예제 #1
        public static bool TestRaySphere(Ray r, Sphere s)
            Vector3 m = r.Pos - s.Center;
            float c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - s.Radius * s.Radius;

            if (c <= 0.0f)
                return true;

            float b = Vector3.Dot(m, r.Dir);

            if (b > 0.0f)
                return false;

            float disc = b * b - c;

            if (disc < 0.0f)
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #2
        public static bool TestRaySphere(Ray r, Sphere s)
            Vector3 m = r.Pos - s.Center;
            float   c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - s.Radius * s.Radius;

            if (c <= 0.0f)

            float b = Vector3.Dot(m, r.Dir);

            if (b > 0.0f)

            float disc = b * b - c;

            if (disc < 0.0f)

예제 #3
 public override RGBColor TraceRay(Ray ray, int depth)
     ShadeRec shadeRec = world.IntersectAllObjects(ray);
     if (shadeRec.HasHitObject)
         return shadeRec.Color;
     return world.BackgroundColor;
예제 #4
        public static bool TestRaySphere(Ray r, Sphere s, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            t = float.MaxValue;
            q = new Vector3();

            Vector3 m = r.Pos - s.Center;
            float   b = Vector3.Dot(m, r.Dir);
            float   c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - s.Radius * s.Radius;

            if (c > 0.0f && b > 0.0f)

            float discr = b * b - c;

            if (discr < 0.0f)

            t = -b - (float)Math.Sqrt(discr);

            if (t < 0.0f)
                t = 0.0f;

            q = r.Pos + r.Dir * t;
예제 #5
        public static bool TestRaySphere(Ray r, Sphere s, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            t = float.MaxValue;
            q = new Vector3();

            Vector3 m = r.Pos - s.Center;
            float b = Vector3.Dot(m, r.Dir);
            float c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - s.Radius * s.Radius;

            if (c > 0.0f && b > 0.0f)
                return false;

            float discr = b * b - c;

            if (discr < 0.0f)
                return false;

            t = -b - (float)Math.Sqrt(discr);

            if (t < 0.0f)
                t = 0.0f;

            q = r.Pos + r.Dir * t;
            return true;
예제 #6
        public override void RenderScene(World world)
            //Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //while (true)
            //    sw.Restart();
            RGBColor L = new RGBColor();

            ViewPlane viewPlane = (ViewPlane) world.ViewPlane.Clone();

            Ray ray = new Ray();
            int depth = 0;
            Point2d samplePoint = new Point2d();
            Point2d pixelPoint = new Point2d();

            viewPlane.PixelSize /= zoom;
            ray.Origin = Eye;

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(viewPlane.HRes, viewPlane.VRes);

            for (int r = 0; r < viewPlane.VRes; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < viewPlane.HRes; c++)
                    L = new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < viewPlane.Sampler.NumSamples; i++)
                        samplePoint = viewPlane.Sampler.SampleUnitSquare();

                        pixelPoint.X = viewPlane.PixelSize*(c - 0.5*viewPlane.HRes + samplePoint.X);
                        pixelPoint.Y = viewPlane.PixelSize*(r - 0.5*viewPlane.VRes + samplePoint.Y);

                        ray.Direction = GetRayDirection(pixelPoint);
                        L += world.Tracer.TraceRay(ray, depth);

                    L /= viewPlane.Sampler.NumSamples;
                    L *= eposureTime;

                    bitmap.SetPixel(c, viewPlane.VRes - r - 1,
                                    Color.FromArgb((int) (L.R*255),
                                                   (int) (L.G*255),
                                                   (int) (L.B*255)));

                Console.Out.WriteLine("r = {0}", r);

            bitmap.Save("TracedImage.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);
            //Console.Out.WriteLine("sw = {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
예제 #7
        public override RGBColor TraceRay(Ray ray, int depth)
            ShadeRec shadeRec = world.IntersectAllObjects(ray);

            if (shadeRec.HasHitObject)
                shadeRec.Ray = ray;
                return shadeRec.Material.Shade(shadeRec);
                return world.BackgroundColor;
예제 #8
        public override RGBColor TraceRay(Ray ray, int depth)
            ShadeRec shadeRec = new ShadeRec(world); //not used
            double t; // not used

            if (world.Sphere.Intersect(ray, out t, shadeRec))
                return new RGBColor(1, 0, 0);
                return new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
예제 #9
        public override RGBColor TraceRay(Ray ray, int depth)
            ShadeRec shadeRec = new ShadeRec(world); //not used
            double t; // not used

            if (world.Sphere.Intersect(ray, out t, shadeRec))
                return new RGBColor((float) (shadeRec.Normal.X + 1)/2,
                                    (float) (shadeRec.Normal.Y + 1)/2,
                                    (float) (shadeRec.Normal.Z + 1)/2);
                return new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
예제 #10
        public override bool Intersect(Ray ray, out double tmin, ShadeRec shadeRec)
            double t = Vector3d.Dot((Point - ray.Origin), Normal)
                       / Vector3d.Dot(ray.Direction, Normal);
            if (t>kEpsilon && !double.IsInfinity(t))
                tmin = t;
                shadeRec.Normal = Normal;
                shadeRec.Hitpoint = ray.Origin + t*ray.Direction;

