNadPQLTsoOkeqiJ8C";
                string _accessToken = "65042389-YQ3jLfP1RWu9Q7So9VAj3Rc3J9oMB0Suuv0jlioAN";
                string _accessTokenSecret = "yHMVHihkHAaCIOJi2M9WEOq4fpODY1a0hdS92J9OZEJEL";
                // API access Data End

                var service = new TwitterService(_consumerKey, _consumerSecret);
                //var tweets = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
                service.AuthenticateWith(_accessToken, _accessTokenSecret);
                IAsyncResult result = service.BeginListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions());
                IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> tweets = service.EndListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(result);

                foreach (var tweet in tweets)
                    if (tweets != null)
                        modelTwitterFeeds.FeedId = 0;
                        modelTwitterFeeds.UserPageId = 0;
                        modelTwitterFeeds.UserPageTitle = String.Empty;
                        modelTwitterFeeds.UserScreenName = String.Empty;
                        modelTwitterFeeds.UserPageLanguage = String.Empty;
                        modelTwitterFeeds.UserPageFollowers = 0;
                        modelTwitterFeeds.UserPageCoverImageURL = String.Empty;
                        modelTwitterFeeds.UserPageLogoImage = String.Empty;

                    var st1 = tweet.Text; //string
                    var st2 = tweet.Source; //string
                    var st3 = tweet.TextAsHtml; //string
                    var st4 = tweet.TextDecoded; //string
                    var st5 = tweet.RetweetedStatus; //TwitterStatus
                    var st6 = tweet.RetweetCount; //int
                    var st7 = tweet.RawSource; //string
                    var st8 = tweet.Place; //TwitterPlace
                    var st9 = tweet.Location; //TwitterGeoLocation
                    var st10 = tweet.Language; //string
                    var st11 = tweet.IsTruncated; //bool
                    var st12 = tweet.IsRetweeted; //bool
                    var st13 = tweet.IsPossiblySensitive; //bool is nullable
                    var st14 = tweet.IsFavorited; //bool
                    var st15 = tweet.InReplyToUserId; //long is nullable
                    var st16 = tweet.InReplyToStatusId; //long is nullable
                    var st17 = tweet.InReplyToScreenName; //string
                    var st18 = tweet.IdStr; //string
                    var st19 = tweet.Id; //long
                    var st20 = tweet.FavoriteCount; //int
                    var st21 = tweet.ExtendedEntities; //TwitterExtendedEntities
                    var st22 = tweet.Entities; //TwitterEntities
                    var st23 = tweet.CreatedDate; //DateTime
                    var st24 = tweet.Author; //ITweeter


                //TwitterAccount user = new TwitterAccount.
                //TwitterUser twitterUser =
                //>>GET OTHER USER TIMELINE//BeginListTweetsOnHomeTimeline

                TwitterService t_service = new TwitterService(_consumerKey, _consumerSecret);
                t_service.AuthenticateWith(_accessToken, _accessTokenSecret);
                var t_options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
                t_options.ExcludeReplies = true;
                var t_tweets = t_service.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(t_options);
                string ScreenNameBBCArabic = "BBCArabic";
                string ScreenNameCNNArabic = "cnnarabic";
                string ScreenName1 = "garbo_speaks";
                var User_OptionInit = new ListTweetsOnUserTimelineOptions { ScreenName = ScreenNameCNNArabic, Count = 200, ExcludeReplies = true };
                var User_Tweets = service.ListTweetsOnUserTimeline(User_OptionInit);

                string TweetText = String.Empty;

