상속: System.Web.IHttpModule
예제 #1
		public void PostMapRequestHandlerNoPath ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("foo/bar", new MyRouteHandler ()));
			// ... huh? no NIE? what does it do then?
			m.PostMapRequestHandler (new HttpContextStub2 ("~/foo/bar", null));
예제 #2
		public void SetRouteCollectionNull ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new Route (null, null));
			Assert.IsNotNull (m.RouteCollection, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual (RouteTable.Routes, m.RouteCollection, "#1-2");
			m.RouteCollection = null;
			Assert.IsNotNull (m.RouteCollection, "#2");
			Assert.AreEqual (RouteTable.Routes, m.RouteCollection, "#2-2");
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Rewrites to the correct Umbraco handler, either WebForms or Mvc
		/// </summary>		
		/// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="pcr"> </param>
		private static void RewriteToUmbracoHandler(HttpContextBase context, PublishedContentRequest pcr)
			// NOTE: we do not want to use TransferRequest even though many docs say it is better with IIS7, turns out this is
			// not what we need. The purpose of TransferRequest is to ensure that .net processes all of the rules for the newly
			// rewritten url, but this is not what we want!
			// read: http://forums.iis.net/t/1146511.aspx

			string query = pcr.Uri.Query.TrimStart(new[] { '?' });

			string rewritePath;

            if (pcr.RenderingEngine == RenderingEngine.Unknown)
                // Unkwnown means that no template was found. Default to Mvc because Mvc supports hijacking
                // routes which sometimes doesn't require a template since the developer may want full control
                // over the rendering. Can't do it in WebForms, so Mvc it is. And Mvc will also handle what to
                // do if no template or hijacked route is exist.
                pcr.RenderingEngine = RenderingEngine.Mvc;

			switch (pcr.RenderingEngine)
				case RenderingEngine.Mvc:
					// GlobalSettings.Path has already been through IOHelper.ResolveUrl() so it begins with / and vdir (if any)
					rewritePath = GlobalSettings.Path.TrimEnd(new[] { '/' }) + "/RenderMvc";
					// rewrite the path to the path of the handler (i.e. /umbraco/RenderMvc)
					context.RewritePath(rewritePath, "", query, false);

					//if it is MVC we need to do something special, we are not using TransferRequest as this will 
					//require us to rewrite the path with query strings and then reparse the query strings, this would 
					//also mean that we need to handle IIS 7 vs pre-IIS 7 differently. Instead we are just going to create
					//an instance of the UrlRoutingModule and call it's PostResolveRequestCache method. This does:
					// * Looks up the route based on the new rewritten URL
					// * Creates the RequestContext with all route parameters and then executes the correct handler that matches the route
					//we also cannot re-create this functionality because the setter for the HttpContext.Request.RequestContext is internal
					//so really, this is pretty much the only way without using Server.TransferRequest and if we did that, we'd have to rethink
					//a bunch of things!
					var urlRouting = new UrlRoutingModule();

				case RenderingEngine.WebForms:
					rewritePath = "~/default.aspx";
					// rewrite the path to the path of the handler (i.e. default.aspx)
					context.RewritePath(rewritePath, "", query, false);

                    throw new Exception("Invalid RenderingEngine.");
예제 #4
		public void PostResolveRequestCacheNullHttpHandler ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("foo/bar", new NullRouteHandler ()));