                return true;
                tmin = 0;
                return false;
예제 #11
        public override bool Intersect(Ray ray, out double tmin, ShadeRec shadeRec)
            double t = 0;
            Vector3d temp = ray.Origin - Center;
            double a = Vector3d.Dot(ray.Direction, ray.Direction);
            double b = Vector3d.Dot(temp, ray.Direction)*2;
            double c = Vector3d.Dot(temp, temp) - Radius*Radius;
            double disc = b*b - 4*a*c;

            tmin = 0;
            if (disc < 0)
                return false;
                //TODO: what if denom == 0?
                double e = Math.Sqrt(disc);
                double denom = 2*a;

                //smaller root
                t = (-b - e)/denom;
                if (t>kEpsilon)
                    tmin = t;
                    shadeRec.Normal = (temp + t*ray.Direction)/Radius;
                    shadeRec.Hitpoint = ray.Origin + t*ray.Direction;
                    return true;
                //larger root
                t = (-b + e) / denom;
                if (t > kEpsilon)
                    tmin = t;
                    shadeRec.Normal = (temp + t * ray.Direction) / Radius;
                    shadeRec.Hitpoint = ray.Origin + t * ray.Direction;
                    return true;

                //no valid intersection
                return false;
예제 #12
        private void InitializeEyeRays(Camera camera)
            eyeRays = new Ray[width * height];

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    Vector3 source1 = new Vector3(i, j, 0f);
                    Vector3 source2 = new Vector3(i, j, 1f);
                    Vector3 unproj1 = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(source1, cam.Proj, cam.View, cam.World);
                    Vector3 unproj2 = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(source2, cam.Proj, cam.View, cam.World);

                    Ray r = new Ray();
                    r.Pos = unproj1;
                    r.Dir = Vector3.Normalize(unproj2 - unproj1);

                    eyeRays[(j * width) + i] = r;
예제 #13
        private void RayTrace()
            Vector3 q = Vector3.Zero;
            float   t;
            Stack <IntermediateLightData> ildStack = new Stack <IntermediateLightData>(iterations);

            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                    Vector3 final = Vector3.Zero;  //The final color for this pixel
                    int     index = j * width + i; //The index of this pixel in our array

                    Ray r = eyeRays[index];
                    for (int k = 0; k < iterations; k++)
                        //Find r's intersect
                        float   minT      = float.MaxValue;
                        Sphere  minSphere = new Sphere();
                        Vector3 hitPoint  = Vector3.Zero;

                        for (int m = 0; m < spheres.Length; m++)
                            bool hit = CollisionHelper.TestRaySphere(r, spheres[m], out t, out q);
                            if (hit && t < minT)
                                minT      = t;
                                minSphere = spheres[m];
                                hitPoint  = q;

                        //If we didn't intersect anything, push black on the stack and break out of the loop
                        if (minT >= float.MaxValue)
                            ildStack.Push(new IntermediateLightData(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f));
                            //Else we intersected something, namely minSphere
                            //Sum up the light contribution, and push our color value on the stack
                            Vector3 lightSum = Vector3.Zero;
                            Vector3 normal   = Vector3.Normalize(hitPoint - minSphere.Center);
                            for (int n = 0; n < lights.Length; n++)
                                bool    inShadow = false;
                                Vector3 lightDir = lights[n].Pos - hitPoint;
                                //If the surface isn't facing the light to begin with...
                                if (Vector3.Dot(normal, lightDir) <= 0)
                                    inShadow = true;
                                if (CollisionHelper.PointInSphere(lights[n].Pos, minSphere))
                                    inShadow = true;

                                //Check to see if we can reach the light
                                float pointToLightSquared = lightDir.LengthSquared();
                                Ray     pointToLight = new Ray(hitPoint + normal * 0.001f, lightDir);
                                float   tTest        = float.MaxValue;
                                Vector3 newHitPoint  = new Vector3();

                                for (int z = 0; z < spheres.Length; z++)
                                    bool intersects = CollisionHelper.TestRaySphere(pointToLight, spheres[z], out tTest, out newHitPoint);
                                    //If we intersected a sphere before we hit the light, we're in shadow
                                    if (intersects && tTest * tTest < pointToLightSquared)
                                        inShadow = true;
                                if (!inShadow)
                                    float attenuation = (hitPoint - lights[n].Pos).LengthSquared();
                                    attenuation = Vector3.Dot(normal, pointToLight.Dir);
                                    lightSum   += lights[n].Color.ToVector3() * attenuation;
                            ildStack.Push(new IntermediateLightData(minSphere.Color.ToVector3() * ambientCoefficient + lightSum, minSphere.ReflectanceFactor));

