예제 #1
        internal static ReadObjectInfo Create(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, ObjectManager objectManager, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, string assemblyName)
            ReadObjectInfo objectInfo = GetObjectInfo(serObjectInfoInit);

            objectInfo.Init(objectType, surrogateSelector, context, objectManager, serObjectInfoInit, converter, assemblyName);
예제 #2
 private void InternalInit()
     this.obj                 = null;
     this.objectType          = null;
     this.count               = 0;
     this.isSi                = false;
     this.isNamed             = false;
     this.isTyped             = false;
     this.si                  = null;
     this.wireMemberNames     = null;
     this.wireMemberTypes     = null;
     this.cache               = null;
     this.lastPosition        = 0;
     this.numberMembersSeen   = 0;
     this.bfake               = false;
     this.bSoapFault          = false;
     this.majorVersion        = 0;
     this.minorVersion        = 0;
     this.typeAttributeInfo   = null;
     this.arrayElemObjectInfo = null;
     if (this.memberTypesList != null)
예제 #3
        private void InternalInit()
            InternalST.Soap(this, objectInfoId, " objectType ", objectType, " InternalInit");
            obj               = null;
            objectType        = null;
            count             = 0;
            isSi              = false;
            isNamed           = false;
            isTyped           = false;
            si                = null;
            wireMemberNames   = null;
            wireMemberTypes   = null;
            cache             = null;
            lastPosition      = 0;
            numberMembersSeen = 0;

            bfake               = false;
            bSoapFault          = false;
            majorVersion        = 0;
            minorVersion        = 0;
            typeAttributeInfo   = null;
            arrayElemObjectInfo = null;

            // Si Read
            if (memberTypesList != null)
예제 #4
 private void InitReadConstructor(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, string assemblyName)
     if (objectType.IsArray)
         this.arrayElemObjectInfo = Create(objectType.GetElementType(), surrogateSelector, context, this.objectManager, this.serObjectInfoInit, this.formatterConverter, assemblyName);
         this.typeAttributeInfo   = this.GetTypeAttributeInfo();
         ISurrogateSelector selector = null;
         if (surrogateSelector != null)
             this.serializationSurrogate = surrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(objectType, context, out selector);
         if (this.serializationSurrogate != null)
             this.isSi = true;
         else if (!(objectType == Converter.typeofObject) && Converter.typeofISerializable.IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
             this.isSi = true;
         if (this.isSi)
             this.si = new SerializationInfo(objectType, this.formatterConverter);
예제 #5
        internal static ReadObjectInfo Create(Type objectType, String[] memberNames, Type[] memberTypes, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, ObjectManager objectManager, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, String assemblyName)
            ReadObjectInfo soi = GetObjectInfo(serObjectInfoInit);

            soi.Init(objectType, memberNames, memberTypes, surrogateSelector, context, objectManager, serObjectInfoInit, converter, assemblyName);
 internal ValueFixup(object memberObject, string memberName, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
     this.valueFixupEnum = ValueFixupEnum.Member;
     this.memberObject   = memberObject;
     this.memberName     = memberName;
     this.objectInfo     = objectInfo;
 internal ValueFixup(object memberObject, string memberName, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
     this.valueFixupEnum = ValueFixupEnum.Member;
     this.memberObject = memberObject;
     this.memberName = memberName;
     this.objectInfo = objectInfo;
예제 #8
 internal ValueFixup(Object memberObject, String memberName, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
     InternalST.Soap(this, "Member Constructor ", memberObject);
     valueFixupEnum    = ValueFixupEnum.Member;
     this.memberObject = memberObject;
     this.memberName   = memberName;
     this.objectInfo   = objectInfo;
 internal void Init()
     this.PRparseTypeEnum      = InternalParseTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRobjectTypeEnum     = InternalObjectTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRarrayTypeEnum      = InternalArrayTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRmemberTypeEnum     = InternalMemberTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRmemberValueEnum    = InternalMemberValueE.Empty;
     this.PRobjectPositionEnum = InternalObjectPositionE.Empty;
     this.PRname                     = null;
     this.PRnameXmlKey               = null;
     this.PRxmlNameSpace             = null;
     this.PRisParsed                 = false;
     this.PRisProcessAttributes      = false;
     this.PRvalue                    = null;
     this.PRkeyDt                    = null;
     this.PRdtType                   = null;
     this.PRassemblyName             = null;
     this.PRdtTypeCode               = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;
     this.PRisEnum                   = false;
     this.PRobjectId                 = 0L;
     this.PRidRef                    = 0L;
     this.PRarrayElementTypeString   = null;
     this.PRarrayElementType         = null;
     this.PRisArrayVariant           = false;
     this.PRarrayElementTypeCode     = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;
     this.PRprimitiveArrayTypeString = null;
     this.PRrank                     = 0;
     this.PRlengthA                  = null;
     this.PRpositionA                = null;
     this.PRlowerBoundA              = null;
     this.PRupperBoundA              = null;
     this.PRindexMap                 = null;
     this.PRmemberIndex              = 0;
     this.PRlinearlength             = 0;
     this.PRrectangularMap           = null;
     this.PRisLowerBound             = false;
     this.PRtopId                    = 0L;
     this.PRheaderId                 = 0L;
     this.PRisHeaderRoot             = false;
     this.PRisAttributesProcessed    = false;
     this.PRisMustUnderstand         = false;
     this.PRparseStateEnum           = InternalParseStateE.Initial;
     this.PRisWaitingForNestedObject = false;
     this.PRisValueTypeFixup         = false;
     this.PRnewObj                   = null;
     this.PRobjectA                  = null;
     this.PRprimitiveArray           = null;
     this.PRobjectInfo               = null;
     this.PRisRegistered             = false;
     this.PRisXmlAttribute           = false;
예제 #10
        private static ReadObjectInfo GetObjectInfo(SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit)
            ReadObjectInfo info = null;

