예제 #1
        public Cursor(ITextSurface surface)
            privateEditor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
            _console      = new WeakReference(privateEditor);

예제 #2
파일: Cursor.cs 프로젝트: Thraka/SadConsole
        public Cursor(ITextSurface surface)
            privateEditor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
            _console = new WeakReference(privateEditor);

예제 #3
파일: Circle.cs 프로젝트: Thraka/SadConsole
        public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
            if (BorderAppearance == null)
                BorderAppearance = new CellAppearance(Color.Blue, Color.Black, 4);

            Algorithms.Circle(Center.X, Center.Y, Radius, (x, y) => { if (surface.IsValidCell(x, y)) surface.SetCellAppearance(x, y, BorderAppearance); });
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pixelWidth">Width the source texture.</param>
        /// <param name="pixelHeight">Height of the source texture.</param>
        /// <param name="font">Font used for rendering.</param>
        public TextureToSurfaceReader(int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, Font font)
            this.width = pixelWidth;
            this.height = pixelHeight;
            pixels = new Color[pixelWidth * pixelHeight];
            indexes = new int[pixelWidth * pixelHeight];
            surface = new TextSurface(pixelWidth / font.Size.X, pixelHeight / font.Size.Y, font);
            fontPixels = font.Size.X * font.Size.Y;
            editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);

            // build the indexes
            int currentIndex = 0;
            for (int h = 0; h < surface.Height; h++)
                int startY = (h * surface.Font.Size.Y);
                //System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, image.Width / surface.Font.Size.X, (w) =>
                for (int w = 0; w < surface.Width; w++)
                    int startX = (w * surface.Font.Size.X);

                    for (int y = 0; y < surface.Font.Size.Y; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < surface.Font.Size.X; x++)
                            int cY = y + startY;
                            int cX = x + startX;

                            indexes[currentIndex] = cY * pixelWidth + cX;

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the console this cursor is targetting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="console">The console the cursor works with.</param>
        public void AttachConsole(SurfaceEditor console)
            if (privateEditor != null)
                privateEditor = null;

            _console = new WeakReference(console);
예제 #6
 public FPSCounterComponent(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
     : base(game)
     console = new TextSurface(30, 1, Engine.DefaultFont);
     editor = new SurfaceEditor(console);
     console.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;
     consoleRender = new TextSurfaceRenderer();
예제 #7
        public void Save(object surface, string file)
            ITextSurface textSurface = (ITextSurface)surface;
            SurfaceEditor editor = new SurfaceEditor(textSurface);
            string[] lines = new string[textSurface.Height];

            for (int y = 0; y < textSurface.Height; y++)
                lines[y] = editor.GetString(0, y, textSurface.Width);

            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(file, lines);
예제 #8
 ParseCommandBase CustomParseCommand(string command, string parameters, ColoredGlyph[] glyphString,
                                                   ITextSurface surface, SurfaceEditor editor, ParseCommandStacks commandStacks)
     switch (command)
         case "t":
             return new ParseCommandRetext(parameters);
             return null; ;
예제 #9
 public override void Draw(ITextSurface surface, Rectangle area)
     string value = ((FileLoaders.IFileLoader)Item).FileTypeName;
     if (value.Length < area.Width)
         value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
     else if (value.Length > area.Width)
         value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);
     var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
     editor.Print(area.Left, area.Top, value, _currentAppearance);
     _isDirty = false;
예제 #10
        public override void Build(ref ColoredGlyph glyphState, ColoredGlyph[] glyphString, int surfaceIndex, ITextSurface surface, SurfaceEditor editor, ref int stringIndex, string processedString, ParseCommandStacks commandStack)
            if (CommandType == CommandTypes.Background)
                glyphState.Background = GradientString[Length - Counter].Foreground;
                glyphState.Foreground = GradientString[Length - Counter].Foreground;


            if (Counter == 0)
예제 #11
        public override void Build(ref ColoredGlyph glyphState, ColoredGlyph[] glyphString, int surfaceIndex, ITextSurface surface, SurfaceEditor editor, ref int stringIndex, string processedString, ParseCommandStacks commandStack)
            glyphState.Effect = BlinkEffect;

