        * Flee is the opposite of seek. Instead of producing a steering force to steer the agent toward a target position, flee creates a force that steers the agent away.
        * */
        public static Vector2D Flee(Vector2D targetPosition, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed)
            int FOV = 100;  //  Field Of View

            if (Vector2D.Length(Vector2D.Subtract(targetPosition, currentPosition)) > FOV)
                return Vector2D.None();
                Vector2D desired_V = Vector2D.Normalize(Vector2D.Subtract(currentPosition, targetPosition)) * max_speed;
                return Vector2D.Subtract(desired_V, Velocity);
         * Seek is useful for getting an agent moving in the right direction, but often you'll want your agents
         * to come to a gentle halt at the target position, and as you've seen, seek is not too great at stopping gracefully.
         * Arrive is a behavior that steers the agent in such a way it decelerates onto the target position.
         * */
        public static Vector2D Arrive(Vector2D targetPosition, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed)
            int arriveRadius = 100;

            Vector2D toTarget = Vector2D.Subtract(targetPosition, currentPosition);
            double distance = toTarget.Length();
            if (distance > 0)
                double speed = max_speed * (distance / arriveRadius);
                speed = Math.Min(speed, max_speed);
                Vector2D desired_V = toTarget * (float)(speed / distance);
                return Vector2D.Subtract(desired_V, Velocity);
            return Vector2D.None();
예제 #3
 public Vehicle(Vehicle target, SB sb)
     this.sb = sb;
     mass = World.Instance.random.Next(20, 80);
     max_force = 20;
     max_speed = 10;
     velocity = new Vector2D(5, 5);
     acceleration = Vector2D.None();
     heading = Vector2D.Normalize(velocity);
     CurrentPosition = new Vector2D(World.Instance.random.Next(World.Instance.ClientSize.Width), World.Instance.random.Next(World.Instance.ClientSize.Height));
     steerForce = Vector2D.None();
     brushVehicle = Brushes.Red;
     brushTarget = Brushes.Blue;
     whitePen = Pens.White;
     this.target = target;
         * You'll often find wander a useful ingredient when creating an agent's behavior.
         * It's designed to produce a steering force that will give the impression of a random walk through the agent's environment.
         * */
        public static Vector2D Wander(ref Vector2D wanderTarget, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, ref Vector2D heading, ref float wandertheta, int max_speed)
            //  see:    http://www.shiffman.net/teaching/nature/steering/

            float wanderR = 80.0f;         // Radius for our "wander circle"
            float wanderD = 40.0f;         // Distance for our "wander circle"
            float change = 0.5f;
            wandertheta += (float)(World.Instance.random.NextDouble() - World.Instance.random.NextDouble()) * change;     // Randomly change wander theta -1 .. +1

            // Now we have to calculate the new location to steer towards on the wander circle
            Vector2D circleloc = Velocity.Copy();   // Start with velocity
            circleloc.Normalize();                  // Normalize to get heading
            circleloc *= wanderD;                   // Multiply by distance
            circleloc += currentPosition;           // Make it relative to boid's location

            Vector2D circleOffSet = new Vector2D(wanderR * Math.Cos(wandertheta), wanderR * Math.Sin(wandertheta));
            Vector2D target = Vector2D.Add(circleloc, circleOffSet);

            wanderTarget = target;
            //  do a seek to target ...
            return Seek(target, ref currentPosition, ref Velocity, max_speed);
        // Alignment
        // For every nearby boid in the system, calculate the average velocity
        public static Vector2D Align(List<Vehicle> vehicles, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed)
            float neighbordist = 40.0F;
            Vector2D steer = new Vector2D();
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < vehicles.Count; i++)
                Vehicle other = vehicles[i];
                Vector2D temp = new Vector2D();
                temp.X = other.CurrentPosition.X - currentPosition.X;
                temp.Y = other.CurrentPosition.Y - currentPosition.Y;
                float d = (float)temp.Length();
                if ((d > 0) && (d < neighbordist))
                    steer.X += other.Velocity.X;
                    steer.Y += other.Velocity.Y;
            if (count > 0)
                steer = steer / (float)count;

