GetDocuments() 공개 메소드

public GetDocuments ( int start, int pageSize, System.Guid etag ) : RavenJArray
start int
pageSize int
etag System.Guid
리턴 RavenJArray
예제 #1
		private static bool EncryptedDocumentsExist(DocumentDatabase database)
			const int pageSize = 10;
			int index = 0;
			while (true)
				var array = database.GetDocuments(index, index + pageSize, null);
				if (array.Length == 0)
					// We've gone over all the documents in the database, and none of them are encrypted.
					return false;

				if (array.All(x => EncryptionSettings.DontEncrypt(x.Value<RavenJObject>("@metadata").Value<string>("@id"))))
					index += array.Length;
				// Found a document which is encrypted
				return true;