상속: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
예제 #1
        public void OnTriggerExit(Collider c)
            if (this.fullBody == null)
            InteractionTrigger component = c.GetComponent <InteractionTrigger>();

		private void DrawRange(InteractionTrigger.Range range, int index) {
			Color color = GetColor(index);
			Handles.color = color;
			GUI.color = color;

			Vector3 position = script.transform.position + script.transform.rotation * range.positionOffset;
			Vector3 direction = script.target.position - position;
			direction.y = 0f;

			range.maxDistance = Mathf.Clamp(range.maxDistance, 0f, range.maxDistance);

			bool noDirection = direction == Vector3.zero;
			if (noDirection) {
				range.angleOffset = 0f;
				range.maxAngle = 180f;

			Quaternion rotation = noDirection? Quaternion.identity: Quaternion.LookRotation(direction);

			Vector3 up = rotation * Vector3.up;
			Vector3 forward = rotation * Vector3.forward;

			Handles.DrawWireDisc(position, up, range.maxDistance);

			if (range.orbit) {
				float mag = range.positionOffset.magnitude;

				if (mag - range.maxDistance > 0f) Handles.DrawWireDisc(script.transform.position, up, mag - range.maxDistance);
				Handles.DrawWireDisc(script.transform.position, up, mag + range.maxDistance);

			Vector3 x = Quaternion.AngleAxis(range.angleOffset, up) * forward * range.maxDistance;
			Quaternion q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-range.maxAngle, up);
			Vector3 dir = q * x;

			if (!noDirection && range.maxAngle < 180f) {
				Handles.DrawLine(position, position + x);
				Handles.DotCap(0, position + x, Quaternion.identity, range.maxDistance * 0.01f);

			string name = range.interactions.Length > 0 && range.interactions[0].effectors.Length > 0? " (" + range.interactions[0].effectors[0].ToString() + ")": string.Empty;

			GUI.color = color;
			Handles.Label(position - up * index * 0.05f, "Character Position for Range " + index.ToString() + name);

			color.a = 0.3f;
			Handles.color = color;

			Handles.DrawSolidArc(position, up, dir, range.maxAngle * 2f, range.maxDistance);

			Handles.color = Color.white;
			GUI.color = Color.white;
예제 #3
        public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c)
            if (this.fullBody == null)
            InteractionTrigger component = c.GetComponent <InteractionTrigger>();