            // As long as the vector is greater than 0
            if (steer.Length() > 0)
                // Implement Reynolds: Steering = Desired - Velocity
                float x = steer.X * max_speed;
                float y = steer.Y * max_speed;
                steer.X = x;
                steer.Y = y;
                steer = Vector2D.Subtract(steer, Velocity);
            return steer;
 // We accumulate a new acceleration each time based on three rules
 public static Vector2D Flocking(ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed, ref Vector2D currentPosition, int max_force)
     Vector2D sep = Separate(World.Instance.agents, ref currentPosition, ref Velocity, max_speed, max_force);   // Separation
     Vector2D ali = Align(World.Instance.agents, ref currentPosition, ref Velocity, max_speed);      // Alignment
     Vector2D coh = Cohesion(World.Instance.agents, ref currentPosition, ref Velocity, max_speed);   // Cohesion
     // Arbitrarily weight these forces
     sep = sep * 4.0F;
     ali = ali * 2.0F;
     coh = coh * 1.0F;
     // Add the force vectors to acceleration
     Vector2D acc = new Vector2D();
     acc = acc + sep;
     acc = acc + ali;
     acc = acc + coh;
     acc = Vector2D.Truncate(acc, max_force);
     return acc;
예제 #7
 public static Vector2D Normalize(Vector2D v1)
     double length = Vector2D.Length(v1);
     if (length > 0)
         return new Vector2D((float)(v1.X / Vector2D.Length(v1)), (float)(v1.Y / Vector2D.Length(v1)));
         return new Vector2D((float)(v1.X / 1), (float)(v1.Y / 1));
예제 #8
 public static Vector2D Subtract(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2)
     return new Vector2D(v1.X - v2.X, v1.Y - v2.Y);
예제 #9
        public void Update()
            heading = Vector2D.Normalize(velocity);

            //  compute steerforce
            steerForce = Vector2D.None();

            switch (sb)
                case SB.None:
                case SB.Seek:
                    if (target != null)
                        steerForce = SteeringBehaviours.Seek(target.CurrentPosition, ref CurrentPosition, ref velocity, max_speed);
                case SB.Arrive:
                    if (target != null)
                        steerForce = SteeringBehaviours.Arrive(target.CurrentPosition, ref CurrentPosition, ref velocity, max_speed);
                case SB.Flee:
                    if (target != null)
                        steerForce = SteeringBehaviours.Flee(target.CurrentPosition, ref CurrentPosition, ref velocity, max_speed);
                case SB.Wander:
                    steerForce = SteeringBehaviours.Wander(ref wanderTarget, ref CurrentPosition, ref velocity, ref heading, ref wandertheta, max_speed);
                case SB.Explore:
                    steerForce = SteeringBehaviours.Explore(ref wanderTarget, ref CurrentPosition, ref velocity, 20);
                case SB.LeaderFollowing:
                    steerForce = SteeringBehaviours.LeaderFollowing(ref heading, target.CurrentPosition, ref CurrentPosition, ref velocity, max_speed, max_force);
                case SB.Flocking:
                    steerForce = SteeringBehaviours.Flocking(ref velocity, max_speed, ref CurrentPosition, max_force);

            //  compute new current position
            steerForce = Vector2D.Truncate(steerForce, max_force);
            acceleration = steerForce / mass;
            velocity = Vector2D.Truncate(velocity + acceleration, max_speed);
            heading = Vector2D.Normalize(velocity);

            //  prevent kind of jitter
            //float treshold = 0.099f;
            //Vector2D newPosition = Vector2D.Add(velocity, CurrentPosition);
            //if (Math.Abs(newPosition.X - CurrentPosition.X) < treshold
            //    && Math.Abs(newPosition.Y - CurrentPosition.Y) < treshold)
            //    return;     //  keep current position