                            Vector3 newDir = Vector3.Reflect(r.Dir, normal);
                            r = new Ray(hitPoint + normal * 0.001f, newDir);

                            pixels[index] = new Color(new Vector4(minSphere.Color.ToVector3() * ambientCoefficient + lightSum, 1));

                    final = ildStack.Pop().Color;
                    //ildStack now has our color data
                    while (ildStack.Count > 0)
                        IntermediateLightData ild = ildStack.Pop();
                        final = ild.Color + (ild.ReflectanceFraction * final);

                    Color finalColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(new Vector4(final, 1f));
                    pixels[index] = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(new Vector4(final, 1f));
예제 #14
        private void RayTrace()
            Vector3 q = Vector3.Zero;
            float t;
            Stack<IntermediateLightData> ildStack = new Stack<IntermediateLightData>(iterations);

            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                    Vector3 final = Vector3.Zero; //The final color for this pixel
                    int index = j * width + i;    //The index of this pixel in our array

                    Ray r = eyeRays[index];
                    for (int k = 0; k < iterations; k++)
                        //Find r's intersect
                        float minT = float.MaxValue;
                        Sphere minSphere = new Sphere();
                        Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;

                        for (int m = 0; m < spheres.Length; m++)
                            bool hit = CollisionHelper.TestRaySphere(r, spheres[m], out t, out q);
                            if (hit && t < minT)
                                minT = t;
                                minSphere = spheres[m];
                                hitPoint = q;

                        //If we didn't intersect anything, push black on the stack and break out of the loop
                        if (minT >= float.MaxValue)
                            ildStack.Push(new IntermediateLightData(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f));
                            //Else we intersected something, namely minSphere
                            //Sum up the light contribution, and push our color value on the stack
                            Vector3 lightSum = Vector3.Zero;
                            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Normalize(hitPoint - minSphere.Center);
                            for(int n = 0; n < lights.Length; n++)
                                bool inShadow = false;
                                Vector3 lightDir = lights[n].Pos - hitPoint;
                                //If the surface isn't facing the light to begin with...
                                if (Vector3.Dot(normal, lightDir) <= 0)
                                    inShadow = true;
                                if (CollisionHelper.PointInSphere(lights[n].Pos, minSphere))
                                    inShadow = true;

                                //Check to see if we can reach the light
                                float pointToLightSquared = lightDir.LengthSquared();
                                Ray pointToLight = new Ray(hitPoint + normal * 0.001f, lightDir);
                                float tTest = float.MaxValue;
                                Vector3 newHitPoint = new Vector3();

                                for (int z = 0; z < spheres.Length; z++)
                                    bool intersects = CollisionHelper.TestRaySphere(pointToLight, spheres[z], out tTest, out newHitPoint);
                                    //If we intersected a sphere before we hit the light, we're in shadow
                                    if (intersects && tTest * tTest < pointToLightSquared)
                                        inShadow = true;
                                if (!inShadow)
                                    float attenuation = (hitPoint - lights[n].Pos).LengthSquared();
                                    attenuation = Vector3.Dot(normal, pointToLight.Dir);
                                    lightSum += lights[n].Color.ToVector3() * attenuation;
                            ildStack.Push(new IntermediateLightData(minSphere.Color.ToVector3() * ambientCoefficient + lightSum, minSphere.ReflectanceFactor));

                            Vector3 newDir = Vector3.Reflect(r.Dir, normal);
                            r = new Ray(hitPoint + normal * 0.001f, newDir);

                            pixels[index] = new Color(new Vector4(minSphere.Color.ToVector3() * ambientCoefficient + lightSum, 1));

                    final = ildStack.Pop().Color;
                    //ildStack now has our color data
                    while (ildStack.Count > 0)
                        IntermediateLightData ild = ildStack.Pop();
                        final = ild.Color + (ild.ReflectanceFraction * final);

                    Color finalColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(new Vector4(final, 1f));
                    pixels[index] = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(new Vector4(final, 1f));
예제 #15
        private void InitializeEyeRays(Camera camera)
            eyeRays = new Ray[width * height];

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    Vector3 source1 = new Vector3(i, j, 0f);
                    Vector3 source2 = new Vector3(i, j, 1f);
                    Vector3 unproj1 = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(source1, cam.Proj, cam.View, cam.World);
                    Vector3 unproj2 = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(source2, cam.Proj, cam.View, cam.World);

                    Ray r = new Ray();
                    r.Pos = unproj1;
                    r.Dir = Vector3.Normalize(unproj2-unproj1);

                    eyeRays[(j * width) + i] = r;
예제 #16
 public virtual RGBColor TraceRay(Ray ray,double tmin,int depth)
     return new RGBColor();
예제 #17
 public virtual RGBColor TraceRay(Ray ray)
     return new RGBColor();
예제 #18
 public virtual bool Intersect(Ray ray, out double tmin, ShadeRec shadeRec)
     tmin = 0;
     return false;