            if (Counter != -1)

                if (Counter == 0)
예제 #12
        public override void Draw(ITextSurface surface, Rectangle area)
            string value = ((Editors.EntityEditor.FrameWrapper)Item).CurrentIndex.ToString();
            if (value.Length < area.Width)
                value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
            else if (value.Length > area.Width)
                value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);

            var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
            editor.Print(area.X, area.Y, value, _currentAppearance);
            _isDirty = false;
예제 #13
        public ParseCommandBlink(string parameters, ColoredGlyph[] glyphString, ParseCommandStacks commandStack, SurfaceEditor surfaceEditor)
            string[] parametersArray = parameters.Split(':');

            if (parametersArray.Length == 2)
                Speed = double.Parse(parametersArray[1]);

            if (parametersArray.Length >= 1 && parametersArray[0] != "")
                Counter = int.Parse(parametersArray[0]);
                Counter = -1;

            // Try sync with surface editor
            if (surfaceEditor != null)
                var effects = surfaceEditor.Effects.GetEffects();
                if (effects != null)
                    var existingBlinks = new List<SadConsole.Effects.ICellEffect>(effects);

                    foreach (var item in existingBlinks)
                        if (item is CustomBlinkEffect)
                            if (Speed == ((CustomBlinkEffect)item).BlinkSpeed)
                                BlinkEffect = (CustomBlinkEffect)item;


            // Failed, look within this parse for existing
            if (BlinkEffect == null)
                foreach (var item in glyphString)
                    if (item.Effect != null && item.Effect is CustomBlinkEffect)
                        if (Speed == ((CustomBlinkEffect)item.Effect).BlinkSpeed)
                            BlinkEffect = (CustomBlinkEffect)item.Effect;

            if (BlinkEffect == null)
                BlinkEffect = new CustomBlinkEffect() { BlinkSpeed = Speed };

            commandStack.TurnOnEffects = true;

            // No exceptions, set the type
            CommandType = CommandTypes.Effect;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the cursor class that will work with the specified console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="console">The console this cursor will print on.</param>
        public Cursor(SurfaceEditor console)
            _console  = new WeakReference(console);
            IsVisible = false;

            PrintAppearance          = new CellAppearance(Color.White, Color.Black);
            AutomaticallyShiftRowsUp = true;

            CursorRenderCell            = new Cell();
            CursorRenderCell.GlyphIndex = _cursorCharacter;
            CursorRenderCell.Foreground = Color.White;
            CursorRenderCell.Background = Color.Transparent;

예제 #15
        public AnsiWriter(Document ansiDocument, SurfaceEditor editor)
            _ansiDoc = ansiDocument;
            _editor = editor;
            _cursor = new Cursor(editor);
            _cursor.UseStringParser = false;
            _cursor.DisableWordBreak = true;

            CharactersPerSecond = 800;

            _bytes = ansiDocument.AnsiBytes;
            _ansiState = new State();

            _ansiCodeBuilder = new StringBuilder(5);
            _ansiStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(40);

            BlinkEffect = new Blink() { BlinkSpeed = 0.35f };
예제 #16
파일: Box.cs 프로젝트: Thraka/SadConsole
        public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
            for (int x = Location.X; x < Location.X + Width; x++)
                for (int y = Location.Y; y < Location.Y + Height; y++)
                    // Top row
                    if (y == Location.Y)
                        if (x == Location.X)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, TopLeftCharacter);
                        else if (x == Location.X + Width - 1)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, TopRightCharacter);
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, TopSideCharacter);

                    // Bottom row
                    else if (y == Location.Y + Height - 1)
                        if (x == Location.X)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, BottomLeftCharacter);
                        else if (x == Location.X + Width - 1)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, BottomRightCharacter);
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, BottomSideCharacter);

                    // Other rows
                        if (x == Location.X)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, LeftSideCharacter);
                        else if (x == Location.X + Width - 1)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, RightSideCharacter);
                        else if (Fill)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, 0, Fill);

