/// <summary>
        /// Determines whether two line segments intersect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineSegment1">The first line segment.</param>
        /// <param name="lineSegment2">The second line segment.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>See <see href="https://www.cdn.geeksforgeeks.org/check-if-two-given-line-segments-intersect/"/>
        /// for the inner workings of this method (details which I have not worked out myself).</para></remarks>
        public static bool Intersect(OrientedLineSegment lineSegment1, OrientedLineSegment lineSegment2)
            if (lineSegment1 is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lineSegment1));
            if (lineSegment2 is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lineSegment2));

            if (lineSegment1.Start == lineSegment1.End)
                throw new NotImplementedException();                                         // Haven't checked that the method works in this case
            if (lineSegment2.Start == lineSegment2.End)
                throw new NotImplementedException();                                         // Haven't checked that the method works in this case
            var ls1 = lineSegment1;
            var ls2 = lineSegment2;

            var o1 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls1.Start, ls1.End, ls2.Start);
            var o2 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls1.Start, ls1.End, ls2.End);
            var o3 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls2.Start, ls2.End, ls1.Start);
            var o4 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls2.Start, ls2.End, ls1.End);

            if (o1 != o2 && o3 != o4)

            if (o1 == TripletOrientation.Collinear && LineSegmentContainsPoint(ls1, ls2.Start))
            if (o2 == TripletOrientation.Collinear && LineSegmentContainsPoint(ls1, ls2.End))
            if (o3 == TripletOrientation.Collinear && LineSegmentContainsPoint(ls2, ls1.Start))
            if (o4 == TripletOrientation.Collinear && LineSegmentContainsPoint(ls2, ls1.End))


            // Idea (obsolete in favor of the above I guess):
            // Look at the common range of, say, the x-coordinates
            // If empty, then return false
            // If equal at either endpoint, return true (because they intersect in the endpoint)
            // If the first line segment is below/above the other in one endpoint and above/below the other in the other, return true
            // Else return false

            // The above doesn't work when one of the lines is vertical though

            // Assumes that p is on the line determined by ls (this assumes that ls is non-degenerate)
            bool LineSegmentContainsPoint(OrientedLineSegment ls, Point p)
                return(Math.Min(ls.Start.X, ls.End.X) <= p.X &&
                       p.X <= Math.Max(ls.Start.X, ls.End.X) &&
                       Math.Min(ls.Start.Y, ls.End.Y) <= p.Y &&
                       p.Y <= Math.Max(ls.Start.Y, ls.End.Y));
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether two line segments intersect properly, in the sense that the
        /// interiors of the line segments intersect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineSegment1">The first line segment.</param>
        /// <param name="lineSegment2">The second line segment.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IntersectProperly(OrientedLineSegment lineSegment1, OrientedLineSegment lineSegment2)
            if (lineSegment1 is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lineSegment1));
            if (lineSegment2 is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lineSegment2));

            if (lineSegment1.Start == lineSegment1.End)
                return(false);                                        // The interior of a degenerate line segment is empty
            if (lineSegment2.Start == lineSegment2.End)
                return(false);                                        // The interior of a degenerate line segment is empty
            var ls1 = lineSegment1;
            var ls2 = lineSegment2;

            var o1 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls1.Start, ls1.End, ls2.Start);
            var o2 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls1.Start, ls1.End, ls2.End);
            var o3 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls2.Start, ls2.End, ls1.Start);
            var o4 = PlaneUtility.GetOrientation(ls2.Start, ls2.End, ls1.End);

            // The line segments are collinear
            if (o1 == TripletOrientation.Collinear && o2 == TripletOrientation.Collinear)
                return(ls1.IsEqualToAsUnorientedLineSegments(ls2) ||
                       LineSegmentInteriorContainsPoint(ls1, ls2.Start) ||
                       LineSegmentInteriorContainsPoint(ls1, ls2.End) ||
                       LineSegmentInteriorContainsPoint(ls2, ls1.Start) ||
                       LineSegmentInteriorContainsPoint(ls2, ls1.End));

            // The line segments are not collinear, so if any three points are collinear, the line segments just "touch"
            // each other, which does not constitute a proper intersection
            if (o1 == TripletOrientation.Collinear || o2 == TripletOrientation.Collinear || o3 == TripletOrientation.Collinear || o4 == TripletOrientation.Collinear)

            // Then just do "the usual" check
            return(o1 != o2 && o3 != o4);

            // Assumes that p is on the line determined by ls (this assumes that ls is non-degenerate)
            bool LineSegmentContainsPoint(OrientedLineSegment ls, Point p)
                return(Math.Min(ls.Start.X, ls.End.X) <= p.X &&
                       p.X <= Math.Max(ls.Start.X, ls.End.X) &&
                       Math.Min(ls.Start.Y, ls.End.Y) <= p.Y &&
                       p.Y <= Math.Max(ls.Start.Y, ls.End.Y));

            // Assumes that p is on the line determined by ls (this assumes that ls is non-degenerate)
            bool LineSegmentInteriorContainsPoint(OrientedLineSegment ls, Point p)
                return(LineSegmentContainsPoint(ls, p) && p != ls.Start && p != ls.End);