예제 #1
        protected override void ExecuteInternal(string filePath, OrganizationServiceContext ctx)
            _trace.WriteLine("Searching for webresources in '{0}'", filePath);

            ConfigFile config = null;

                var configs = ServiceLocator.ConfigFileFactory.FindConfig(filePath);
                config = configs[0];
            catch (Exception ex)
                config = new ConfigFile()
                    filePath = filePath,

            if (config.webresources == null || config.webresources.Count == 0)
                // Add a webresource seciton
                config.webresources = new List <WebresourceDeployConfig> {
                    new WebresourceDeployConfig
                        files = new List <WebResourceFile>()

            var newWebResources = new List <WebResourceFile>();

            var files = config.webresources.Where(a => a.files != null).SelectMany(a => a.files);
            Dictionary <string, WebResourceFile> existingWebResources = new Dictionary <string, WebResourceFile>();

            foreach (var file in files)
                string key = file.uniquename.ToLower();
                if (!existingWebResources.ContainsKey(key))
                    existingWebResources[key] = file;
                    var duplicate = new SparkleTaskException(SparkleTaskException.ExceptionTypes.DUPLICATE_FILE, String.Format("Duplicate file in webresource config '{0}'. Config at '{1}'", file.file, filePath));
                    throw duplicate;

            var webresources = ServiceLocator.DirectoryService.Search(filePath, "*.js|*.htm|*.css|*.xap|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.gif|*.ico|*.xml");

            if (webresources == null)
                throw new SparkleTaskException(SparkleTaskException.ExceptionTypes.NO_WEBRESOURCES_FOUND, $"No webresources found in the folder '{filePath}'");

            // check there is a prefix supplied
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Prefix))
                throw new SparkleTaskException(SparkleTaskException.ExceptionTypes.MISSING_PREFIX, "Please supply the prefix for your webresources e.g. /p:new");

            // Get a list of all webresources!
            //.ToLower().Replace(Prefix + (Prefix.EndsWith("_") ? "" : "_"), "")
            var matchList = ServiceLocator.Queries.GetWebresources(ctx).ToDictionary(w => w.Name);

            var webresourceConfig = config.GetWebresourceConfig(this.Profile).FirstOrDefault();

            if (webresourceConfig == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find webresource section in spkl.json");

            string rootPath = Path.Combine(config.filePath, webresourceConfig.root != null ? webresourceConfig.root : "");

            foreach (var filename in webresources)
                _trace.WriteLine("Found '{0}'", filename);
                var file = filename.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();

                // Find if there are any matches
                //The file was name was not matching the capital case
                var match = matchList.Keys.Where(w => file.Contains(w.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault();

                if (match != null)
                    _trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found webresource {0}", match));
                    var webresource     = matchList[match];
                    var webresourcePath = filename.Replace(rootPath, "").TrimStart('\\').TrimStart('/');

                    // is it already in the config file
                    //The file was name was not matching the capital case
                    var existingMatch = existingWebResources.Keys.Where(w => webresource.Name.ToLower().Contains(w)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (existingMatch != null)

                    var webresourceFile = new WebResourceFile
                        uniquename  = webresource.Name,
                        file        = webresourcePath.Replace(rootPath, ""),
                        displayname = "" + webresource.DisplayName,
                        description = "" + webresource.Description
                    // If the displayname is the same as the uniquename then we only need the unique name
                    if (webresourceFile.displayname == webresourceFile.uniquename)
                        webresourceFile.displayname = null;

            if (webresourceConfig.files == null)
                webresourceConfig.files = new List <WebResourceFile>();
예제 #2
        protected override void ExecuteInternal(string filePath, OrganizationServiceContext ctx)
            _trace.WriteLine("Searching for webresources in '{0}'", filePath);

            ConfigFile config = null;

                var configs = ConfigFile.FindConfig(filePath);
                config = configs[0];
                config = new ConfigFile()
                    filePath = filePath,

            if (config.webresources == null || config.webresources.Count == 0)
                // Add a webresource seciton
                config.webresources = new List <WebresourceDeployConfig> {
                    new WebresourceDeployConfig
                        files = new List <WebResourceFile>()

            var newWebResources = new List <WebResourceFile>();

            var files = config.webresources.Where(a => a.files != null).SelectMany(a => a.files);
            Dictionary <string, WebResourceFile> existingWebResources = new Dictionary <string, WebResourceFile>();

            foreach (var file in files)
                string key = file.uniquename.ToLower();
                if (!existingWebResources.ContainsKey(key))
                    existingWebResources[key] = file;
                    var duplicate = new SparkleTaskException(SparkleTaskException.ExceptionTypes.DUPLICATE_FILE, String.Format("Duplicate file in webresource config '{0}'. Config at '{1}'", file.file, filePath));
                    throw duplicate;

            var webresources = DirectoryEx.Search(filePath, "*.js|*.htm|*.html|*.css|*.xap|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.gif|*.ico|*.xml", null);

            // Get a list of all webresources!
            var matchList = ctx.GetWebresources().ToDictionary(w => w.Name.ToLower().Replace(Prefix + (Prefix.EndsWith("_")? "" :"_"), ""));

            foreach (var filename in webresources)
                _trace.WriteLine("Found '{0}'", filename);
                var file = filename.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();

                // Find if there are any matches
                var match = matchList.Keys.Where(w => file.Contains(w)).FirstOrDefault();

                if (match != null)
                    _trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found webresource {0}", match));
                    var webresource     = matchList[match];
                    var webresourcePath = filename.Replace(config.filePath, "").TrimStart('\\').TrimStart('/');

                    // is it already in the config file
                    var existingMatch = existingWebResources.Keys.Where(w => webresource.Name.Contains(w)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (existingMatch != null)

                    var webresourceFile = new WebResourceFile
                        uniquename  = webresource.Name,
                        file        = webresourcePath,
                        displayname = "" + webresource.DisplayName,
                        description = "" + webresource.Description
                    // If the displayname is the same as the uniquename then we only need the unique name
                    if (webresourceFile.displayname == webresourceFile.uniquename)
                        webresourceFile.displayname = null;

            var webresourceConfig = config.GetWebresourceConfig(null).FirstOrDefault();

            if (webresourceConfig == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find webresource section in spkl.json");
            if (webresourceConfig.files == null)
                webresourceConfig.files = new List <WebResourceFile>();