protected void BindData() { var report = new List<OrderAverageReportLineSummary>(); report.Add(this.OrderService.OrderAverageReport(OrderStatusEnum.Pending)); report.Add(this.OrderService.OrderAverageReport(OrderStatusEnum.Processing)); report.Add(this.OrderService.OrderAverageReport(OrderStatusEnum.Complete)); report.Add(this.OrderService.OrderAverageReport(OrderStatusEnum.Cancelled)); gvOrders.DataSource = report; gvOrders.DataBind(); }
public static string ConvertPascalCaseToFriendlyString(this string stringToConvert) { List<char> cFriendlyName = new List<char>(); char[] cName = stringToConvert.ToCharArray(); for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < cName.Length; cIdx++) { char c = cName[cIdx]; if (cIdx > 0 && char.IsUpper(c)) { cFriendlyName.Add(' '); } cFriendlyName.Add(c); } return new string(cFriendlyName.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定专业 /// </summary> protected void BindProfession() { IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Profess> proList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.Profess.GetAllProfess(); IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Profess> proListMid = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Profess>(); for (int i = 0; i < proList.Count; i++) { if (proList[i].IsHighLevel == 0) { proListMid.Add(proList[i]); } } DDLProfession.DataTextField = "ProName"; DDLProfession.DataValueField = "ProCode"; DDLProfession.DataSource = proListMid; DDLProfession.DataBind(); }
void BindGrid() { Language language = LanguageManager.GetLanguageById(int.Parse(this.ddlLanguage.SelectedItem.Value)); if (language != null) { var resourceDictionary = language.LocaleStringResources; List<LocaleStringResource> resources = new List<LocaleStringResource>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, LocaleStringResource> kvp in resourceDictionary) { if (kvp.Value != null) resources.Add(kvp.Value); } gvLocaleStringResources.DataSource = resources; gvLocaleStringResources.DataBind(); } btnAddNew.Visible = this.ddlLanguage.SelectedIndex > 0; }
public static List<BookingFile> GetListBookingFileByDate(string date, string hanhtrinh) { List<BookingFile> BFList = new List<BookingFile>(); BookingFile BF; DataTable dt = ShipBookingData.FillDataTable("spBookingFile_SelectByDate", "@NgayDi", "@HanhTrinh", date, hanhtrinh); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { BF = new BookingFile(); BF.LoaiChuyen = dt.Rows[i]["LoaiChuyen"].ToString(); BF.NoiDi = dt.Rows[i]["NoiDi"].ToString(); BF.NoiDen = dt.Rows[i]["NoiDen"].ToString(); BF.NgayDi = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["NgayDi"].ToString()); BF.NgayVe = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["NgayVe"].ToString()); BF.ThoiGian = dt.Rows[i]["ThoiGian"].ToString(); BF.OpenChecking = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["OpenChecking"].ToString()); BF.LoaiVe = dt.Rows[i]["LoaiVe"].ToString(); BF.SoGhe = dt.Rows[i]["SoGhe"].ToString(); BF.GiaTien = dt.Rows[i]["GiaTien"].ToString(); BF.ThanhToan = dt.Rows[i]["ThanhToan"].ToString(); BF.MaNguoiNhan = dt.Rows[i]["MaNguoiNhan"].ToString(); BF.MaHanhTrinh = dt.Rows[i]["HanhTrinh"].ToString(); BF.GioKhoiHanh = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["GioKhoiHanh"].ToString()); BF.GioDen = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["GioDen"].ToString()); BF.SoVe = dt.Rows[i]["SoVe"].ToString(); BFList.Add(BF); BF = null; } return BFList; }