            if (!serObjectInfoInit.oiPool.IsEmpty())
                info = (ReadObjectInfo)serObjectInfoInit.oiPool.Pop();
            return(new ReadObjectInfo {
                objectInfoId = serObjectInfoInit.objectInfoIdCount++
예제 #11
        private static ReadObjectInfo GetObjectInfo(SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit)
            ReadObjectInfo objectInfo = null;

            if (!serObjectInfoInit.oiPool.IsEmpty())
                objectInfo = (ReadObjectInfo)serObjectInfoInit.oiPool.Pop();
                //InternalST.Soap( "GetObjectInfo",objectInfo.objectInfoId," GetObjectInfo from pool");
                objectInfo = new ReadObjectInfo();
                objectInfo.objectInfoId = serObjectInfoInit.objectInfoIdCount++;
                //InternalST.Soap( "GetObjectInfo",objectInfo.objectInfoId," GetObjectInfo new not from pool");

예제 #12
        private void InitReadConstructor(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, String assemblyName)
            InternalST.Soap(this, objectInfoId, " ", objectType, " InitReadConstructor Entry ", objectType);

            if (objectType.IsArray)
                arrayElemObjectInfo = Create(objectType.GetElementType(), surrogateSelector, context, objectManager, serObjectInfoInit, formatterConverter, assemblyName);
                typeAttributeInfo   = GetTypeAttributeInfo();

            ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelectorTemp = null;

            if (surrogateSelector != null)
                serializationSurrogate = surrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(objectType, context, out surrogateSelectorTemp);

            if (serializationSurrogate != null)
                isSi = true;
            else if (objectType == Converter.typeofObject)
            else if (Converter.typeofISerializable.IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
                isSi = true;

            if (isSi)
                si = new SerializationInfo(objectType, formatterConverter);
            InternalST.Soap(this, objectInfoId, " ", objectType, " InitReadConstructor Exit ", isSi);
예제 #13
		internal ValueFixup(Object memberObject, String memberName, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
			InternalST.Soap(this, "Member Constructor ",memberObject);												
			valueFixupEnum = ValueFixupEnum.Member;
			this.memberObject = memberObject;
			this.memberName = memberName;
			this.objectInfo = objectInfo;
예제 #14
		// Initialize ParseRecord. Called when reusing.
		internal void Init()
			// Enums
			PRparseTypeEnum = InternalParseTypeE.Empty;
			PRobjectTypeEnum = InternalObjectTypeE.Empty;
			PRarrayTypeEnum = InternalArrayTypeE.Empty;
			PRmemberTypeEnum = InternalMemberTypeE.Empty;
			PRmemberValueEnum = InternalMemberValueE.Empty;
			PRobjectPositionEnum = InternalObjectPositionE.Empty;

			// Object
			PRname = null;
			PRnameXmlKey = null;
			PRxmlNameSpace = null;
			PRisParsed = false;
            PRisProcessAttributes = false;

			// Value
			PRvalue = null;

			// dt attribute
			PRkeyDt = null;
			PRdtType = null;
            PRassemblyName = null;
			PRdtTypeCode = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;
			PRisEnum = false;			

			// Object ID
			PRobjectId = 0;

			// Reference ID
			PRidRef = 0;

			// Array

			// Array Element Type
			PRarrayElementTypeString = null;
			PRarrayElementType = null;
			PRisArrayVariant = false;
			PRarrayElementTypeCode = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;

			// Array Primitive Element type
			PRprimitiveArrayTypeString = null;