예제 #17
        public override void Build(ref ColoredGlyph glyphState, ColoredGlyph[] glyphString, int surfaceIndex, ITextSurface surface, SurfaceEditor editor, ref int stringIndex, string processedString, ParseCommandStacks commandStack)
            Color newColor;

            if (Default)
                if (CommandType == CommandTypes.Background)
                    newColor = surface != null ? surface.DefaultBackground : Color.Transparent;
                    newColor = surface != null ? surface.DefaultForeground : Color.White;
                if (CommandType == CommandTypes.Background)
                    newColor = glyphState.Background;
                    newColor = glyphState.Foreground;

                if (!KeepRed)
                    newColor.R = R;
                if (!KeepGreen)
                    newColor.G = G;
                if (!KeepBlue)
                    newColor.B = B;
                if (!KeepAlpha)
                    newColor.A = A;

            if (CommandType == CommandTypes.Background)
                glyphState.Background = newColor;
                glyphState.Foreground = newColor;

            if (Counter != -1)

                if (Counter == 0)
예제 #18
        public RandomScrollingConsole()
            : base(80, 25)
            messageData = new SurfaceEditor(new TextSurface(10, 1, Engine.DefaultFont));
            IsVisible = false;

            KeyboardHandler = (cons, info) =>

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left - 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80, 25);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left + 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80, 25);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top - 1, 80, 25);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top + 1, 80, 25);

                return true;
예제 #19
            public override void Draw(ITextSurface surface, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area)
                string value = ((LayerMetadata)((LayeredTextSurface.Layer)Item).Metadata).Name;

                if (value.Length < area.Width)
                    value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
                else if (value.Length > area.Width)
                    value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);
                var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
                editor.Print(area.X, area.Y, value, _currentAppearance);
                _isDirty = false;
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a colored string by parsing commands embedded in the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The string to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceIndex">Index of where this string will be printed.</param>
        /// <param name="surface">The surface the string will be printed to.</param>
        /// <param name="editor">A surface editor associated with the text surface.</param>
        /// <param name="initialBehaviors">Any initial defaults.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ColoredString Parse(string value, int surfaceIndex = -1, Consoles.ITextSurface surface = null, SurfaceEditor editor = null, ParseCommandStacks initialBehaviors = null)
            var commandStacks = initialBehaviors != null ? initialBehaviors : new ParseCommandStacks();
            List<ColoredGlyph> glyphs = new List<ColoredGlyph>(value.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
                var existingGlyphs = glyphs.ToArray();

                if (value[i] == '`' && i + 1 < value.Length && value[i + 1] == '[')

                if (value[i] == '[' && (i == 0 || value[i - 1] != '`'))
                        if (i + 4 < value.Length && value[i + 1] == 'c' && value[i + 2] == ':' && value.IndexOf(']', i + 2) != -1)
                            int commandExitIndex = value.IndexOf(']', i + 2);
                            string command = value.Substring(i + 3, commandExitIndex - (i + 3));
                            string commandParams = "";

                            if (command.Contains(" "))
                                var commandSections = command.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
                                command = commandSections[0].ToLower();
                                commandParams = commandSections[1];

                            // Check for custom command
                            ParseCommandBase commandObject = CustomProcessor != null ? CustomProcessor(command, commandParams, existingGlyphs, surface, editor, commandStacks) : null;

                            // No custom command found, run build in ones
                            if (commandObject == null)
                                switch (command)
                                    case "recolor":
                                    case "r":
                                        commandObject = new ParseCommandRecolor(commandParams);
                                    case "mirror":
                                    case "m":
                                        commandObject = new ParseCommandSpriteEffect(commandParams);
                                    case "undo":
                                    case "u":
                                        commandObject = new ParseCommandUndo(commandParams, commandStacks);
                                    case "grad":
                                    case "g":
                                        commandObject = new ParseCommandGradient(commandParams);
                                    case "blink":
                                    case "b":
                                        commandObject = new ParseCommandBlink(commandParams, existingGlyphs, commandStacks, editor);
                                    case "sglyph":
                                    case "sg":
                                        commandObject = new ParseCommandSetGlyph(commandParams);

                            if (commandObject != null && commandObject.CommandType != CommandTypes.Invalid)