public List<string> ReadData(string name) { //C#读取TXT文件之建立 FileStream 的对象,说白了告诉程序, //文件在那里,对文件如何 处理,对文件内容采取的处理方式 FileStream fs = new FileStream(@name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //仅 对文本 执行 读写操作 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); //定位操作点,begin 是一个参考点 sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //读一下,看看文件内有没有内容,为下一步循环 提供判断依据 //sr.ReadLine() 这里是 StreamReader的要领 可不是 console 中的~ string str = sr.ReadLine();//假如 文件有内容 List<string> line = new List<string>(); while (str != null) { //输出字符串,str 在上面已经定义了 读入一行字符 line.Add(str); //这里我的理会是 当输出一行后,指针移动到下一行~ //下面这句话就是 判断 指针所指这行能无法 有内容~ str = sr.ReadLine(); } //C#读取TXT文件之关上文件,留心顺序,先对文件内部执行 关上,然后才是文件~ sr.Close(); fs.Close(); return line; }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 生成包裹 var product = new List<ExpressProduct>(); product.Add(new ExpressProduct { CustomsTitleCN = "怀表", CustomsTitleEN = "POCKET WATCH", Quantity = 1, SKU = "WP083", StorageNo = "test", Weight = 100, DeclareValue = Convert.ToDecimal(5.67), }); var packageList = new List<ExpressPackage>(); packageList.Add(new ExpressPackage { Custom = "OR201112230076", ShipToAddress = new ShipToAddress { Contact= "nicolas courtais", Street1= "37 rue general ferrié", City= "grenoble", Province= "Rhône-Alpes", Country = "France", PostCode = "38100", }, Packing = new Packing { Height = 1, Length = 1, Width = 1, }, Remark = "备注信息", Status = OrderExpressState.Initial, TrackCode = "", Weight = 500, ProductList = product.ToArray(), }); var orderDetail = new ExpressOrder { IsTracking = false, Location = "GZ", Remark = "测试订单", PackageList = packageList.ToArray(), PickUpAddress = new PickUpAddress { Country = "United States", Street1 = "1712 Jones Street", Contact = "Curtis Wilson", Province = "United States", District = "United States", PostCode = "77511", City = "Alvin", Company = "ABC", }, }; #endregion var clint = new CK1SoapClient(); UserKeyAndToken ukt = new UserKeyAndToken(); var request = new ExpressAddOrderNewRequest { UserKey = ukt.getUserKey(), Token = ukt.getToken(), Submit = false, OrderDetail = orderDetail, ExpressTypeNew = "HTM", MessageID = "SampleCallId" }; ExpressAddOrderResponse response = clint.ExpressAddOrderNew(request); lblAck.Text = response.Ack.ToString(); lblInvocationID.Text = response.InvocationID; lblMessage.Text = response.Message; lblOrderSign.Text = response.OrderSign; pnlResponse.Visible = true; pnlRequest.Visible = false; }
//Collections public static List<Topic> Latest(int amount = 10) { var topics = new List<Topic>(); // 1057 is the profile node. This is a hack way of hiding the forums from the latest list on the homepage added by PG var reader = Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader( "SELECT TOP " + amount + " forumTopics.* FROM forumTopics INNER JOIN ForumForums on forumTopics.ParentId = ForumForums.Id Where (forumTopics.isSpam IS NULL OR forumTopics.isSpam != 1) AND forumforums.parentId != 1057 ORDER BY updated DESC"); while (reader.Read()) { topics.Add(GetFromReader(reader)); } reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); return topics; }
/// <summary> /// 按比例获取一定数量学生 /// </summary> /// <param name="scoList"></param> /// <param name="dec"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> GetValidScore(IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> scoList, string year, int term, string grade) { CY.GFive.Core.Business.ScholarshipStep ScoStep = CY.GFive.Core.Business.ScholarshipStep.Load(int.Parse(DDLLevel.SelectedValue));//获取所占学生比例 int count = Decimal.ToInt32(scoList.Count * ScoStep.StdProportional) / 100; IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ScholarInfo> schInfoList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.ScholarInfo.GetListByGradeTermYear(year, term, grade, int.Parse(DDLScholarship.SelectedValue)); List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> newScoList = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score>(); int index = 0; foreach (CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score sco in scoList) { if (index < count) { //筛选出未获奖和已获得本级别奖的学生 bool check = false; int isIndex = -1; for (int j = 0; j < schInfoList.Count; j++) { if (scoList[index].StdCode == schInfoList[j].StdCode && schInfoList[j].Degree != DDLLevel.Text) { check = true; break; } else if (schInfoList[j].Degree == DDLLevel.Text) { isIndex = schInfoList[j].Id; } } if (isIndex != -1) { scoList[index].IsCheck = isIndex.ToString();//标记已被选中 } if (!check) { newScoList.Add(scoList[index]); index++; } } else { if (scoList[index - 1] == scoList[index]) { newScoList.Add(scoList[index]); index++; } else break; } } return newScoList; }
