public void GeoCode()
            // in order to reduce the number of geocodes that we send, let's group all uploaded entries by address
            // so that all those living in an apartment of the same address might be geocoded with one call
            if (CanGeoCode())
                List<string> distinctAddresses = GetDistinctAddressesInBatch();
                var geocoder = new GeocodingProxy();
                Dictionary<string, Coordinate> geocodedAddresses = new Dictionary<string, Coordinate>();
                foreach (string distinctAddress in distinctAddresses)
                        var matchingIAddress = UploadedAddresses.Where(x => x.FullAddressWithCity == distinctAddress).First();
                        var coordinates = geocoder.Geocode(matchingIAddress);
                        geocodedAddresses.Add(distinctAddress, coordinates);
                    catch (Exception ex)


                // save coordinates in the database
                foreach (var geocodedAddress in geocodedAddresses)
                    string addressString = geocodedAddress.Key;
                    var coordinates = geocodedAddress.Value;
                    // find all entries with same address
                    var recordsWithSameAddress = (from a in this.UploadedAddresses
                                                  where a.FullAddressWithCity == addressString
                                                  select a).ToList();

                    // update each record with associated coordinates
                    foreach (var address in recordsWithSameAddress)
                throw new Exception("Cannot geocode batch (not enought geocoding available).");
    private bool Geocode(ref  string lng, ref string lat)
        bool ret = false;
        // PAOLO WAS HERE
        throw new NotImplementedException("Must revisit");
        City thisCity = new City(int.Parse(DropDownListCities.SelectedValue));
        string address = this.TextBoxHouseNumber.Text + " " + TextBoxStreet.Text + ", " + DropDownListCities.SelectedItem.Text + " " + thisCity.StateProvince.Description;

            var geocoder = new GeocodingProxy();
            Coordinate coords = geocoder.Geocode(address);
            lat = coords.Latitude.ToString();
            lng = coords.Longitude.ToString();
            ret = true;
        catch (Exception ex)

        return ret;
예제 #3
        public bool Geocode()
            bool ret = false;
            CMS.City city = CMS.City.FetchByID(CityId);
            string address = FullAddress;

                var geocoder = new GeocodingProxy();
                var coords = geocoder.Geocode(this);
                this.Lat = coords.Latitude.ToString();
                this.Long = coords.Longitude.ToString();
                var db = new TerritoryDBDataContext();
                db.sp_Address_Update_Coordinates(AddressId, Long, Lat);
                ret = true;
            catch (Exception ex)

            return ret;