예제 #1
        public void Load(Stream input, char[] password)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (password == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("password");

            var obj = (Asn1Sequence) Asn1Object.FromStream(input);
            var bag = new Pfx(obj);
            ContentInfo info = bag.AuthSafe;
            bool unmarkedKey = false;
            bool wrongPkcs12Zero = false;

            if (bag.MacData != null) // check the mac code
                MacData mData = bag.MacData;
                DigestInfo dInfo = mData.Mac;
                AlgorithmIdentifier algId = dInfo.AlgorithmID;
                byte[] salt = mData.GetSalt();
                int itCount = mData.IterationCount.IntValue;

                byte[] data = ((Asn1OctetString) info.Content).GetOctets();

                byte[] mac = CalculatePbeMac(algId.ObjectID, salt, itCount, password, false, data);
                byte[] dig = dInfo.GetDigest();

                if (!Arrays.ConstantTimeAreEqual(mac, dig))
                    if (password.Length > 0)
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store MAC invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    // Try with incorrect zero length password
                    mac = CalculatePbeMac(algId.ObjectID, salt, itCount, password, true, data);

                    if (!Arrays.ConstantTimeAreEqual(mac, dig))
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store MAC invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    wrongPkcs12Zero = true;


            IList chain = Platform.CreateArrayList();

            if (info.ContentType.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Data))
                byte[] octs = ((Asn1OctetString) info.Content).GetOctets();
                var authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe((Asn1Sequence) Asn1Object.FromByteArray(octs));
                ContentInfo[] cis = authSafe.GetContentInfo();

                foreach (ContentInfo ci in cis)
                    DerObjectIdentifier oid = ci.ContentType;

                    if (oid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Data))
                        byte[] octets = ((Asn1OctetString) ci.Content).GetOctets();
                        var seq = (Asn1Sequence) Asn1Object.FromByteArray(octets);

                        foreach (Asn1Sequence subSeq in seq)
                            var b = new SafeBag(subSeq);

                            if (b.BagID.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag))
                                EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo eIn = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.GetInstance(b.BagValue);
                                PrivateKeyInfo privInfo = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(password, wrongPkcs12Zero, eIn);
                                AsymmetricKeyParameter privKey = PrivateKeyFactory.CreateKey(privInfo);

                                // set the attributes on the key
                                IDictionary attributes = Platform.CreateHashtable();
                                var pkcs12Key = new AsymmetricKeyEntry(privKey, attributes);
                                string alias = null;
                                Asn1OctetString localId = null;

                                if (b.BagAttributes != null)
                                    foreach (Asn1Sequence sq in b.BagAttributes)
                                        var aOid = (DerObjectIdentifier) sq[0];
                                        var attrSet = (Asn1Set) sq[1];
                                        Asn1Encodable attr = null;

                                        if (attrSet.Count > 0)
                                            // TODO We should be adding all attributes in the set
                                            attr = attrSet[0];

                                            // TODO We might want to "merge" attribute sets with
                                            // the same OID - currently, differing values give an error
                                            if (attributes.Contains(aOid.Id))
                                                // OK, but the value has to be the same
                                                if (!attributes[aOid.Id].Equals(attr))
                                                    throw new IOException("attempt to add existing attribute with different value");
                                                attributes.Add(aOid.Id, attr);

                                            if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtFriendlyName))
                                                alias = ((DerBmpString) attr).GetString();
                                                // TODO Do these in a separate loop, just collect aliases here
                                                _keys[alias] = pkcs12Key;
                                            else if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtLocalKeyID))
                                                localId = (Asn1OctetString) attr;

                                if (localId != null)
                                    string name = Hex.ToHexString(localId.GetOctets());

                                    if (alias == null)
                                        _keys[name] = pkcs12Key;
                                        // TODO There may have been more than one alias
                                        _localIds[alias] = name;
                                    unmarkedKey = true;
                                    _keys["unmarked"] = pkcs12Key;
                            else if (b.BagID.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.CertBag))
                                Debug.WriteLine("extra " + b.BagID);
                                Debug.WriteLine("extra " + Asn1Dump.DumpAsString(b));
                    else if (oid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.EncryptedData))
                        EncryptedData d = EncryptedData.GetInstance(ci.Content);
                        byte[] octets = CryptPbeData(false, d.EncryptionAlgorithm, password, wrongPkcs12Zero, d.Content.GetOctets());
                        var seq = (Asn1Sequence) Asn1Object.FromByteArray(octets);

