예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets new round according to current game state and betting
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">Parent player performing action. He performed <see cref="currentAction"/></param>
        /// <param name="newAction">Newly performed action for next player. It can be the same player if new round starts. Decided after.</param>
        /// <param name="round">Current round (on which <see cref="player"/> is</param>
        /// <param name="currentAction">Current action (which <see cref="player"/> performs)</param>
        /// <param name="prevAction">Previous action</param>
        /// <param name="availableReraises">Available amount of reraise</param>
        /// <returns>New round for next player</returns>
        private Round GetNewRound(int player, Action newAction, Round round, Action currentAction, Action prevAction, int availableReraises)
            if (newAction.OpType == OpType.Fold)    //if we folds, go to Fold round

            if (newAction.OpType == OpType.Call && currentAction.OpType == OpType.All ||                      //call all-in => Showdown
                round == Round.River && NextPlayerPosition(player) == 0 && newAction.OpType == OpType.Call || //Showdown after river & dealer player
                round == Round.River && NextPlayerPosition(player) == 1 &&
                newAction.OpType == OpType.Call && currentAction.OpType == OpType.Raise)                      //dealer raises, next player calls - Showdown

            if (round > Round.PreFlop)
                if (player == 0 && currentAction.OpType == OpType.Call || //dealer only calls => next round
                    player == 1 && currentAction.OpType == OpType.Call && prevAction.OpType == OpType.Raise)    //last to decision player calls after raise => next round
                    return(round + 1);
            else  //preflop
                if (player == 1 && currentAction.OpType == OpType.Call || //last-to-decision player only calls => Flop
                    player == 0 && currentAction.OpType == OpType.Call && prevAction.OpType == OpType.Raise && availableReraises != _config.ReraiseAmount)    //dealer calls => Flop

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets possible actions for current game state. They will be iterated for child actions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="round">Current round</param>
        /// <param name="availableReraises">Available reraises. If zero, only Fold/Call/All actions are possible</param>
        /// <param name="currentAction">Current action</param>
        /// <param name="pot">Current deal pot</param>
        /// <returns>Possible actions for current state</returns>
        private Action[] GetPossibleActions(Round round, int availableReraises, Action currentAction, int pot)
            if (round == Round.Fold || round == Round.Showdown) //for terminal state, no actions are permited
                return(new Action[0]);

            if (currentAction.OpType == OpType.All) //player can only Fold or check all-in
                    new Action(OpType.Fold),
                    new Action(OpType.Call)

            if (availableReraises <= 0) //no available reraises - just call or fold
                if (currentAction.OpType == OpType.Call)
                        new Action(OpType.Call)

                    new Action(OpType.Fold),
                    new Action(OpType.Call)

            var actions = new List <Action>  //base actions
                new Action(OpType.Call),
                new Action(OpType.All, _config.Bankroll)

            if (currentAction.OpType != OpType.Call)    //we can also fold if Raise was done before
                actions.Insert(0, new Action(OpType.Fold));

            if (_config.RelativeBetting)
                                 .Select(possibleRaise => new Action(OpType.Raise, GetRelativeBet(pot, possibleRaise))));
                                 .Select(possibleRaise => new Action(OpType.Raise, possibleRaise)));

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Cut bet to it's max value
        /// </summary>
        private Action SaturateBet(int[] invest, Action possibleAction)
            if (possibleAction.OpType == OpType.All)
                return(new Action(OpType.All, possibleAction.Bet - invest.Max()));

            if (possibleAction.OpType == OpType.Raise &&
                possibleAction.Bet + invest.Max() > _config.Bankroll) //when possible raise is bigger than current player bankroll
                return(Action.Invalid);                               //since All action is always included, we will skip this action at all

예제 #4
        private int GetCurrentActionInvestValue(Action newAction, Action currentAction)
            switch (newAction.OpType)
            case OpType.Fold:

            case OpType.Call:

            case OpType.Raise:
            case OpType.All:
                return(currentAction.Bet + newAction.Bet);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate poker game tree recursive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">Current player for which sub tree is generated. 0 is dealer, max is small blind</param>
        /// <param name="currentAction">Currently performed action</param>
        /// <param name="round">Current round</param>
        /// <param name="availableReraises">Number of available reraises. If zero, only Fold/Call/All actions are possible</param>
        /// <param name="prevAction">Previous action</param>
        /// <param name="pot">Current deal pot</param>
        /// <param name="invest">How much players invested</param>
        /// <returns>Node with recursively generated child nodes for subtree game states</returns>
        private Node GenerateRecursive(int player, Action currentAction, Round round, int availableReraises, Action prevAction, int pot, int[] invest)
            if (IsSmallblindLimpedBigBlindOnPreflop(player, currentAction, round))
                availableReraises = _config.ReraiseAmount;

            //todo BUG - player=1 has only one CALL action in new section when betting was previously performed
            Action[] possibleActions = GetPossibleActions(round, availableReraises, currentAction, pot);

            List <Node> nodes = new List <Node>(possibleActions.Length);

            foreach (var possibleAction in possibleActions)
                Action newCurrentAction = SaturateBet(invest, possibleAction);
                if (newCurrentAction.Equals(Action.Invalid))

                int[] newInvest   = GetNewInvest(invest);
                int   investValue = GetCurrentActionInvestValue(newCurrentAction, currentAction);   //invest raises by current action bet

                var newRound = GetNewRound(player, possibleAction, round, currentAction, prevAction, availableReraises);

                bool isNewRound = newRound < Round.Showdown && newRound != round;

                int nextPlayerPosition = NextPlayerPosition(player, isNewRound);
                newInvest[nextPlayerPosition] += investValue;                   //next player invest raises by his bet
                int reraiseDiff = currentAction.OpType == OpType.Raise ? 1 : 0; //if raise action is performed, number of possible reraises is decreased by one

                var newReraiseAmount = isNewRound ? _config.ReraiseAmount : availableReraises - reraiseDiff;
                var newPot           = pot + investValue;

                nodes.Add(GenerateRecursive(nextPlayerPosition, newCurrentAction, newRound, newReraiseAmount,
                                            currentAction, //currentAction becomes prevAction
                                            newPot, newInvest));

            return(new Node((byte)player, currentAction, round, nodes.ToArray(),
                            GetPayOff(player, round, pot, invest)));
예제 #6
        public Node Generate()
            int[] invest = GetStartingInvestValues();

            Node childNode = GenerateRecursive(
                player: _config.NumPlayers - 1,
                currentAction: Action.Initial(_config.SbValue),
                round: Round.PreFlop,
                availableReraises: _config.ReraiseAmount + 1,   //add one for preflop - bigblind can react for smallblind raise
                prevAction: Action.Initial(_config.SbValue),
                pot: _config.SbValue + _config.BbValue,
                invest: invest);

            Node rootNode = new Node(
                pos: (byte)(_config.NumPlayers - 2),
                action: Action.Initial(_config.SbValue),
                round: Round.PreFlop,
                children: new[] { childNode },
                payOff: invest.Max());

예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Situation when Small blind player has called (limped) Bigblind. Bigblind can perform betting action
 /// </summary>
 private static bool IsSmallblindLimpedBigBlindOnPreflop(int player, Action currentAction, Round round)
     return(player == 1 && currentAction.OpType == OpType.Call && round == Round.PreFlop);