			// Parsed array information
			PRrank = 0;
			PRlengthA = null;
			PRpositionA = null;
			PRlowerBoundA = null;
			PRupperBoundA = null;		

			// Array map for placing array elements in array
			PRindexMap = null;
			PRmemberIndex = 0;
			PRlinearlength = 0;
			PRrectangularMap = null;
			PRisLowerBound = false;

			// SerializedStreamHeader information
			PRtopId = 0;
			PRheaderId = 0;
			PRisHeaderRoot = false;
			PRisAttributesProcessed = false;

			// Parsed HeaderMember Information
			PRisMustUnderstand = false;

			// Parse State
			PRparseStateEnum = InternalParseStateE.Initial;
			PRisWaitingForNestedObject = false;

			// ValueType Fixup needed
			PRisValueTypeFixup = false;

			PRnewObj = null;
			PRobjectA = null;
			PRprimitiveArray = null;			
			PRobjectInfo = null;
			PRisRegistered = false;

			PRisXmlAttribute = false;
예제 #15
        private void InitReadConstructor(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, String assemblyName)
            InternalST.Soap( this,objectInfoId," ", objectType," InitReadConstructor Entry ",objectType);

            if (objectType.IsArray)
                arrayElemObjectInfo = Create(objectType.GetElementType(), surrogateSelector, context, objectManager, serObjectInfoInit, formatterConverter, assemblyName);
                typeAttributeInfo = GetTypeAttributeInfo();

            ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelectorTemp = null;

            if (surrogateSelector!=null)
                serializationSurrogate = surrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(objectType, context, out surrogateSelectorTemp);

            if (serializationSurrogate != null)
                isSi = true;
            else if (objectType == Converter.typeofObject)
            else if (Converter.typeofISerializable.IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
                isSi = true;

            if (isSi)
                si = new SerializationInfo(objectType, formatterConverter);
            InternalST.Soap( this,objectInfoId," ", objectType," InitReadConstructor Exit ",isSi);     
예제 #16
        private void InternalInit()
            InternalST.Soap( this, objectInfoId," objectType ",objectType," InternalInit");                                                                                        
            obj = null;
            objectType = null;
            count = 0;
            isSi = false;
            isNamed = false;
            isTyped = false;
            si = null;
            wireMemberNames = null;
            wireMemberTypes = null;
            cache = null;
            lastPosition = 0;
            numberMembersSeen = 0;

            bfake = false;
            bSoapFault = false;
            majorVersion = 0;
            minorVersion = 0;
            typeAttributeInfo = null;
            arrayElemObjectInfo = null;

            // Si Read
            if (memberTypesList != null)

예제 #17
 private static void PutObjectInfo(SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
     //InternalST.Soap( "PutObjectInfo",objectInfo.objectInfoId," PutObjectInfo to pool");							
예제 #18
        private static ReadObjectInfo GetObjectInfo(SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit)
            ReadObjectInfo objectInfo = null;

            if (!serObjectInfoInit.oiPool.IsEmpty())
                objectInfo = (ReadObjectInfo)serObjectInfoInit.oiPool.Pop();
                //InternalST.Soap( "GetObjectInfo",objectInfo.objectInfoId," GetObjectInfo from pool");
                objectInfo = new ReadObjectInfo();
                objectInfo.objectInfoId = serObjectInfoInit.objectInfoIdCount++;                        
                //InternalST.Soap( "GetObjectInfo",objectInfo.objectInfoId," GetObjectInfo new not from pool");				