			m.PostResolveRequestCache (new HttpContextStub2 ("~/foo/bar", null));
예제 #5
		public void PostMapRequestHandlerNoMatch ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute (null, null));
			m.PostMapRequestHandler (new HttpContextStub2 ());
예제 #6
		public void Pipeline3 ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("{foo}/{bar}", new MyRouteHandler ()));
#if NET_4_0
			var hc = new HttpContextStub5 ("~/x/y", String.Empty, "apppath");
			var hc = new HttpContextStub2 ("~/x/y", String.Empty, "apppath");
			hc.SetResponse (new HttpResponseStub (2));
#if NET_4_0
			Assert.IsNull (m.RouteCollection.GetRouteData (hc), "#0");
			Assert.IsNotNull (m.RouteCollection.GetRouteData (hc), "#0");
			m.PostResolveRequestCache (hc);
			try {
				m.PostMapRequestHandler (hc);
				Assert.Fail ("#1");
			} catch (ApplicationException ex) {
				Assert.AreEqual ("~/UrlRouting.axd", ex.Message, "#2");
예제 #7
		public void Pipeline1 ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("{foo}/{bar}", new MyRouteHandler ()));
			var hc = new HttpContextStub3 ("~/x/y", "z", "apppath", false);
			hc.SetResponse (new HttpResponseStub (2));
			m.PostResolveRequestCache (hc);
			Assert.AreEqual ("~/UrlRouting.axd", hc.RewrittenPath, "#1");
			// It tries to set Handler and causes NIE
			m.PostMapRequestHandler (hc);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Rewrites to the default back office page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private static void RewriteToBackOfficeHandler(HttpContextBase context)
            // GlobalSettings.Path has already been through IOHelper.ResolveUrl() so it begins with / and vdir (if any)
            var rewritePath = GlobalSettings.Path.TrimEnd(new[] { '/' }) + "/Default";
            // rewrite the path to the path of the handler (i.e. /umbraco/RenderMvc)
            context.RewritePath(rewritePath, "", "", false);

            //if it is MVC we need to do something special, we are not using TransferRequest as this will 
            //require us to rewrite the path with query strings and then reparse the query strings, this would 
            //also mean that we need to handle IIS 7 vs pre-IIS 7 differently. Instead we are just going to create
            //an instance of the UrlRoutingModule and call it's PostResolveRequestCache method. This does:
            // * Looks up the route based on the new rewritten URL
            // * Creates the RequestContext with all route parameters and then executes the correct handler that matches the route
            //we also cannot re-create this functionality because the setter for the HttpContext.Request.RequestContext is internal
            //so really, this is pretty much the only way without using Server.TransferRequest and if we did that, we'd have to rethink
            //a bunch of things!
            var urlRouting = new UrlRoutingModule();
예제 #9
		public void PostResolveRequestCacheStopRoutingHttpHandler ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("foo/bar", new StopRoutingHandler ()));
			var hc = new HttpContextStub3 ("~/foo/bar", String.Empty, "apppath", false);
			m.PostResolveRequestCache (hc);
			Assert.IsNull (hc.RewrittenPath, "StopRoutingHandler should stop before the path is rewritten");
예제 #10
		public void PostResolveRequestCachePathToExistingFile ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("~/{foo}/{bar}", new MyRouteHandler ()));
			var hc = new HttpContextStub2 ("~/hoge/fuga", String.Empty, ".");
			// it tries to get HttpContextBase.Response, so set it.
			hc.SetResponse (new HttpResponseStub (3));
			try {
				m.PostResolveRequestCache (hc);
				Assert.Fail ("#1");
			} catch (ApplicationException ex) {
				Assert.AreEqual ("~/UrlRouting.axd", ex.Message, "#2");
예제 #11
		public void PostResolveRequestCache ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("{foo}/{bar}", new MyRouteHandler ()));
#if NET_4_0
			var hc = new HttpContextStub4 ("~/x/y", "z", "apppath", false);
			var hc = new HttpContextStub3 ("~/x/y", "z", "apppath", false);
			hc.SetResponse (new HttpResponseStub (2));
			m.PostResolveRequestCache (hc);
#if NET_4_0
			Assert.AreEqual (null, hc.RewrittenPath, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("~/UrlRouting.axd", hc.RewrittenPath, "#1");
			// it internally stores the handler 
예제 #12
		public void PostResolveRequestCacheModifiedPath ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("{foo}/{bar}", new MyRouteHandler ()));
			var hc = new HttpContextStub2 ("~/x/y", "z", "apppath");
			hc.SetResponse (new HttpResponseStub (2));
			try {
				m.PostResolveRequestCache (hc);
				Assert.Fail ("#1");
			} catch (ApplicationException ex) {
				Assert.AreEqual ("~/UrlRouting.axd", ex.Message, "#2");
예제 #13
		public void PostResolveRequestCacheNoPath ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("foo/bar", new MyRouteHandler ()));
			// it tries to get HttpContextBase.Request.Path and causes NIE.
			m.PostResolveRequestCache (new HttpContextStub2 ("~/foo/bar", null));
		public virtual void PostResolveRequestCache(HttpContextBase context)
			var request = context.Request;
			if (request == null || _routes.Count == 0)

