public void Execute()
            List<int> userIds = new List<int>();

            using (var db = new PartyAdvisorEntities())
                var user = db.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FacebookToken == Args.AccessToken);

                //request from an unauthentified user
                if(user == null)
                    //TODO insert log here

                    ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
                    logger.Warn(FormatHelper.FormatCommandToLog(this, Args));

                    Results = new List<SearchUserViewModel>();

                var place = db.Places.Find(Args.PlaceId);

                var placePosition = new TorontoPartyAdvisor.Commands.Helpers.MathPosition(place.Latitude, place.Longitude);

                //filter by time
                var userPositions = db.Positions.Where(x => DbFunctions.AddMinutes(x.Date, -(Args.Minutes)) > DateTimeOffset.Now).ToList();

                //filter by distance
                foreach(var userPosition in userPositions)
                    var userMathPosition = new TorontoPartyAdvisor.Commands.Helpers.MathPosition(userPosition.Latitude, userPosition.Longitude);
                    if (placePosition.HasPositionInItsRadius(userMathPosition, place.RadiusMeters))
                        if (!userIds.Contains(userPosition.UserId))

                //we get the list of id of users at the place, now we get more infos

                var res = (from x in userIds
                           join y in db.Users on x equals y.Id
                           select new SearchUserViewModel()
                               Id = y.Id,
                               Gender = y.Gender

                Results = res;
        public void HasPositionInItsRadiusTest()
            //63 hounslow heath road, Toronto, Canada
            var mock = new TorontoPartyAdvisor.Commands.Helpers.MathPosition(43.673351, -79.4592933);

            //rue Jean Schyns 44, La Louviere, Belgique
            var home = new TorontoPartyAdvisor.Commands.Helpers.MathPosition(50.4790720, 4.2203430);

            var res = mock.HasPositionInItsRadius(home, 7000000);
