interrupt() 공개 메소드

public interrupt ( Int32 intID ) : void
intID Int32
리턴 void
예제 #1
 public void tick(int ticks)
     if (memarea[3] == 0)
         handleSendRec();   //send/receive stuff from the connected cpu
         performRWS(ticks); //read/write/seek if appropriate
     //if there is data in the interrupt section, interrupt
     if (memarea[3] != 0 && getStatus(IE))
     //if interrupts from things happened, stuff
     if (getStatus(IE) && ((getStatus(IBF) && getStatus(IIB)) || (getStatus(IOB) && getStatus(OBE))))
예제 #2
 public void tick(int ticks)
     clock      += (uint)ticks;
     memarea[0]  = (uint)clock;
     memarea[3]  = (uint)(clock >> 32);
     memarea[1] += (uint)ticks;
     if (memarea[1] >= memarea[2] && memarea[2] > 0)
         memarea[1] %= memarea[2];
예제 #3
 //if a key has been pressed, send one bit per cycle for 32 cycles
 public void tick(int c)
     while (c > 0 && sending)
         if (bitSend == 32)
             sending     = false;
             bitSend     = 0;
             memarea[0]  = charSend;
             memarea[1] |= 1;
             if ((memarea[1] & 2) != 0)
예제 #4
        public override void OnUpdate()
            //update the variables which describe the vessels location
            //position of the ship's center of mass:
            Vector3d position = vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass();//somewhat useless for anything other than as a parameter
            double   altitude = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(position);

            //unit vectors in the up (normal to planet surface), east, and north (parallel to planet surface) directions
            Vector3d eastUnit  = vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(position).normalized; //uses the rotation of the body's frame to determine "east"
            Vector3d upUnit    = (position - vessel.mainBody.position).normalized;
            Vector3d northUnit = Vector3d.Cross(upUnit, eastUnit);                //north = up cross east

            //vessel speeds
            Vector3d orbitalSpeed = vessel.orbit.GetVel();
            Vector3d groundSpeed  = orbitalSpeed - vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(position);

            //local acceleration vector due to gravity:
            Vector3d geeAcceleration = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(position);

            //find angular velocity (roll rate, yaw rate, pitch rate)
            Vector3d angularVelocity = (Vector3d)vessel.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.rigidbody.angularVelocity);

            //find ship coordinate system
            UnityEngine.Vector3 tmpVector      = new UnityEngine.Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            Vector3d            shipEastVector = (Vector3d)vessel.transform.TransformDirection(tmpVector);

            tmpVector.x = 0;
            tmpVector.y = 1;
            Vector3d shipUpVector = (Vector3d)vessel.transform.TransformDirection(tmpVector);

            tmpVector.y = 0;
            tmpVector.z = 1;
            Vector3d shipNorthVector = -(Vector3d)vessel.transform.TransformDirection(tmpVector);
            //figure out what these newfangled vector3d doodads do

             * print("***************************************************");
             * print("geeAccelleration: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)geeAcceleration);
             * print("altitude: " + altitude);
             * print("eastUnit: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)eastUnit);
             * print("upUnit: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)upUnit);
             * print("northUnit: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)northUnit);
             * print("orbitalSpeed: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)orbitalSpeed);
             * print("groundSpeed: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)groundSpeed);
             * print("heading: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)shipUpVector);
             * print("angularveclocity: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)angularVelocity);
             * print("shipEast: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)shipEastVector);
             * print("shipUp: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)shipUpVector);
             * print("shipNorth: " + (UnityEngine.Vector3)shipNorthVector);
             * print("***************************************************");
            //this needs to be updated to reflect the new stuff
            int   accuracy      = accs[0];                                                  //vector accuracy
            float speedAccuracy = accs[2] >= 0 ? (float)accs[2] : 1.0f / ((float)-accs[2]); //speed accuracy
            //int speedAccuracy = 16;//old speedaccuracy model

            //this is stolen from the kerbal engineer code, which apparently store it from ISA mapsat according to the source
            //I have no idea why this works, but it does
            Vector3d rad = QuaternionD.AngleAxis(this.vessel.longitude, Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(this.vessel.latitude, Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right;

            accs[1] = (int)(altitude - (this.vessel.mainBody.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(rad) - this.vessel.mainBody.pqsController.radius));

            mem[4]  = (Int32)(eastUnit.x * accuracy);
            mem[5]  = (Int32)(eastUnit.y * accuracy);
            mem[6]  = (Int32)(eastUnit.z * accuracy);
            mem[7]  = (Int32)(upUnit.x * accuracy);
            mem[8]  = (Int32)(upUnit.y * accuracy);
            mem[9]  = (Int32)(upUnit.z * accuracy);
            mem[10] = (Int32)(northUnit.x * accuracy);
            mem[11] = (Int32)(northUnit.y * accuracy);
            mem[12] = (Int32)(northUnit.z * accuracy);
            mem[13] = (Int32)(shipEastVector.x * accuracy);
            mem[14] = (Int32)(shipEastVector.y * accuracy);
            mem[15] = (Int32)(shipEastVector.z * accuracy);
            mem[16] = (Int32)(shipUpVector.x * accuracy);
            mem[17] = (Int32)(shipUpVector.y * accuracy);
            mem[18] = (Int32)(shipUpVector.z * accuracy);
            mem[19] = (Int32)(shipNorthVector.x * accuracy);
            mem[20] = (Int32)(shipNorthVector.y * accuracy);
            mem[21] = (Int32)(shipNorthVector.z * accuracy);
            mem[22] = (Int32)(orbitalSpeed.x * speedAccuracy);
            mem[23] = (Int32)(orbitalSpeed.y * speedAccuracy);
            mem[24] = (Int32)(orbitalSpeed.z * speedAccuracy);
            mem[25] = (Int32)(groundSpeed.x * speedAccuracy);
            mem[26] = (Int32)(groundSpeed.y * speedAccuracy);
            mem[27] = (Int32)(groundSpeed.z * speedAccuracy);
            mem[28] = (Int32)(angularVelocity.x * speedAccuracy);
            mem[29] = (Int32)(angularVelocity.y * speedAccuracy);
            mem[30] = (Int32)(angularVelocity.z * speedAccuracy);
            mem[31] = (Int32)(UInt32)(altitude);

            //give the update interrupt to the processor
            //if(accs[1] != 0)