private string defaultName = "summarizedText"; //default name for text output

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.SetWindowSize(100, 60);//set windows size to 100x60

            Original_Alghorithm ua = new Original_Alghorithm();

예제 #2
        private string fileName    = "";                                                                                      //static file name for testing

        public void improvedSortAlghorithm(int sumPercent, int sumTextCountPass, string fileNameInput, string fileNameOutput) //improved alghorithm
            Console.SetWindowSize(100, 60);                                                                                   //set windows size to 100x60

            fileName    = fileNameInput;
            textOutFile = fileNameOutput + "-Improved.txt";      //file name of improved algorithm
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); //start a new timer for measuring perfomance of the algorithm

            sumTextCountDuplicate = sumTextCountPass;
            int sumTextCount = sumTextCountPass;

            var dir = @"Inputs";                                  //local directory for inputs

            text = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(dir, fileName)); //save contents of file to a variable
            text = text.Replace("\"", " \" ");

            Split splitFunctions = new Split();

            string sentenceOut = "";

            //tuple lists and lists for storing information as text is analyzed
            var summaryText         = new List <Tuple <string, string, int, int> >();
            var compareList         = new List <Tuple <string, string, int, int> >();
            var allSentencesIndexed = new List <Tuple <string, int> >();
            var allSentencesReady   = new List <Tuple <string, int> >();
            var stemWordList        = new List <string>();

            var delimitedWords = splitFunctions.splitText(text);                 //split text in to words array
            var allWords       = splitFunctions.saveWordsToList(delimitedWords); //save split words to list
            var stopWords      = splitFunctions.getStopWords();                  //extract stop words and save to list
            var allSentences   = splitFunctions.extractSentencesImproved(text);  //extract and save whole sentences

            var filteredWords = splitFunctions.removeStopWords(allWords);        //remove stop words

            foreach (var word in filteredWords)                                  //stem all filtered words
                Stemmer ps       = new Stemmer();
                string  stemWord = ps.StemWord(word);//get stem of a current word

            var queryByGroup = filteredWords.GroupBy(i => i);                  //Group all the filtered words
            var wordsSorted  = queryByGroup.OrderByDescending(i => i.Count()); //Get count of how many times each word appears

            int sentenceIndex = 0;

            foreach (var sentence in allSentences) //get and save sentence and their original index in text
                allSentencesIndexed.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(sentence, sentenceIndex));

            foreach (var word in wordsSorted) //loop trough each sorted word
                var wordCount = 0;

                foreach (var sentences in allSentencesIndexed) //loop trough all sentences
                    wordCount = 0;
                    List <string> wordList = sentences.Item1.Split(' ', ',', '-', '"', '.').ToList(); //split the sentence in to single words
                    var           stemList = new List <string>();

                    Stemmer ps = new Stemmer();

                    foreach (var splitWord in wordList)//convert each word to its stem
                        string stemWord = ps.StemWord(splitWord);
                        stemList.Add(stemWord); //add stem to stem word list

                    foreach (var stemWord in stemList)
                        if (stemWord == word.Key)//count the occurences of word in sentence

                    compareList.Add(new Tuple <string, string, int, int>(sentences.Item1, word.Key, wordCount, sentences.Item2)); //save the sentence, key word, uccurence count and its original index in to temporary compare list

                if (allSentencesIndexed.Count != 0)                                                                                                                                    //if there is still sentences to analyze
                    compareList.Sort((x, y) => y.Item3.CompareTo(x.Item3));                                                                                                            //sort the sentences by the count of key word appearing in text

                    summaryText.Add(new Tuple <string, string, int, int>(compareList.First().Item1, compareList.First().Item2, compareList.First().Item3, compareList.First().Item4)); //save sentence, its original text index and word count in to temporary list for further analysis

                    allSentencesIndexed.RemoveAll(item => item.Item1 == compareList.First().Item1);                                                                                    //remove sentence from list of sentences that needs to be analyzed
                compareList.Clear();                                                                                                                                                   //clear list and memory for next sentence

            summaryText.Sort((x, y) => y.Item3.CompareTo(x.Item3));                   //sort the list by the common word occurence

            foreach (var sentence in summaryText)                                     //loop trough each sentence in list ordered by original index
                string[] delimitedSortedWords = sentence.Item1.Split(delimiterChars); // split text

                var sentenceWords = new List <string>();

                foreach (var word in delimitedSortedWords)//remove blank spaces from delimited word list and to list
                    if (word != "")
                        sentenceWords.Add(word);//add word to sentence word list
                string currentSentence = sentence.Item1;
                int    index           = sentence.Item4;

                if (sentence.Item1 != " ")
                    if (sumTextCount != 0)                                                          //if summarized text has some words left
                        if (sentenceWords.Count() <= sumTextCount)                                  //if current sentence words are less or equal of words left in summarization text output
                            allSentencesReady.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(currentSentence, index)); //add sentence to output list

                            sumTextCount     -= sentenceWords.Count();                              //lower the count of SF word count
                            sumTextWordCount += sentenceWords.Count();                              //add used word count to total used word statistics
            if (allSentencesReady.Count() == 0)//if no analyzed sentences are long enough to be included in summarization
                Console.WriteLine("\nUnfortunately your summarization factor is to low to produce meaningful results! Please try again!");

                Original_Alghorithm ua = new Original_Alghorithm();
                ua.askQuestions();//return to start
                foreach (var sentence in allSentencesReady.OrderBy(x => x.Item2))//order sentences by their original index and remove any line breaks
                    var sentenceTrim = "";

                    sentenceTrim = sentence.Item1.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty);//trim out the line breaks
                    sentenceOut += sentenceTrim;

                watch.Stop();                                 //stop the timer
                double elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; //save elapsed time in milliseconds

                PrintResults printResults = new PrintResults();

                Console.WriteLine("\nThis is improved alghorithm!");

                //pass parameters for printing
                printResults.print(sumPercent, sumTextCountDuplicate, sentenceOut, allWords.Count, allSentences.Count, sumTextWordCount, allSentencesReady.Count, elapsedMs, textOutFile);

                Original_Alghorithm ua = new Original_Alghorithm();