private void DataBind_Repeater(string year, int term, string proCode, string grade) { IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student> strList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student.GetStuListByYearTermAndPro(year, term, proCode, grade);//学生 //IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ConductInfo> conList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.ConductInfo.GetAvgCndtScore(year, term,grade);//操行 IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> scoList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score.GetAvgScoreList(year, term, proCode, grade);//平均成绩和操行 int ID = 0; if (int.TryParse(DDLScholarship.SelectedValue, out ID)) { CY.GFive.Core.Business.Scholarship Sco = CY.GFive.Core.Business.Scholarship.Load(ID);//成绩和操行分比例 try { scoList = GetAvgTotalScore(scoList, Sco.ScoreProportional, Sco.ConductProportional); scoList = ScoreSort(scoList) as IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score>; scoList = GetValidScore(scoList, year, term, grade) as IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score>; strList = HandList(scoList, strList) as IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student>; } catch { ERRLbl.Text = "系统异常错误!"; return; } List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student> unStuList = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student>();//构造未被选中列表 List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student> stuList = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student>();//构造已被评选获奖学生列表 foreach (CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student stu in strList) { if (stu.IsCheck.Length == 0) { unStuList.Add(stu); } else { stuList.Add(stu); } } RepStudents.DataSource = unStuList; RepStudents.DataBind(); RepStudents2.DataSource = stuList; RepStudents2.DataBind(); } else { ERRLbl.Text = "参数不合法!"; return; } }
//chi duoc anh xa co so du lieu len thoi public List<RequestModel> ListRQ() { List<RequestModel> Listr = new List<RequestModel>(); var requests = from r in dc.Requests join ca in dc.CatalogeRQs on r.CatalogRQId equals ca.CatalogRQId join el in dc.Employees on r.EmployeeNumber equals el.EmployeeNumber select new { CatalogRQId=ca.CatalogRQId, RequestId=r.RequestId, EmployeeNumber=r.EmployeeNumber, FullName=el.FullName, RequestName = r.RequestName, CatalogRQName = ca.CatalogRQName, DateDispatch = r.DateDispatch, DateApprove = r.DateApprove, RequestContent=r.RequestContent, Description=r.Description, State=r.State, Accept=r.Accept }; foreach (var rr in requests) { RequestModel obrq = new RequestModel(); obrq.CRQId1 = rr.CatalogRQId; obrq.RId = rr.RequestId; obrq.ENumber = rr.EmployeeNumber; obrq.FName = rr.FullName; obrq.RName = rr.RequestName; obrq.CRQName = rr.CatalogRQName; obrq.DDispatch = Convert.ToDateTime(rr.DateDispatch); obrq.DApprove = Convert.ToDateTime(rr.DateApprove); obrq.RContent = rr.RequestContent; obrq.Dtion = rr.Description; obrq.Stte = rr.State; obrq.Acc = Convert.ToBoolean(rr.Accept); Listr.Add(obrq); } return Listr; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Title = "Danh Sách Album"; service.setUserCredentials("*****@*****.**", "doantruong"); feed = service.Query(query); foreach (PicasaEntry entry in feed.Entries) { AlbumAccessor ac = new AlbumAccessor(entry); listAlbum.Add(ac); } if (!IsPostBack) { int soDong = LoadAlbum(); FilterSTT(soDong, 0, 10); } this.GridViewPicasa.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "headerstyle"; //photos string maAlbum = null; List<SPHOTO> listPhotos = new List<SPHOTO>(); if(Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { maAlbum = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } if(maAlbum != null) { PhotoQuery Pquery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("*****@*****.