                        foreach (Asn1Sequence subSeq in seq)
                            var b = new SafeBag(subSeq);

                            if (b.BagID.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.CertBag))
                            else if (b.BagID.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag))
                                EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo eIn = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.GetInstance(b.BagValue);
                                PrivateKeyInfo privInfo = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(password, wrongPkcs12Zero, eIn);
                                AsymmetricKeyParameter privKey = PrivateKeyFactory.CreateKey(privInfo);

                                // set the attributes on the key
                                IDictionary attributes = Platform.CreateHashtable();
                                var pkcs12Key = new AsymmetricKeyEntry(privKey, attributes);
                                string alias = null;
                                Asn1OctetString localId = null;

                                foreach (Asn1Sequence sq in b.BagAttributes)
                                    var aOid = (DerObjectIdentifier) sq[0];
                                    var attrSet = (Asn1Set) sq[1];
                                    Asn1Encodable attr = null;

                                    if (attrSet.Count > 0)
                                        // TODO We should be adding all attributes in the set
                                        attr = attrSet[0];

                                        // TODO We might want to "merge" attribute sets with
                                        // the same OID - currently, differing values give an error
                                        if (attributes.Contains(aOid.Id))
                                            // OK, but the value has to be the same
                                            if (!attributes[aOid.Id].Equals(attr))
                                                throw new IOException("attempt to add existing attribute with different value");
                                            attributes.Add(aOid.Id, attr);

                                        if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtFriendlyName))
                                            alias = ((DerBmpString) attr).GetString();
                                            // TODO Do these in a separate loop, just collect aliases here
                                            _keys[alias] = pkcs12Key;
                                        else if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtLocalKeyID))
                                            localId = (Asn1OctetString) attr;

                                // TODO Should we be checking localIds != null here
                                // as for PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Data version above?

                                string name = Hex.ToHexString(localId.GetOctets());

                                if (alias == null)
                                    _keys[name] = pkcs12Key;
                                    // TODO There may have been more than one alias
                                    _localIds[alias] = name;
                            else if (b.BagID.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.KeyBag))
                                PrivateKeyInfo privKeyInfo = PrivateKeyInfo.GetInstance(b.BagValue);
                                AsymmetricKeyParameter privKey = PrivateKeyFactory.CreateKey(privKeyInfo);

                                // set the attributes on the key
                                string alias = null;
                                Asn1OctetString localId = null;
                                IDictionary attributes = Platform.CreateHashtable();
                                var pkcs12Key = new AsymmetricKeyEntry(privKey, attributes);

                                foreach (Asn1Sequence sq in b.BagAttributes)
                                    var aOid = (DerObjectIdentifier) sq[0];
                                    var attrSet = (Asn1Set) sq[1];
                                    Asn1Encodable attr = null;

                                    if (attrSet.Count > 0)
                                        // TODO We should be adding all attributes in the set
                                        attr = attrSet[0];

                                        // TODO We might want to "merge" attribute sets with
                                        // the same OID - currently, differing values give an error
                                        if (attributes.Contains(aOid.Id))
                                            // OK, but the value has to be the same
                                            if (!attributes[aOid.Id].Equals(attr))
                                                throw new IOException("attempt to add existing attribute with different value");
                                            attributes.Add(aOid.Id, attr);

                                        if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtFriendlyName))
                                            alias = ((DerBmpString) attr).GetString();
                                            // TODO Do these in a separate loop, just collect aliases here
                                            _keys[alias] = pkcs12Key;
                                        else if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtLocalKeyID))
                                            localId = (Asn1OctetString) attr;

                                // TODO Should we be checking localIds != null here
                                // as for PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Data version above?

                                string name = Hex.ToHexString(localId.GetOctets());

                                if (alias == null)
                                    _keys[name] = pkcs12Key;
                                    // TODO There may have been more than one alias
                                    _localIds[alias] = name;
                                Debug.WriteLine("extra " + b.BagID);
                                Debug.WriteLine("extra " + Asn1Dump.DumpAsString(b));
                        Debug.WriteLine("extra " + oid);
                        Debug.WriteLine("extra " + Asn1Dump.DumpAsString(ci.Content));


            foreach (SafeBag b in chain)
                var cb = new CertBag((Asn1Sequence) b.BagValue);
                byte[] octets = ((Asn1OctetString) cb.CertValue).GetOctets();
                X509Certificate cert = new X509CertificateParser().ReadCertificate(octets);