            CurrentPosition = Vector2D.Add(velocity, CurrentPosition);


            if (!World.Instance.mirrored)
                if (CurrentPosition.X > World.Instance.ClientSize.Width)
                    CurrentPosition.X = 0;
                if (CurrentPosition.Y > World.Instance.ClientSize.Height)
                    CurrentPosition.Y = 0;
                if (CurrentPosition.X < 0)
                    CurrentPosition.X = World.Instance.ClientSize.Width;
                if (CurrentPosition.Y < 0)
                    CurrentPosition.Y = World.Instance.ClientSize.Height;
                if (CurrentPosition.X > World.Instance.ClientSize.Width)
                    velocity.X *= -1;
                if (CurrentPosition.Y > World.Instance.ClientSize.Height)
                    velocity.Y *= -1;
                if (CurrentPosition.X < 0)
                    velocity.X *= -1;
                if (CurrentPosition.Y < 0)
                    velocity.Y *= -1;
예제 #10
 // Cohesion
 // For the average location (i.e. center) of all nearby boids, calculate steering vector towards that location
 public static Vector2D Cohesion(List<Vehicle> vehicles, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed)
     float neighbordist = 30.0F;
     Vector2D sum = new Vector2D();   // Start with empty vector to accumulate all locations
     int count = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < vehicles.Count; i++)
         Vehicle other = vehicles[i];
         Vector2D temp = new Vector2D();
         temp.X = other.CurrentPosition.X - currentPosition.X;
         temp.Y = other.CurrentPosition.Y - currentPosition.Y;
         float d = (float)temp.Length();
         if ((d > 0) && (d < neighbordist))
             sum.X += other.CurrentPosition.X;
             sum.Y += other.CurrentPosition.Y;
     if (count > 0)
         sum = sum / (float)count;
         return Seek(sum, ref currentPosition, ref Velocity, max_speed);
     return sum;
예제 #11
        private static void RemoveAllTargetsInRange(float range, ref Vector2D currentPosition)
            float beenRange = range;
            List<Vector2D> toKeep = new List<Vector2D>();

            if (HasBeen == null)
                HasBeen = new List<Vector2D>();
            if (ExploreGrid == null)
                ExploreGrid = new List<Vector2D>();

            foreach (Vector2D vec in ExploreGrid)
                float diffX = vec.X - currentPosition.X;
                float diffY = vec.Y - currentPosition.Y;
                if ((diffX <= range && diffX > -1 * range)
                    && (diffY <= range && diffY > -1 * range))
                    // do nothing
            foreach (Vector2D vec in toKeep)
예제 #12
        // Separation
        // Method checks for nearby boids and steers away
        public static Vector2D Separate(List<Vehicle> vehicles, ref Vector2D currentVehicle, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed, int max_force)
            float desiredseparation = 30.0F;
            Vector2D steer = new Vector2D();
            int count = 0;
            // For every boid in the system, check if it's too close
            for (int i = 0; i < vehicles.Count; i++)
                Vehicle other = vehicles[i];
                Vector2D temp = new Vector2D();
                temp.X = other.CurrentPosition.X - currentVehicle.X;
                temp.Y = other.CurrentPosition.Y - currentVehicle.Y;
                float d = (float)temp.Length();
                // If the distance is greater than 0 and less than an arbitrary amount (0 when you are yourself)
                if ((d > 0) && (d < desiredseparation))
                    // Calculate vector pointing away from neighbor
                    Vector2D diff = Vector2D.Subtract(currentVehicle, other.CurrentPosition);
                    diff /= d;       // Weight by distance
                    steer += diff;
                    count++;            // Keep track of how many
            // Average -- divide by how many
            if (count > 0)

            // As long as the vector is greater than 0
            if (steer.Length() > 0)
                // Implement Reynolds: Steering = Desired - Velocity
                steer = Vector2D.Subtract(steer,Velocity);
                steer = Vector2D.Truncate(steer, max_force);
            return steer;
예제 #13
 public static Vector2D Multiply(Vector2D v1, float v2)
     return new Vector2D(v1.X * v2, v1.Y * v2);
예제 #14
  *  The seek steering behavior returns a force that directs an agent toward a target position
  * */
 public static Vector2D Seek(Vector2D targetPosition, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed)
     Vector2D desired_V = Vector2D.Normalize(Vector2D.Subtract(targetPosition, currentPosition)) * max_speed;
     return Vector2D.Subtract(desired_V, Velocity);
예제 #15
         * You'll often find wander a useful ingredient when creating an agent's behavior.
         * It's designed to produce a steering force that will give the impression of a random walk through the agent's environment.
         * */
        public static Vector2D Explore(ref Vector2D wanderTarget, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed)
            //  see:    http://www.shiffman.net/teaching/nature/steering/

