예제 #1
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: mgatland/OpenRA
        static ActorTemplate RenderActor(ActorInfo info, TileSet tileset, Palette p)
            var ri = info.Traits.Get<RenderSimpleInfo>();
            string image = null;
            if (ri.OverrideTheater != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < ri.OverrideTheater.Length; i++)
                    if (ri.OverrideTheater[i] == tileset.Id)
                        image = ri.OverrideImage[i];

            image = image ?? ri.Image ?? info.Name;
            using (var s = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image, tileset.Extensions))
                var shp = new ShpReader(s);
                var frame = shp[0];

                var bitmap = new Bitmap(shp.Width, shp.Height);
                var data = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),
                    ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                    int* q = (int*)data.Scan0.ToPointer();
                    var stride = data.Stride >> 2;

                    for (var i = 0; i < shp.Width; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < shp.Height; j++)
                            q[j * stride + i] = p.GetColor(frame.Image[i + shp.Width * j]).ToArgb();

                return new ActorTemplate { Bitmap = bitmap, Info = info, Centered = !info.Traits.Contains<BuildingInfo>() };
예제 #2
        // TODO: This can be removed after the legacy and redundant 0% = not targetable
        // assumption has been removed from the yaml definitions
        public override bool CanTargetActor(ActorInfo victim, Actor firedBy)
            var health = victim.Traits.GetOrDefault<HealthInfo>();
            if (health == null)
                return false;

            return DamageVersus(victim) > 0;
예제 #3
 public virtual int2? ExitLocation(Actor self, ActorInfo producee)
     var pos = (1 / 24f * self.CenterLocation).ToInt2();
     var pi = self.Info.Traits.Get<ProductionInfo>();
     if (pi.ExitOffset != null)
         pos += new int2(pi.ExitOffset[0], pi.ExitOffset[1]);
     return pos;
예제 #4
        public int DamageVersus(ActorInfo victim)
            var armor = victim.Traits.GetOrDefault<ArmorInfo>();
            if (armor != null && armor.Type != null)
                int versus;
                if (Versus.TryGetValue(armor.Type, out versus))
                    return versus;

            return 100;
예제 #5
		public float EffectivenessAgainst(ActorInfo ai)
			var health = ai.Traits.GetOrDefault<HealthInfo>();
			if (health == null)
				return 0f;

			var armor = ai.Traits.GetOrDefault<ArmorInfo>();
			if (armor == null || armor.Type == null)
				return 1;

			float versus;
			return Versus.TryGetValue(armor.Type, out versus) ? versus : 1;
예제 #6
        public override bool Produce( Actor self, ActorInfo producee )
            var owner = self.Owner;

            // Start and end beyond the edge of the map, to give a finite delay, and ability to land when AFLD is on map edge
            var startPos = new int2(owner.World.Map.XOffset + owner.World.Map.Width+15, self.Location.Y);
            var endPos = new int2(owner.World.Map.XOffset-15, self.Location.Y);
            var unloadOffset = new int2(1,1);
            var exitOffset = new int2(3,1);

            var rp = self.traits.GetOrDefault<RallyPoint>();
            owner.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var a = w.CreateActor("C17", startPos, owner);
                var cargo = a.traits.Get<Cargo>();
                a.traits.Get<Unit>().Facing = 64;
                a.traits.Get<Unit>().Altitude = a.Info.Traits.Get<PlaneInfo>().CruiseAltitude;

                var newUnit = new Actor(self.World, producee.Name, new int2(0, 0), self.Owner);
                cargo.Load(a, newUnit);


                a.QueueActivity(new Land(self));
                a.QueueActivity(new CallFunc(() =>
                    if (self.IsDead)

                    var actor = cargo.Unload(self);
                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(ww =>
                        actor.traits.Get<Mobile>().TeleportTo(actor, self.Location + unloadOffset);
                        newUnit.traits.Get<Unit>().Facing = 192;
                        actor.QueueActivity(new Move(self.Location + exitOffset, self));
                        actor.QueueActivity(new Move(rp.rallyPoint, 0));

                        foreach (var t in self.traits.WithInterface<INotifyProduction>())
                            t.UnitProduced(self, actor);
                a.QueueActivity(new Fly(endPos));
                a.QueueActivity(new RemoveSelf());

            return true;
예제 #7
        public bool CanBuild( ActorInfo info, Player player, Cache<string, List<Actor>> playerBuildings )
            var bi = info.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildableInfo>();
            if( bi == null ) return false;

            if( !bi.Owner.Contains( player.Country.Race ) )
                return false;

            foreach( var p in bi.Prerequisites )
                if( playerBuildings[ p ].Count == 0 )
                    return false;

            if( producesIndex[ info.Category ].All( x => playerBuildings[ x.Name ].Count == 0 ) )
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #8
        public override bool Produce( Actor self, ActorInfo producee )
            var owner = self.Owner;