                                i = commandExitIndex;

                    catch (System.Exception e1)
            #if DEBUG
                        throw e1;

                int fixedSurfaceIndex;

                if (surfaceIndex == -1 || surface == null)
                    fixedSurfaceIndex = -1;
                    fixedSurfaceIndex = i + surfaceIndex < surface.Cells.Length ? i + surfaceIndex : -1;

                ColoredGlyph newGlyph;

                if (fixedSurfaceIndex != -1)
                    newGlyph = new ColoredGlyph(surface[i + surfaceIndex]) { Glyph = value[i] };
                    newGlyph = new ColoredGlyph(new Cell()) { Glyph = value[i] };

                // Foreground
                if (commandStacks.Foreground.Count != 0)
                    commandStacks.Foreground.Peek().Build(ref newGlyph, existingGlyphs, fixedSurfaceIndex, surface, editor, ref i, value, commandStacks);

                // Background
                if (commandStacks.Background.Count != 0)
                    commandStacks.Background.Peek().Build(ref newGlyph, existingGlyphs, fixedSurfaceIndex, surface, editor, ref i, value, commandStacks);

                if (commandStacks.Glyph.Count != 0)
                    commandStacks.Glyph.Peek().Build(ref newGlyph, existingGlyphs, fixedSurfaceIndex, surface, editor, ref i, value, commandStacks);

                // SpriteEffect
                if (commandStacks.SpriteEffect.Count != 0)
                    commandStacks.SpriteEffect.Peek().Build(ref newGlyph, existingGlyphs, fixedSurfaceIndex, surface, editor, ref i, value, commandStacks);

                // Effect
                if (commandStacks.Effect.Count != 0)
                    commandStacks.Effect.Peek().Build(ref newGlyph, existingGlyphs, fixedSurfaceIndex, surface, editor, ref i, value, commandStacks);


            return new ColoredString(glyphs.ToArray()) { IgnoreEffect = !commandStacks.TurnOnEffects };
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the cursor class that will work with the specified console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="console">The console this cursor will print on.</param>
        public Cursor(SurfaceEditor console)
            _console = new WeakReference(console);

예제 #22
        public static unsafe void ToSurface(this Texture2D image, TextSurface surface, Color[] cachedColorArray, bool blockMode = false)
            int imageWidth = image.Width;
            int imageHeight = image.Height;

            SurfaceEditor editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
            global::System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, imageHeight / surface.Font.Size.Y, (h) =>
            //for (int h = 0; h < imageHeight / surface.Font.Size.Y; h++)
                int startY = (h * surface.Font.Size.Y);
                //System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, imageWidth / surface.Font.Size.X, (w) =>
                for (int w = 0; w < imageWidth / surface.Font.Size.X; w++)
                    int startX = (w * surface.Font.Size.X);

                    float allR = 0;
                    float allG = 0;
                    float allB = 0;

                    for (int y = 0; y < surface.Font.Size.Y; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < surface.Font.Size.X; x++)
                            int cY = y + startY;
                            int cX = x + startX;

                            Color color = cachedColorArray[cY * imageWidth + cX];

                            allR += color.R;
                            allG += color.G;
                            allB += color.B;

                    byte sr = (byte)(allR / (surface.Font.Size.X * surface.Font.Size.Y));
                    byte sg = (byte)(allG / (surface.Font.Size.X * surface.Font.Size.Y));
                    byte sb = (byte)(allB / (surface.Font.Size.X * surface.Font.Size.Y));

                    var newColor = new Color(sr, sg, sb);

                    float sbri = newColor.GetBrightness() * 255;

                    if (blockMode)
                        if (sbri > 204)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, 219, newColor); //█
                        else if (sbri > 152)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, 178, newColor); //▓
                        else if (sbri > 100)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, 177, newColor); //▒
                        else if (sbri > 48)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, 176, newColor); //░
                        if (sbri > 230)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'#', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 207)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'&', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 184)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'$', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 161)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'X', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 138)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'x', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 115)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'=', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 92)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'+', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 69)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)';', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 46)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)':', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 23)
                            editor.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'.', newColor);
예제 #23
 //public ICellAppearance FillAppearance;
 //public bool Fill;
 public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
     Algorithms.Ellipse(StartingPoint.X, StartingPoint.Y, EndingPoint.X, EndingPoint.Y, (x, y) => { if (surface.IsValidCell(x, y)) surface.SetCellAppearance(x, y, BorderAppearance); });
예제 #24
 public override void Build(ref ColoredGlyph glyphState, ColoredGlyph[] glyphString, int surfaceIndex, ITextSurface surface, SurfaceEditor editor, ref int stringIndex, string processedString, ParseCommandStacks commandStack)
예제 #25
파일: Cursor.cs 프로젝트: Thraka/SadConsole
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the cursor class that will work with the specified console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="console">The console this cursor will print on.</param>
        public Cursor(SurfaceEditor console)
            _console = new WeakReference(console);