**",maAlbum)); feed = service.Query(Pquery); foreach (PicasaEntry entry in feed.Entries) { SPHOTO temp = new SPHOTO(); temp.title = entry.Title.Text; temp.thumbURL = entry.Media.Thumbnails[1].Attributes["url"] as string; listPhotos.Add(temp); } ListViewPhotos.DataSource = listPhotos; ListViewPhotos.DataBind(); } if (maAlbum != null) { //lay ma //lay thong tin va load len cac textbox for (int i = 0; i < listAlbum.Count; i++) { if (listAlbum[i].Id == maAlbum) { currentAlbum = listAlbum[i]; break; } } switch (currentAlbum.Access) { case "public": DropDownListAccess.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "private": DropDownListAccess.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "protected": DropDownListAccess.SelectedIndex = 2; break; } txtalbumtitle.Text = currentAlbum.AlbumTitle; txtmieuta.Text = currentAlbum.AlbumSummary; } }
public List<string> GetMatchs(string pattern,string text) { // Define a regular expression for repeated words. Regex rx = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // Define a test string. //string text = "The the quick brown fox fox jumped over the lazy dog dog."; // Find matches. MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(text); // Report the number of matches found. //Console.WriteLine("{0} matches found in:\n {1}", // matches.Count, // text); // Report on each match. List<string> matchs = new List<string>(); foreach (Match match in matches) { matchs.Add(match.ToString()); } return matchs; }
private List<string> GetSegmentWords(List<string> content) { Segment segment = new Segment(); List<string> segmentWords = new List<string>(); foreach (string s in content) { ICollection<WordInfo> words = segment.DoSegment(s); List<string> sWords = new List<string>(); foreach (WordInfo wordInfo in words) { if (wordInfo == null) { continue; } sWords.Add(wordInfo.Word); } segmentWords.AddRange(sWords); } return segmentWords; }
private void bt_clustering_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<string> initialContent = ReadData("C:\\Users\\LENOVO\\Desktop\\回复提取3.0.txt"); List<string> content = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < initialContent.Count; i++) { List<string> matchs=GetMatchs(@"(?<=\b.+?\b\s\b\w{4}\d\b\s).*", initialContent[i]); if (matchs.Count != 0) content.Add(matchs[0]); } List<string> segmentWords = GetSegmentWords(content); string[] stopWords = File.ReadAllLines(@"中文停用词表(专用).txt", System.Text.Encoding.Default); List<theWord> theWords = new List<theWord>(); foreach (string s in segmentWords.Distinct().ToList()) { int i = 0; foreach (string word in stopWords) { if (word == s) { i = 1; break; } } if (!Regex.IsMatch(s, @"[\u4e00-\u9fbb]+$"))//去除非汉字 i = 1; if (i == 1) continue; int times = 0; foreach (string word in segmentWords) { if (s == word) times++; } theWord theword; theword.text = s; theword.times = times; theWords.Add(theword); } theWords.Sort((left, right) => { if (left.times > right.times) return -1; else if (left.times == right.times) return 0; else return 1; }); for (int i = 0; i < theWords.Count; i++) { tb_content.Text += theWords[i].text + "(" + theWords[i].times + ")" + "\r\n"; } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\LENOVO\\Desktop\\流行词排行3.0.txt"); sw.Write(tb_content.Text); sw.Close(); }