			var path = request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.TrimStart('~').TrimEnd('/');
			var method = request.HttpMethod.EmptyNull();

			foreach (var route in _routes)
				if (route.PathPattern.IsMatch(path) && route.HttpMethodPattern.IsMatch(method))
					var module = new UrlRoutingModule();
예제 #15
		public void Pipeline2 ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("{foo}/{bar}", new MyRouteHandler ()));
#if NET_4_0
			var hc = new HttpContextStub4 ("~/x/y", "z", "apppath", true);
			var hc = new HttpContextStub3 ("~/x/y", "z", "apppath", true);
			hc.HttpHandler = new MyHttpHandler ();
			hc.SetResponse (new HttpResponseStub (2));
			m.PostResolveRequestCache (hc);
#if NET_4_0
			Assert.AreEqual (null, hc.RewrittenPath, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("~/UrlRouting.axd", hc.RewrittenPath, "#1");
			// It tries to set Handler and causes NIE
			m.PostMapRequestHandler (hc);
예제 #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Rewrites to the correct Umbraco handler, either WebForms or Mvc
		/// </summary>		
		/// <param name="context"></param>
		/// <param name="currentQuery"></param>
		/// <param name="engine"> </param>
		private void RewriteToUmbracoHandler(HttpContext context, string currentQuery, RenderingEngine engine)

			//NOTE: We do not want to use TransferRequest even though many docs say it is better with IIS7, turns out this is
			//not what we need. The purpose of TransferRequest is to ensure that .net processes all of the rules for the newly
			//rewritten url, but this is not what we want!
			// http://forums.iis.net/t/1146511.aspx

			string rewritePath;
			switch (engine)
				case RenderingEngine.Mvc:
					//the Path is normally ~/umbraco but we need to remove the start ~/ of it and if someone modifies this
					//then we should be rendering the MVC stuff in that location.
					rewritePath = "~/"
						+ GlobalSettings.Path.TrimStart(new[] { '~', '/' }).TrimEnd(new[] { '/' })
						+ "/RenderMvc";
					// we rewrite the path to the path of the handler (i.e. default.aspx or /umbraco/RenderMvc )
					context.RewritePath(rewritePath, "", currentQuery.TrimStart(new[] { '?' }), false);

					//if it is MVC we need to do something special, we are not using TransferRequest as this will 
					//require us to rewrite the path with query strings and then reparse the query strings, this would 
					//also mean that we need to handle IIS 7 vs pre-IIS 7 differently. Instead we are just going to create
					//an instance of the UrlRoutingModule and call it's PostResolveRequestCache method. This does:
					// * Looks up the route based on the new rewritten URL
					// * Creates the RequestContext with all route parameters and then executes the correct handler that matches the route
					//we also cannot re-create this functionality because the setter for the HttpContext.Request.RequestContext is internal
					//so really, this is pretty much the only way without using Server.TransferRequest and if we did that, we'd have to rethink
					//a bunch of things!

					var urlRouting = new UrlRoutingModule();
					urlRouting.PostResolveRequestCache(new HttpContextWrapper(context));

				case RenderingEngine.WebForms:
					rewritePath = "~/default.aspx";
					// rewrite the path to the path of the handler (i.e. default.aspx or /umbraco/RenderMvc )
					context.RewritePath(rewritePath, "", currentQuery.TrimStart(new[] { '?' }), false);


예제 #17
		public void Pipeline3 ()
			var m = new UrlRoutingModule ();
			RouteTable.Routes.Add (new MyRoute ("{foo}/{bar}", new MyRouteHandler ()));
			var hc = new HttpContextStub5 ("~/x/y", String.Empty, "apppath");
			hc.SetResponse (new HttpResponseStub (2));
			Assert.IsNull (m.RouteCollection.GetRouteData (hc), "#0");