            return objectInfo;
 internal void Init()
     this.PRparseTypeEnum = InternalParseTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRobjectTypeEnum = InternalObjectTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRarrayTypeEnum = InternalArrayTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRmemberTypeEnum = InternalMemberTypeE.Empty;
     this.PRmemberValueEnum = InternalMemberValueE.Empty;
     this.PRobjectPositionEnum = InternalObjectPositionE.Empty;
     this.PRname = null;
     this.PRnameXmlKey = null;
     this.PRxmlNameSpace = null;
     this.PRisParsed = false;
     this.PRisProcessAttributes = false;
     this.PRvalue = null;
     this.PRkeyDt = null;
     this.PRdtType = null;
     this.PRassemblyName = null;
     this.PRdtTypeCode = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;
     this.PRisEnum = false;
     this.PRobjectId = 0L;
     this.PRidRef = 0L;
     this.PRarrayElementTypeString = null;
     this.PRarrayElementType = null;
     this.PRisArrayVariant = false;
     this.PRarrayElementTypeCode = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;
     this.PRprimitiveArrayTypeString = null;
     this.PRrank = 0;
     this.PRlengthA = null;
     this.PRpositionA = null;
     this.PRlowerBoundA = null;
     this.PRupperBoundA = null;
     this.PRindexMap = null;
     this.PRmemberIndex = 0;
     this.PRlinearlength = 0;
     this.PRrectangularMap = null;
     this.PRisLowerBound = false;
     this.PRtopId = 0L;
     this.PRheaderId = 0L;
     this.PRisHeaderRoot = false;
     this.PRisAttributesProcessed = false;
     this.PRisMustUnderstand = false;
     this.PRparseStateEnum = InternalParseStateE.Initial;
     this.PRisWaitingForNestedObject = false;
     this.PRisValueTypeFixup = false;
     this.PRnewObj = null;
     this.PRobjectA = null;
     this.PRprimitiveArray = null;
     this.PRobjectInfo = null;
     this.PRisRegistered = false;
     this.PRisXmlAttribute = false;
예제 #20
 private static void PutObjectInfo(SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
예제 #21
 private static void PutObjectInfo(SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
     //InternalST.Soap( "PutObjectInfo",objectInfo.objectInfoId," PutObjectInfo to pool");
예제 #22
        // Initialize ParseRecord. Called when reusing.
        internal void Init()
            // Enums
            PRparseTypeEnum      = InternalParseTypeE.Empty;
            PRobjectTypeEnum     = InternalObjectTypeE.Empty;
            PRarrayTypeEnum      = InternalArrayTypeE.Empty;
            PRmemberTypeEnum     = InternalMemberTypeE.Empty;
            PRmemberValueEnum    = InternalMemberValueE.Empty;
            PRobjectPositionEnum = InternalObjectPositionE.Empty;

            // Object
            PRname                = null;
            PRnameXmlKey          = null;
            PRxmlNameSpace        = null;
            PRisParsed            = false;
            PRisProcessAttributes = false;

            // Value
            PRvalue = null;

            // dt attribute
            PRkeyDt        = null;
            PRdtType       = null;
            PRassemblyName = null;
            PRdtTypeCode   = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;
            PRisEnum       = false;

            // Object ID
            PRobjectId = 0;

            // Reference ID
            PRidRef = 0;

            // Array

            // Array Element Type
            PRarrayElementTypeString = null;
            PRarrayElementType       = null;
            PRisArrayVariant         = false;
            PRarrayElementTypeCode   = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid;

            // Array Primitive Element type
            PRprimitiveArrayTypeString = null;

            // Parsed array information
            PRrank        = 0;
            PRlengthA     = null;
            PRpositionA   = null;
            PRlowerBoundA = null;
            PRupperBoundA = null;

            // Array map for placing array elements in array
            PRindexMap       = null;
            PRmemberIndex    = 0;
            PRlinearlength   = 0;
            PRrectangularMap = null;
            PRisLowerBound   = false;

            // SerializedStreamHeader information
            PRtopId                 = 0;
            PRheaderId              = 0;
            PRisHeaderRoot          = false;
            PRisAttributesProcessed = false;

            // Parsed HeaderMember Information
            PRisMustUnderstand = false;

            // Parse State
            PRparseStateEnum           = InternalParseStateE.Initial;
            PRisWaitingForNestedObject = false;

            // ValueType Fixup needed
            PRisValueTypeFixup = false;

            PRnewObj         = null;
            PRobjectA        = null;
            PRprimitiveArray = null;
            PRobjectInfo     = null;
            PRisRegistered   = false;

            PRisXmlAttribute = false;
 private static void PutObjectInfo(SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, ReadObjectInfo objectInfo)
 private void InternalInit()
     this.obj = null;
     this.objectType = null;
     this.count = 0;
     this.isSi = false;
     this.isNamed = false;
     this.isTyped = false;
     this.si = null;
     this.wireMemberNames = null;
     this.wireMemberTypes = null;
     this.cache = null;
     this.lastPosition = 0;
     this.numberMembersSeen = 0;
     this.bfake = false;
     this.bSoapFault = false;
     this.majorVersion = 0;
     this.minorVersion = 0;
     this.typeAttributeInfo = null;
     this.arrayElemObjectInfo = null;
     if (this.memberTypesList != null)
 private void InitReadConstructor(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, string assemblyName)
     if (objectType.IsArray)
         this.arrayElemObjectInfo = Create(objectType.GetElementType(), surrogateSelector, context, this.objectManager, this.serObjectInfoInit, this.formatterConverter, assemblyName);
         this.typeAttributeInfo = this.GetTypeAttributeInfo();
         ISurrogateSelector selector = null;
         if (surrogateSelector != null)
             this.serializationSurrogate = surrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(objectType, context, out selector);
         if (this.serializationSurrogate != null)
             this.isSi = true;
         else if (!(objectType == Converter.typeofObject) && Converter.typeofISerializable.IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
             this.isSi = true;
         if (this.isSi)
             this.si = new SerializationInfo(objectType, this.formatterConverter);