예제 #26
파일: Box.cs 프로젝트: Thraka/SadConsole
        private void PlotCell(SurfaceEditor surface, int x, int y, int glyph, bool fillMe = false)
            if (surface.IsValidCell(x,y))
                var cell = surface[x, y];

                if (fillMe)
                    cell.Background = FillColor;
                    cell.Foreground = Foreground;
                    cell.GlyphIndex = glyph;

                if (Foreground != Color.Transparent || DrawTransparency)
                    cell.Foreground = Foreground;

                if (BorderBackground != Color.Transparent || DrawTransparency)
                    cell.Background = BorderBackground;

                cell.GlyphIndex = glyph;
예제 #27
파일: Cursor.cs 프로젝트: Thraka/SadConsole
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the console this cursor is targetting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="console">The console the cursor works with.</param>
        public void AttachConsole(SurfaceEditor console)
            if (privateEditor != null)
                privateEditor = null;

            _console = new WeakReference(console);
            public override void Draw(ITextSurface surface, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area)
                string value = ((ResizableObject)Item).Name;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    value = "<no name>";

                if (value.Length < area.Width)
                    value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
                else if (value.Length > area.Width)
                    value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);
                var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
                editor.Print(area.X, area.Y, value, _currentAppearance);
                _isDirty = false;
예제 #29
파일: Line.cs 프로젝트: Thraka/SadConsole
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the line shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surface">The cell surface to draw on.</param>
        public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
            List<Cell> cells = new List<Cell>();

            Algorithms.Line(StartingLocation.X, StartingLocation.Y, EndingLocation.X, EndingLocation.Y, (x, y) => { cells.Add(surface[x, y]); return true; });

            if (cells.Count > 1)
                if (UseStartingCell)
                    cells[0].Effect = StartingCellAppearance.Effect;
                    cells[0].Effect = StartingCellAppearance.Effect;

                if (UseEndingCell)
                    EndingCellAppearance.Copy(cells[cells.Count - 1]);
                    cells[cells.Count - 1].Effect = EndingCellAppearance.Effect;
                    CellAppearance.Copy(cells[cells.Count - 1]);
                    cells[cells.Count - 1].Effect = CellAppearance.Effect;

                for (int i = 1; i < cells.Count - 1; i++)
                    cells[i].Effect = CellAppearance.Effect;
            else if (cells.Count == 1)
                cells[0].Effect = CellAppearance.Effect;
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the console this cursor is targetting.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="console">The console the cursor works with.</param>
 public void AttachConsole(SurfaceEditor console)
     _console = new WeakReference(console);
예제 #31
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="surface"></param>
            /// <param name="area"></param>
            public override void Draw(ITextSurface surface, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area)
                var hotSpot = ((Hotspot)Item);
                ColoredString value = ((char)hotSpot.DebugAppearance.GlyphIndex).ToString().CreateColored(hotSpot.DebugAppearance.Foreground, hotSpot.DebugAppearance.Background, hotSpot.DebugAppearance.SpriteEffect) + " ".CreateColored(_currentAppearance.Foreground, _currentAppearance.Background) + hotSpot.Title.CreateColored(_currentAppearance.Foreground, _currentAppearance.Background);

                if (value.Count < area.Width)
                    value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Count).CreateColored(_currentAppearance.Foreground, _currentAppearance.Background);
                else if (value.Count > area.Width)
                    value = new ColoredString(value.Take(area.Width).ToArray());
                var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
                editor.Print(area.X, area.Y, value);
                _isDirty = false;