                foreach (var tweet in User_Tweets)
                    var userDetail = tweet.User;
                    if (false)
                        var us1 = tweet.User.ContributorsEnabled; //bool?
                        var us2 = tweet.User.CreatedDate;
                        var us3 = tweet.User.Description;
                        var us4 = tweet.User.FavouritesCount;
                        var us5 = tweet.User.FollowersCount;
                        var us6 = tweet.User.FollowRequestSent;
                        var us7 = tweet.User.FriendsCount;
                        var us8 = tweet.User.Id;
                        var us9 = tweet.User.IsDefaultProfile;
                        var us10 = tweet.User.IsGeoEnabled;
                        var us11 = tweet.User.IsProfileBackgroundTiled;
                        var us12 = tweet.User.IsProtected;
                        var us13 = tweet.User.IsTranslator;
                        var us14 = tweet.User.IsVerified;
                        var us15 = tweet.User.Language;
                        var us16 = tweet.User.ListedCount;
                        var us17 = tweet.User.Location;
                        var us18 = tweet.User.Name;
                        var us19 = tweet.User.ProfileBackgroundColor;
                        var us20 = tweet.User.ProfileBackgroundImageUrl;
                        var us21 = tweet.User.ProfileBackgroundImageUrlHttps;
                        var us22 = tweet.User.ProfileImageUrl;
                        var us23 = tweet.User.ProfileImageUrlHttps;
                        var us24 = tweet.User.ProfileLinkColor;
                        var us25 = tweet.User.ProfileSidebarBorderColor;
                        var us26 = tweet.User.ProfileSidebarFillColor;
                        var us27 = tweet.User.ProfileTextColor;
                        var us28 = tweet.User.RawSource;
                        var us29 = tweet.User.ScreenName;
                        var us30 = tweet.User.Status;
                        var us31 = tweet.User.StatusesCount;
                        var us32 = tweet.User.TimeZone;
                        var us33 = tweet.User.Url;
                        var us34 = tweet.User.UtcOffset;

                    var st1 = tweet.Text.ToSafeString(); //string
                    TweetText = tweet.Text;
                    var st2 = tweet.Source; //string
                    var st3 = tweet.TextAsHtml; //string
                    var st4 = tweet.TextDecoded; //string
                    var st5 = tweet.RetweetedStatus; //TwitterStatus
                    var st6 = tweet.RetweetCount; //int
                    var st7 = tweet.RawSource; //string
                    var st8 = tweet.Place; //TwitterPlace
                    var st9 = tweet.Location; //TwitterGeoLocation
                    var st10 = tweet.Language; //string
                    var st11 = tweet.IsTruncated; //bool
                    var st12 = tweet.IsRetweeted; //bool
                    var st13 = tweet.IsPossiblySensitive; //bool is nullable
                    var st14 = tweet.IsFavorited; //bool
                    var st15 = tweet.InReplyToUserId; //long is nullable
                    var st16 = tweet.InReplyToStatusId; //long is nullable
                    var st17 = tweet.InReplyToScreenName; //string
                    var st18 = tweet.IdStr; //string
                    var st19 = tweet.Id; //long
                    var st20 = tweet.FavoriteCount; //int
                    var st21 = tweet.ExtendedEntities; //TwitterExtendedEntities
                    var st22 = tweet.Entities; //TwitterEntities
                    var twitterEntities = new TwitterEntities();
                    twitterEntities = st22;
                    IList<TwitterUrl> twitterUrl = twitterEntities.Urls; //List<TwitterUrl>
                    foreach (var url in twitterUrl)
                        var url1 = url.DisplayUrl; //string
                        var url2 = url.EndIndex; //int
                        var url3 = url.EntityType; //TwitterEntityType
                        var entityType = url3;
                        //4 Entity Types are Defined
                        //TwitterEntityType.HashTag; //0
                        //TwitterEntityType.Mention; //1
                        //TwitterEntityType.Url; //2
                        //TwitterEntityType.Media; //3

                        var url4 = url.ExpandedValue; //string
                        var url5 = url.Indices; //IList<int>
                        var url6 = url.StartIndex; //int
                        var url7 = url.Value; //string
                        TweetText = TweetText.Trim().Replace(url.Value, String.Empty).Trim();

                    IList<TwitterMention> twitterMention = twitterEntities.Mentions; //List<TwitterMention>
                    foreach (var mention in twitterMention)
                        var url1 = mention.EndIndex; //int
                        var url2 = mention.EntityType; //int
                        var entityType = url2;

                        //4 Entity Types are Defined
                        //TwitterEntityType.HashTag; //0
                        //TwitterEntityType.Mention; //1
                        //TwitterEntityType.Url; //2
                        //TwitterEntityType.Media; //3