            if (ExploreGrid == null)
                ExploreGrid = new List<Vector2D>();
                HasBeen = new List<Vector2D>();

                int height = World.Instance.ClientSize.Height;
                int width = World.Instance.ClientSize.Width;

                for (int x = 20; x < (width - 20); x++)
                    for (int y = 20; y < (height - 20); y++)
                        ExploreGrid.Add(new Vector2D(x, y));

            int arriveRadius = 100;
            Vector2D theTarget = new Vector2D(World.Instance.ClientSize.Width / 2, World.Instance.ClientSize.Height / 2);

            float diffX = 0;
            float diffY = 0;
            float distanceToTarget = 0;

            if (ExploreGrid.Count <= 0)

                diffX = ExploreGrid.First().X - currentPosition.X;
                diffY = ExploreGrid.First().Y - currentPosition.Y;
                distanceToTarget = 30f;
                RemoveAllTargetsInRange(distanceToTarget, ref currentPosition);


            if (ExploreGrid.Count <= 0)
                theTarget = new Vector2D(World.Instance.ClientSize.Width / 2, World.Instance.ClientSize.Height / 2);
                if ((diffX <= distanceToTarget && diffX > -1 * distanceToTarget)
                    && (diffY <= distanceToTarget && diffY > -1 * distanceToTarget))
                    theTarget = new Vector2D(ExploreGrid.First().X, ExploreGrid.First().Y);
                    theTarget = new Vector2D(ExploreGrid.First().X, ExploreGrid.First().Y);

            Vector2D toTarget = Vector2D.Subtract(theTarget, currentPosition);
            wanderTarget = theTarget;

            double distance = toTarget.Length();
            if (distance > 0)
                double speed = max_speed * (distance / arriveRadius);
                speed = Math.Min(speed, max_speed);
                Vector2D desired_V = toTarget * (float)(speed / distance);
                return Vector2D.Subtract(desired_V, Velocity);

                //Vector2D desired_V = Vector2D.Normalize(Vector2D.Subtract(toTarget, currentPosition)) * max_speed;
                //return Vector2D.Subtract(desired_V, Velocity);
            return Vector2D.None();
예제 #16
 public static float Dot(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2)
     return (v1.X * v2.X + v1.Y * v2.Y);
예제 #17
 public static Vector2D Add(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2)
     return new Vector2D(v1.X + v2.X, v1.Y + v2.Y);
예제 #18
 internal static Vector2D Truncate(Vector2D vec, float max_value)
     if (vec.Length() > max_value)
         return Vector2D.Multiply(Vector2D.Normalize(vec), max_value);
     return vec;
예제 #19
        public static Vector2D LeaderFollowing(ref Vector2D heading, Vector2D targetPosition, ref Vector2D currentPosition, ref Vector2D Velocity, int max_speed, int max_force)
            // Separate
            Vector2D s = Separate(World.Instance.agents, ref currentPosition, ref Velocity, max_speed, max_force);

            Vector2D behindLeader = Vector2D.Subtract(targetPosition, heading);

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                behindLeader = Vector2D.Subtract(behindLeader, heading);

            Vector2D a = Arrive(behindLeader, ref currentPosition, ref Velocity, max_speed);

            // combineren
            Vector2D total = new Vector2D();
            total.X = (a.X * 3) + (s.X * 3);
            total.Y = (a.Y * 3) + (s.Y * 3);
            total = Vector2D.Truncate(total, max_force);

            return total;
예제 #20
 public static double Length(Vector2D v1)
     return Math.Sqrt(v1.X * v1.X + v1.Y * v1.Y);