                // set the attributes
                IDictionary attributes = Platform.CreateHashtable();
                Asn1OctetString localId = null;
                string alias = null;

                if (b.BagAttributes != null)
                    foreach (Asn1Sequence sq in b.BagAttributes)
                        var aOid = (DerObjectIdentifier) sq[0];
                        var attrSet = (Asn1Set) sq[1];

                        if (attrSet.Count > 0)
                            // TODO We should be adding all attributes in the set
                            Asn1Encodable attr = attrSet[0];

                            // TODO We might want to "merge" attribute sets with
                            // the same OID - currently, differing values give an error
                            if (attributes.Contains(aOid.Id))
                                // OK, but the value has to be the same
                                if (!attributes[aOid.Id].Equals(attr))
                                    throw new IOException("attempt to add existing attribute with different value");
                                attributes.Add(aOid.Id, attr);

                            if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtFriendlyName))
                                alias = ((DerBmpString) attr).GetString();
                            else if (aOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtLocalKeyID))
                                localId = (Asn1OctetString) attr;

                var certId = new CertId(cert.GetPublicKey());
                var pkcs12Cert = new X509CertificateEntry(cert, attributes);

                _chainCerts[certId] = pkcs12Cert;

                if (unmarkedKey)
                    if (_keyCerts.Count == 0)
                        string name = Hex.ToHexString(certId.Id);

                        _keyCerts[name] = pkcs12Cert;

                        object temp = _keys["unmarked"];
                        _keys[name] = temp;
                    if (localId != null)
                        string name = Hex.ToHexString(localId.GetOctets());

                        _keyCerts[name] = pkcs12Cert;

                    if (alias != null)
                        // TODO There may have been more than one alias
                        _certs[alias] = pkcs12Cert;
예제 #2
        public void SetCertificateEntry(string alias, X509CertificateEntry certEntry)
            if (alias == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("alias");
            if (certEntry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certEntry");
            if (_keys[alias] != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("There is a key entry with the name " + alias + ".");

            _certs[alias] = certEntry;
            _chainCerts[new CertId(certEntry.Certificate.GetPublicKey())] = certEntry;
예제 #3
        public void SetKeyEntry(string alias, AsymmetricKeyEntry keyEntry, X509CertificateEntry[] chain)
            if (alias == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("alias");
            if (keyEntry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("keyEntry");
            if (keyEntry.Key.IsPrivate && (chain == null))
                throw new ArgumentException("No certificate chain for private key");

            if (_keys[alias] != null)

            _keys[alias] = keyEntry;
            _certs[alias] = chain[0];

            for (int i = 0; i != chain.Length; i++)
                _chainCerts[new CertId(chain[i].Certificate.GetPublicKey())] = chain[i];
예제 #4
        public X509CertificateEntry[] GetCertificateChain(string alias)
            if (alias == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("alias");

            if (!IsKeyEntry(alias))
                return null;

            X509CertificateEntry c = GetCertificate(alias);

            if (c != null)
                IList cs = Platform.CreateArrayList();

                while (c != null)
                    X509Certificate x509c = c.Certificate;
                    X509CertificateEntry nextC = null;

                    Asn1OctetString ext = x509c.GetExtensionValue(X509Extensions.AuthorityKeyIdentifier);
                    if (ext != null)
                        AuthorityKeyIdentifier id = AuthorityKeyIdentifier.GetInstance(Asn1Object.FromByteArray(ext.GetOctets()));

                        if (id.GetKeyIdentifier() != null)
                            nextC = (X509CertificateEntry) _chainCerts[new CertId(id.GetKeyIdentifier())];

                    if (nextC == null)
                        // no authority key id, try the Issuer DN
                        X509Name i = x509c.IssuerDN;
                        X509Name s = x509c.SubjectDN;

                        if (!i.Equivalent(s))
                            foreach (CertId certId in _chainCerts.Keys)
                                var x509CertEntry = (X509CertificateEntry) _chainCerts[certId];

                                X509Certificate crt = x509CertEntry.Certificate;

                                X509Name sub = crt.SubjectDN;
                                if (sub.Equivalent(i))

                                        nextC = x509CertEntry;
                                    catch (InvalidKeyException)
                                        // TODO What if it doesn't verify?

                    if (nextC != c) // self signed - end of the chain
                        c = nextC;
                        c = null;

                var result = new X509CertificateEntry[cs.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < cs.Count; ++i)
                    result[i] = (X509CertificateEntry) cs[i];
                return result;

            return null;