                        var url3 = mention.Id; //long
                        var url4 = mention.Indices; //IList<int>
                        var url5 = mention.Name; //string
                        var url6 = mention.ScreenName; //string
                        var url7 = mention.StartIndex; //int
                    IList<TwitterMedia> twitterMedia = twitterEntities.Media; //List<TwitterMedia>
                    foreach (var media in twitterMedia)
                        var media1 = media.DisplayUrl; //string
                        var media2 = media.EndIndex; //int
                        var media3 = media.EntityType; //TwitterEntity
                        var media4 = media.ExpandedUrl; //string
                        var media5 = media.Id; //long
                        var media6 = media.IdAsString; //string
                        var media7 = media.Indices; //IList<int>
                        var media8 = media.MediaType; //TwitterMediaType
                        var twitterMediaType = media8;

                        /*Three Types of MediaType
                        TwitterMediaType.Photo; //0
                        TwitterMediaType.Video; //1
                        TwitterMediaType.AnimatedGif; //2

                        var media9 = media.MediaUrl; //string
                        var media10 = media.MediaUrlHttps; //string
                        //var FeedImageURLhttp  = media.MediaUrl; for Http Image
                        //var FeedImageURLhttps  =  media.MediaUrlHttps; for Https Image
                        var media11 = media.Sizes; //TwitterMediaSizes
                        var twitterMediaSizes = media11;
                        var media12 = media.StartIndex; //int
                        var media13 = media.Url; //string

                        TweetText = TweetText.Trim().Replace(media.Url, String.Empty).Trim();
                    IList<TwitterHashTag> twitterHashTag = twitterEntities.HashTags; //List<TwitterHashTag>
                    foreach (var hashTag in twitterHashTag)
                        var ht1 = hashTag.EndIndex;
                        var ht2 = hashTag.EntityType;
                        var ht3 = hashTag.Indices;
                        var ht4 = hashTag.StartIndex;
                        var ht5 = hashTag.Text;
                        // hashTagText for refine Tweet Text
                        TweetText = TweetText.Trim().Replace("#" + hashTag.Text, string.Empty).Trim();
                    TweetText = TweetText.Replace("\n", String.Empty).Trim();
                    var st23 = tweet.CreatedDate; //DateTime
                    var st24 = tweet.Author; //ITweeter

                    var ProfileImageURL = st24.ProfileImageUrl;
                    var ss = st24.RawSource;
                    var screenName = st24.ScreenName;

                return lstModelTwitterFeedsDetail;
            catch (Exception ex)

                throw ex;
        private void getNewTweetsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!loggedIn)
                // if we never got initial tweets (prolly because rate limiting prevented it right after we logged in), get them now
                if (!gotInitialTweets)

                // get new tweets
                ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
                options.SinceId = newestID;
                IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> tweets = service.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options);

                if (tweets == null)
                    // internal twitter error
                    if (tweets.Count() > 0)
                        // update newestID so the next call to this function only grabs even newer tweets
                        newestID = tweets.First().Id;

                        // build a string for all of the new tweets
                        String newerTweets = "";
                        foreach (var tweet in tweets)
                            newerTweets += buildTweetString(tweet);

                        // prepend the new tweets string to the existing string of tweets
                        incomingTweetsTextBox.Text = newerTweets + incomingTweetsTextBox.Text;

                    appStatusLabel.Text = "OK";
        private void getOlderTweetsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!loggedIn)
                // If we never got initial tweets (prolly because rate limiting prevented it right after we logged in), get them now
                if (!gotInitialTweets)

                // get older tweets
                ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
                options.MaxId = oldestID - 1;
                IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> tweets = service.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options);

                if (tweets == null)
                    // internal twitter error
                    if (tweets.Count() > 0)
                        // update oldestID so the next call to this function only grabs even older tweets
                        oldestID = tweets.Last().Id;

                        // append all of the older tweets to the existing string of tweets
                        foreach (var tweet in tweets)
                            incomingTweetsTextBox.Text += buildTweetString(tweet);

                    appStatusLabel.Text = "OK";