private void BindGrid() { if (this.ddlLanguage.SelectedItem == null) return; Language language = this.LanguageService.GetLanguageById(int.Parse(this.ddlLanguage.SelectedItem.Value)); if (language != null) { var allResources = this.LocalizationManager.GetAllResourcesByLanguageId(language.LanguageId); var filteredResources = new List<LocaleStringResource>(); string filterByResourceName = txtResourceName.Text.Trim(); string filterByResourceValue = txtResourceValue.Text.Trim(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, LocaleStringResource> kvp in allResources) { if (kvp.Value != null) { //filter by resource name bool resourceNameOK = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterByResourceName) || kvp.Value.ResourceName.IndexOf(filterByResourceName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { resourceNameOK = true; } //filter by resource value bool resourceValueOK = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterByResourceValue) || kvp.Value.ResourceValue.IndexOf(filterByResourceValue, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { resourceValueOK = true; } if (resourceNameOK && resourceValueOK) { filteredResources.Add(kvp.Value); } } } gvLocaleStringResources.DataSource = filteredResources; gvLocaleStringResources.DataBind(); } //btnAddNew.Visible = this.ddlLanguage.SelectedIndex > 0; }
public static List<Topic> GetAll() { var topics = new List<Topic>(); var reader = Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM forumTopics WHERE (forumTopics.isSpam IS NULL OR forumTopics.isSpam != 1) "); while (reader.Read()) topics.Add(GetFromReader(reader)); reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); return topics; }
/// <summary> /// 处理列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="scoList"></param> /// <param name="strList"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student> HandList(IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> scoList, IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student> strList) { List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student> stuList = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Student>(); for (int i = 0; i < scoList.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < strList.Count; j++) { if (strList[i].Code == scoList[i].StdCode) { strList[i].AvgScore = decimal.Round(scoList[i].AvgScore, 2); strList[i].AvgCndtScore = decimal.Round(scoList[i].AvgCndtScore, 2); strList[i].AvgTotalscore = decimal.Round(scoList[i].AvgTotalscore, 2); strList[i].IsCheck = scoList[i].IsCheck; stuList.Add(strList[i]); strList.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } return stuList; }
//Collections public static List<Topic> TopicsInForum(int forumId) { var topics = new List<Topic>(); var reader = Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM forumTopics WHERE (forumTopics.isSpam IS NULL OR forumTopics.isSpam != 1) AND parentId = @parentId ORDER BY updated DESC", Data.SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@parentId", forumId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); while (reader.Read()) topics.Add(GetFromReader(reader)); reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); return topics; }
/// <summary> /// 按分数排序 从高到低 /// </summary> /// <param name="scoList"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> ScoreSort(IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> scoList) { List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> newScoList = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score>(); //List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score> scoList2 = scoList as List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Score>; int[] iArray = new int[scoList.Count]; decimal[] decArray = new decimal[scoList.Count]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < scoList.Count; i++) { decArray[i] = scoList[i].AvgTotalscore; } for (int j = 0; j < decArray.Length; j++) { int max = 0; decimal dec = decArray[j]; for (int i = j + 1; i < decArray.Length; i++) { if (decArray[j] < decArray[i]) { decArray[j] = decArray[i]; max = i; } } decArray[max] = dec; iArray[index] = max; index++; } for (int i = 0; i < iArray.Length; i++) { int j = iArray[i]; newScoList.Add(scoList[j]); } return newScoList; }