            if (this.inContact.Contains(component))
예제 #4
		void LateUpdate () {
			// Find the closest InteractionTrigger that the character is in contact with
			int closestTriggerIndex = interactionSystem.GetClosestTriggerIndex();
			// Tick the timer if we are looking at the trigger...
			if (CanTrigger(closestTriggerIndex)) {
				timer += Time.deltaTime;
				currentTrigger = interactionSystem.triggersInRange[closestTriggerIndex]; // currentTrigger is not used by this script, but we assign it so that other scripts, like UI controllers, know what we are looking at
			} else {
				// ...reset if not
				timer = 0f;
				currentTrigger = null;
			// Its OK now to start the trigger
			if (timer >= triggerTime) {
				interactionSystem.TriggerInteraction(closestTriggerIndex, false);
				timer = 0f;
		private void DrawRange(InteractionTrigger.Range range, int index) {
			range.name = string.Empty;
			for (int i = 0; i < range.interactions.Length; i++) {
				if (range.name.Length > 50) {
					range.name += "...";
				if (i > 0) range.name += "; ";
				for (int e = 0; e < range.interactions[i].effectors.Length; e++) {
					if (e > 0) range.name += ", ";
					range.name += range.interactions[i].effectors[e].ToString();
				if (range.interactions[i].interactionObject != null) {
					range.name += ": " + range.interactions[i].interactionObject.name;
			if (!range.show) return;
			Color color = GetColor(index);
			Handles.color = color;
			GUI.color = color;
			// Character Position
			DrawCharacterPosition(range, index);
			// Camera Position
			DrawCameraPosition(range, index);
			Handles.color = Color.white;
			GUI.color = Color.white;
		private void DrawCharacterPosition(InteractionTrigger.Range range, int index) {
			Vector3 labelPosition = script.transform.position - Vector3.up * index * 0.05f;
			if (!range.characterPosition.use) {
				Handles.Label(labelPosition, "Character Position is not used for Range " + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			range.characterPosition.radius = Mathf.Max(range.characterPosition.radius, 0f);
			if (range.characterPosition.radius <= 0f) {
				Handles.Label(labelPosition, "Character Position radius is zero for Range " + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			if (range.characterPosition.maxAngle <= 0f) {
				Handles.Label(labelPosition, "Character Position max angle is zero for Range " + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			Vector3 f = script.transform.forward;
			if (range.characterPosition.fixYAxis) f.y = 0f;
			if (f == Vector3.zero) {
				Handles.Label(script.transform.position - Vector3.up * index * 0.05f, "Invalid rotation of InteractionTrigger for Range " + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
				return; // Singularity
			Quaternion triggerRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(f, (range.characterPosition.fixYAxis? Vector3.up: script.transform.up));
			Vector3 position = script.transform.position + triggerRotation * range.characterPosition.offset3D;
			Vector3 direction = triggerRotation * range.characterPosition.direction3D;
			Quaternion rotation = direction == Vector3.zero? triggerRotation: Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, (range.characterPosition.fixYAxis? Vector3.up: script.transform.up));
			Vector3 up = rotation * Vector3.up;
			Vector3 forward = rotation * Vector3.forward;
			Handles.DrawWireDisc(position, up, range.characterPosition.radius);
			if (range.characterPosition.orbit) {
				float mag = range.characterPosition.offset.magnitude;
				if (mag - range.characterPosition.radius > 0f) {
					Handles.DrawWireDisc(script.transform.position, up, mag - range.characterPosition.radius);
				Handles.DrawWireDisc(script.transform.position, up, mag + range.characterPosition.radius);
			Vector3 x = forward * range.characterPosition.radius;
			Quaternion q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-range.characterPosition.maxAngle, up);
			Vector3 dir = q * x;
			if (direction != Vector3.zero && range.characterPosition.maxAngle < 180f) {
				Handles.DrawLine(position, position + x);
				Handles.DotCap(0, position + x, Quaternion.identity, range.characterPosition.radius * 0.01f);
			Handles.Label(position - Vector3.up * index * 0.05f, "Character Position for Range " + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			Color color = Handles.color;
			Color transparent = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.3f);
			Handles.color = transparent;
			Handles.DrawSolidArc(position, up, dir, range.characterPosition.maxAngle * 2f, range.characterPosition.radius);
			Handles.color = color;
		private void DrawCameraPosition(InteractionTrigger.Range range, int index) {
			if (range.cameraPosition.lookAtTarget == null) return;
			Vector3 labelPosition = range.cameraPosition.lookAtTarget.transform.position - Vector3.up * index * 0.05f;
			if (range.cameraPosition.direction == Vector3.zero) {
				Handles.Label(labelPosition, "Camera Position direction is Vector3.zero for Range" + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			if (range.cameraPosition.maxAngle <= 0f) {
				Handles.Label(labelPosition, "Camera Position max angle is zero for Range" + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			range.cameraPosition.maxDistance = Mathf.Max(range.cameraPosition.maxDistance, 0f);
			if (range.cameraPosition.maxDistance <= 0f) {
				Handles.Label(labelPosition, "Camera Position Max Distance is zero for Range" + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			Quaternion targetRotation = range.cameraPosition.GetRotation();
			Vector3 position = range.cameraPosition.lookAtTarget.transform.position;
			Vector3 direction = targetRotation * range.cameraPosition.direction;
			direction = direction.normalized * range.cameraPosition.maxDistance;
			Handles.DrawLine(position, position + direction);
			Handles.DotCap(0, position + direction, Quaternion.identity, 0.005f);
			Handles.Label(position + direction * 1.1f, "Camera Position for Range " + index.ToString() + ": " + range.name);
			if (range.cameraPosition.maxAngle >= 180f) return;
			float r = Mathf.Sin(range.cameraPosition.maxAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * range.cameraPosition.maxDistance;
			float d = Mathf.Cos(range.cameraPosition.maxAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * range.cameraPosition.maxDistance;
			Quaternion rotation = targetRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation(range.cameraPosition.direction);
			Handles.CircleCap(0, position + direction.normalized * d, rotation, r);
			if (SceneView.lastActiveSceneView != null && SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera != null) {
				//Vector3 c = Vector3.Cross(direction, SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera.transform.forward);
				Vector3 c = Vector3.Cross(direction, (range.cameraPosition.lookAtTarget.transform.position - SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera.transform.position).normalized);
				c = Vector3.Cross(direction, c);
				Quaternion dirRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(range.cameraPosition.maxAngle, c);
				Vector3 dir3 = dirRotation * direction;
				Handles.DrawLine(position, position + dir3);
				Vector3 dir4 = Quaternion.Inverse(dirRotation) * direction;
				Handles.DrawLine(position, position + dir4);
				Handles.DrawWireArc(position, -c, dir3, range.cameraPosition.maxAngle * 2, range.cameraPosition.maxDistance);