예제 #1
        private void btn_predict_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            float sqFeet = 0;

            if (!float.TryParse(txt_sqfeet.Text, out sqFeet) || sqFeet < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter square feet value");

            float bedrooms = 0;

            if (!float.TryParse(txt_bedrooms.Text, out bedrooms) || bedrooms < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter bedroom count");

            float year = 0;

            if (!float.TryParse(txt_YearBuilt.Text, out year) || year < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter year built");

            float[] testData = { sqFeet, bedrooms, year, (float)Math.Sqrt(sqFeet), (float)Math.Sqrt(bedrooms), (float)Math.Sqrt(year), sqFeet *bedrooms };

            uint featureCount  = 7;
            uint testDataCount = 1;

            float[] predictionResult = new float[testDataCount];

            //Call the GPU module
            LR_GPULibProxy.Predict(testData, featureCount, testDataCount, hypothesis, mean, std, predictionResult);

            labelPrice.Text = predictionResult[0].ToString("N0");
예제 #2
        private void btn_trainLinearRegression_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //get the data
            IList <HousingDTO> housingDataList = dgv_trainingData.DataSource as List <HousingDTO>;

            if (dgv_trainingData.RowCount < 1 || housingDataList == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please load data");

            //convert data to array
            int featureCount = 7;

            float[] featureData = new float[housingDataList.Count * featureCount];
            float[] labelData   = new float[housingDataList.Count];
            int     idx         = 0;
            int     labelIdx    = 0;

            //Add the polynomial terms
            foreach (HousingDTO dto in housingDataList)
                featureData[idx++]    = dto.SquareFeet;
                featureData[idx++]    = dto.BedroomCount;
                featureData[idx++]    = dto.YearBuilt;
                featureData[idx++]    = (float)Math.Sqrt(dto.SquareFeet);             //add polynomial term for better fit
                featureData[idx++]    = (float)Math.Sqrt(dto.BedroomCount);           //add polynomial term for better fit
                featureData[idx++]    = (float)Math.Sqrt(dto.YearBuilt);              //add polynomial term for better fit
                featureData[idx++]    = dto.SquareFeet * dto.BedroomCount;
                labelData[labelIdx++] = dto.Price;

            int   trainingDataCount  = labelData.Length;
            float learningRate       = float.Parse(txt_learningRate.Text);
            uint  iterations         = uint.Parse(txt_Iterations.Text);
            float regularizationTerm = float.Parse(txt_RegularizationTerm.Text);

            //featureCount == 7 -> == 8
            hypothesis = new float[featureCount + 1];             //add one for the bias term
            mean       = new float[featureCount + 1];
            std        = new float[featureCount + 1];

            //Call the GPU module
            LR_GPULibProxy.Learn(featureData, labelData, (uint)featureCount, (uint)trainingDataCount, iterations, learningRate, regularizationTerm, hypothesis, mean, std);

            //Display the model
            StringBuilder model = new StringBuilder();

            model.Append(string.Format("{0:N2}", hypothesis[0]));

            //featureCount == 7
            for (int i = 1; i < featureCount + 1; i++)
                model.Append(string.Format("{0}{1:N2}*X{2}", hypothesis[i] < 0 ? "" : "+", hypothesis[i], i));
            labelHypothesis.Text = model.ToString();

            btn_predict.Enabled = true;