            // Start and end beyond the edge of the map, to give a finite delay, and ability to land when AFLD is on map edge
            var startPos = new int2(owner.World.Map.XOffset + owner.World.Map.Width+5, self.Location.Y);
            var endPos = new int2(owner.World.Map.XOffset-5, self.Location.Y);

            // Assume a single exit point for simplicity
            var spawn = self.CenterLocation + Spawns.First().First;
            var exit = self.Location + Spawns.First().Second;

            owner.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var a = w.CreateActor("C17", new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit( startPos ),
                    new OwnerInit( owner ),
                    new FacingInit( 64 ),
                    new AltitudeInit( Rules.Info["c17"].Traits.Get<PlaneInfo>().CruiseAltitude ),

                var cargo = a.Trait<Cargo>();
                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(false, producee.Name, new TypeDictionary
                    new OwnerInit( self.Owner ),
                cargo.Load(a, newUnit);

                a.QueueActivity(new Land(Target.FromActor(self)));
                a.QueueActivity(new CallFunc(() =>
                    if (self.IsDead())
                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(ww => DoProduction(self, cargo.Unload(self), exit, spawn));
                a.QueueActivity(new Fly(endPos));
                a.QueueActivity(new RemoveSelf());

            return true;
예제 #9
		public void RulesetLoaded(Ruleset rules, ActorInfo ai)
			ExplosionWeapon = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Explosion) ? null : rules.Weapons[Explosion.ToLowerInvariant()];
예제 #10
 public void RulesetLoaded(Ruleset rules, ActorInfo ai)
     WeaponInfo = rules.Weapons[Weapon.ToLowerInvariant()];
예제 #11
		public void RulesetLoaded(Ruleset rules, ActorInfo ai)
			WeaponInfos = Weapons.Select(w => rules.Weapons[w.ToLowerInvariant()]).ToArray();
예제 #12
파일: TechTree.cs 프로젝트: mgatland/OpenRA
 public IEnumerable<ActorInfo> UnitBuiltAt( ActorInfo info )
     var builtAt = info.Traits.Get<BuildableInfo>().BuiltAt;
     if( builtAt.Length != 0 )
         return builtAt.Select( x => Rules.Info[ x.ToLowerInvariant() ] );
         return producesIndex[ info.Category ];
예제 #13
 // TODO: This can be removed after the legacy and redundant 0% = not targetable
 // assumption has been removed from the yaml definitions
 public override bool CanTargetActor(ActorInfo victim, Actor firedBy)
     return true;
예제 #14
 public override int2? CreationLocation(Actor self, ActorInfo producee)
     return FindAdjacentTile(self, producee.Traits.Get<OwnedActorInfo>().WaterBound);
예제 #15
        public virtual bool Produce( Actor self, ActorInfo producee )
            var location = CreationLocation( self, producee );
            if( location == null || self.World.WorldActor.traits.Get<UnitInfluence>().GetUnitsAt( location.Value ).Any() )
                return false;

            var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor( producee.Name, location.Value, self.Owner );
            newUnit.traits.Get<Unit>().Facing = CreationFacing( self, newUnit ); ;

            var pi = self.Info.Traits.Get<ProductionInfo>();
            var rp = self.traits.GetOrDefault<RallyPoint>();
            if( rp != null || pi.ExitOffset != null)
                var mobile = newUnit.traits.GetOrDefault<Mobile>();
                if( mobile != null )
                    if (pi.ExitOffset != null)
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(new Activities.Move(ExitLocation( self, producee).Value, 1));

                    if (rp != null)
                        newUnit.QueueActivity( new Activities.Move( rp.rallyPoint, 1 ) );

            if (pi != null && pi.SpawnOffset != null)
                newUnit.CenterLocation = self.CenterLocation
                    + new float2(pi.SpawnOffset[0], pi.SpawnOffset[1]);

            foreach (var t in self.traits.WithInterface<INotifyProduction>())
                t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit);

            return true;
예제 #16
 // TODO: This can be removed after the legacy and redundant 0% = not targetable
 // assumption has been removed from the yaml definitions
 public virtual bool CanTargetActor(ActorInfo victim, Actor firedBy)
     return false;