private void InitializeControl() { string QuoteId = GetQuoteId(); QuoteListWrapper wrapper = new QuoteListWrapper(); IQuote quote = wrapper.GetQuoteById(QuoteId); List<CategoryWrapper> catList = new List<CategoryWrapper>(); foreach (string category in quote.Categories) { CategoryWrapper wrap = new CategoryWrapper(); wrap.Text = category; catList.Add(wrap); } ListView1.DataSource = catList; ListView1.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定奖项 /// </summary> protected void BindScholarship() { IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Scholarship> schList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.Scholarship.GetAllScholarship(); IList<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Scholarship> schmidlist = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.Scholarship>(); for (int i = 0; i < schList.Count; i++) { if (schList[i].IsHighLevel == 0) { schmidlist.Add(schList[i]); } } DDLScholarship.DataTextField = "Name"; DDLScholarship.DataValueField = "Id"; DDLScholarship.DataSource = schmidlist; DDLScholarship.DataBind(); }
public void GetAllSpecialUser(int forumid) { ForumInfo[] forumInfoArray = AdminForums.GetForumSpecialUser(forumid); foruminfolist = new List<ForumInfo>(); if (forumInfoArray != null) { foreach (ForumInfo fi in forumInfoArray) { foruminfolist.Add(fi); } } }
private static List<Technology> SelectedTechnologies(FormCollection form) { var technologies = new List<Technology>(); foreach (var key in form.Keys) { if (key.ToString().StartsWith("Technology.")) { var value = form[key.ToString()]; bool selected = false; if (value.ToLowerInvariant() == "true") selected = true; if (HasChanged(value) && GetNewBooleanValue(value)) selected = true; if (selected) { var id = ExtractId(key.ToString()); var repo = new LookupRepository(); technologies.Add(repo.GetTechnology(id)); } } } return technologies; }
public void UpdateGrid(string ContextKey, object[] ChangesArray) { //List<string> fieldName = new List<string>(); MetaGridContextKey gridContextKey = UtilHelper.JsonDeserialize<MetaGridContextKey>(ContextKey); List<MetaObject> changed = new List<MetaObject>(); CHelper.AddToContext("GridUpdated", 1); LoadMetaViewPreference(gridContextKey.ViewName); MetaView CurrentView = GetViewByName(gridContextKey.ViewName); MetaObject[] list = CurrentView.List(mvPref); if (CurrentView.PrimaryGroupBy != null || CurrentView.SecondaryGroupBy == null) { if (CurrentView.SecondaryGroupBy != null) list = MetaViewGroupUtil.ExcludeCollapsed(MetaViewGroupByType.Secondary, CurrentView.SecondaryGroupBy, CurrentView.PrimaryGroupBy, mvPref, list); list = MetaViewGroupUtil.ExcludeCollapsed(MetaViewGroupByType.Primary, CurrentView.PrimaryGroupBy, null, mvPref, list); } foreach (Dictionary<string, object> obj in ChangesArray) { int primaryKeyId = Convert.ToInt32(obj["primaryKeyId"]); int columnId = Convert.ToInt32(obj["column"]); string value = Convert.ToString(obj["value"]); MetaObject tmp = GetMetaObjectById(list, primaryKeyId); MetaObject curObject = null; if (tmp != null) curObject = MetaObjectActivator.CreateInstance(tmp.GetMetaType(), primaryKeyId); else continue; curObject.Properties[GetFieldNameByIndex(columnId)].Value = GetMinutesFromString(value); changed.Add(curObject); } using (TransactionScope tran = DataContext.Current.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (MetaObject changeObj in changed) { changeObj.Save(); } tran.Commit(); } }
/// <summary> /// 此公有方法从本网页的链接中提取一定数量的链接,该链接的URL满足某正则式 /// </summary> /// <param name="pattern">正则式</param> /// <param name="count">返回的链接的个数</param> /// <returns>List<Link></returns> public List<Link> getSpecialLinksByUrl(string pattern, int count) { if (m_links.Count == 0) getLinks(); List<Link> SpecialLinks = new List<Link>(); List<Link>.Enumerator i; i = m_links.GetEnumerator(); int cnt = 0; while (i.MoveNext() && cnt < count) { if (new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(i.Current.NavigateUrl).Success) { SpecialLinks.Add(i.Current); cnt++; } } return SpecialLinks; }