Handles creation of instances of ICounterConfigReader.
예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Counters.config file, validates it against the XSD schema, and news up the appropriate CounterConfigReader object for each root counter type node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToConfig">The path to the Counters.config file.</param>
        /// <param name="hosts">The target hosts to load counters for.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of all valid counters in Counters.config across the set of given hosts.</returns>
        public static ICollection <ICounter> Load(string pathToConfig, IEnumerable <Host> hosts)
            var counters = new Collection <ICounter>();

            // Load the document & validate against internal schema.
            var settings = new XmlReaderSettings
                ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema

            var doc = new XmlDocument();

                settings.Schemas.Add("", PathToSchema);
                var reader = XmlReader.Create(pathToConfig, settings);
            catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(String.Format("Could not find file '{0}'.", ex.Message));
            catch (XmlException ex)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(String.Format("Malformed XML in' {0}': {1}", pathToConfig, ex.Message));
            catch (XmlSchemaValidationException ex)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(String.Format("Failed to validate '{0}': {1} (Line {2})", pathToConfig, ex.Message, ex.LineNumber));
            Log.Debug(String.Format("Successfully validated '{0}' against '{1}'.", pathToConfig, PathToSchema));

            // Set the root element & begin loading counters.
            var documentRoot     = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Counters");
            var counterRootNodes = documentRoot.SelectNodes("child::*");

            foreach (XmlNode counterRootNode in counterRootNodes)
                var counterType = counterRootNode.Name;
                Log.Debug(String.Format("Loading {0} counters..", counterType));
                var configReader = CounterConfigReaderFactory.CreateConfigReader(counterType);

                foreach (var host in hosts)
                    var countersInNode = configReader.LoadCounters(counterRootNode, host);
                    Log.Info(String.Format("Loaded {0} {1} {2} on {3}.", countersInNode.Count, counterType, "counter".Pluralize(countersInNode.Count), host.Name));

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Counters.config file, validates it against the XSD schema, and news up the appropriate CounterConfigReader object for each root counter type node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hosts">The target hosts to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="counterLifecycleType">The type of counter to load; e.g. ephemeral or persistent.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of all valid counters in Counters.config across the set of given hosts.</returns>
        public static ICollection <ICounter> Load(IEnumerable <Host> hosts, CounterLifecycleType counterLifecycleType)
            Log.DebugFormat(@"Loading {0} performance counters from {1}..", counterLifecycleType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), PathToCountersConfig));

            var counters = new Collection <ICounter>();

            if (loadedConfigDocument == null)
                loadedConfigDocument = LoadConfig();

            // Set the root element & begin loading counters.
            var documentRoot     = loadedConfigDocument.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Counters");
            var counterRootNodes = documentRoot.SelectNodes("child::*");

            foreach (XmlNode counterRootNode in counterRootNodes)
                var counterType = counterRootNode.Name;
                Log.DebugFormat("Loading {0} counters..", counterType);
                var configReader = CounterConfigReaderFactory.CreateConfigReader(counterType);

                foreach (var host in hosts)
                    var countersInNode = configReader.LoadCounters(counterRootNode, host, counterLifecycleType);
                    if (countersInNode.Count > 0)
                        Log.DebugFormat("Loaded {0} {1} {2} {3} on {4}.",
                                        countersInNode.Count, counterLifecycleType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), counterType, "counter".Pluralize(countersInNode.Count), host.Address);

            Log.DebugFormat("Successfully loaded {0} {1} from configuration file.", counters.Count, "counter".Pluralize(counters.Count));