// load data into form private void cbCoinType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExchangeInformation ei = new ExchangeInformation(); CoinInformation ci = new CoinInformation(); lblUpdating.Visible = true; this.Refresh(); string szCoinType=cbCoinType.Items[cbCoinType.SelectedIndex].ToString(); CoinInfo i = rs.Coins[szCoinType]; lblAbbrev.Text = lblRewardCurrency.Text = i.Abbreviation; lblExchangeRateCurrency.Text = "BTC/" + i.Abbreviation; try { tbDifficulty.Text = ci.GetDifficulty(i.ExplorerType, i.ExplorerBaseURL, i.ExplorerChain, i.Abbreviation).ToString(); } catch { tbDifficulty.Text = "Unavailable"; } try { tbReward.Text = ci.GetReward(i.ExplorerType, i.ExplorerBaseURL, i.ExplorerChain, i.Abbreviation).ToString(); } catch { tbReward.Text = "Unavailable"; } for (int c = 0; c < cbHashrateUnit.Items.Count; c++) if (((Item)cbHashrateUnit.Items[c]).Name == i.DefaultHashRateUnit) cbHashrateUnit.SelectedIndex = c; try { if (i.Exchange != null) tbExchangeRate.Text = ei.GetExchangeRate(i.Exchange, i.Abbreviation).ToString(); else tbExchangeRate.Text = ""; } catch { tbExchangeRate.Text = "Unavailable"; } if (cbCoinType.Items[cbCoinType.SelectedIndex].ToString().ToLower() == "bitcoin") // case-insensitive for Mono compatibility tbExchangeRate.Text = "1"; tbHashrate.Text = i.DefaultHashRate; lblUpdating.Visible = false; this.Refresh(); OnChanged(); }
static int Lookup(string szSelectedCoin, decimal hashrate, bool bIncomeInBTC, long interval, string exchange, RegistrySettings rs) { Profitability p = new Profitability(); CoinInformation ci = new CoinInformation(); ExchangeInformation ei = new ExchangeInformation(); CoinInfo inf = rs.Coins[szSelectedCoin]; double diff = 0; try { diff = ci.GetDifficulty(inf.ExplorerType, inf.ExplorerBaseURL, inf.ExplorerChain, inf.Abbreviation); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unable to fetch difficulty"); return -1; } decimal reward = 0; try { reward = ci.GetReward(inf.ExplorerType, inf.ExplorerBaseURL, inf.ExplorerChain, inf.Abbreviation); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unable to fetch reward"); return -1; } if (hashrate == 0) switch (inf.DefaultHashRateUnit) { case "H/s": hashrate = Convert.ToDecimal(inf.DefaultHashRate); break; case "kH/s": hashrate = Convert.ToDecimal(inf.DefaultHashRate) * 1000; break; case "MH/s": hashrate = Convert.ToDecimal(inf.DefaultHashRate) * 1000000; break; case "GH/s": hashrate = Convert.ToDecimal(inf.DefaultHashRate) * 100000000; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("invalid hashrate unit"); } if (!bIncomeInBTC) Console.WriteLine(p.ProfitOnInterval(interval, hashrate, reward, (decimal)diff).ToString("F8")); else { decimal exchrate = 0; try { exchrate = (szSelectedCoin.ToLower() != "bitcoin") ? ei.GetExchangeRate((exchange != "") ? exchange : inf.Exchange, inf.Abbreviation) : 1; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unable to fetch exchange rate"); return -1; } Console.WriteLine(p.ProfitOnIntervalBTC(interval, hashrate, reward, (decimal)diff, exchrate).ToString("F8")); } return 0; }