예제 #1
        ///<summary>Cascading delete that deletes all MedLab, MedLabResult, MedLabSpecimen, and MedLabFacAttach.
        ///Also deletes any embedded PDFs that are linked to by the MedLabResults.
        ///The MedLabs and all associated results, specimens, and FacAttaches referenced by the MedLabNums in listExcludeMedLabNums will not be deleted.
        ///Used for deleting old entries and keeping new ones.  The list may be empty and then all will be deleted.</summary>
        public static int DeleteLabsAndResults(MedLab medLab, List <long> listExcludeMedLabNums = null)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetInt(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), medLab, listExcludeMedLabNums));
            List <MedLab> listLabsOld = MedLabs.GetForPatAndSpecimen(medLab.PatNum, medLab.SpecimenID, medLab.SpecimenIDFiller);       //patNum could be 0

            if (listExcludeMedLabNums != null)
                listLabsOld = listLabsOld.FindAll(x => !listExcludeMedLabNums.Contains(x.MedLabNum));
            if (listLabsOld.Count < 1)
            int                 failedCount    = 0;
            List <long>         listLabNumsOld = listLabsOld.Select(x => x.MedLabNum).ToList();
            List <MedLabResult> listResultsOld = listLabsOld.SelectMany(x => x.ListMedLabResults).ToList();         //sends one query to the db per MedLab

            MedLabFacAttaches.DeleteAllForLabsOrResults(listLabNumsOld, listResultsOld.Select(x => x.MedLabResultNum).ToList());
            MedLabSpecimens.DeleteAllForLabs(listLabNumsOld);            //MedLabSpecimens have a FK to MedLabNum
            MedLabResults.DeleteAllForMedLabs(listLabNumsOld);           //MedLabResults have a FK to MedLabNum
            foreach (Document doc in Documents.GetByNums(listResultsOld.Select(x => x.DocNum).ToList()))
                Patient docPat = Patients.GetPat(doc.PatNum);
                if (docPat == null)
                try {
                    ImageStore.DeleteDocuments(new List <Document> {
                    }, ImageStore.GetPatientFolder(docPat, ImageStore.GetPreferredAtoZpath()));
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    ex.DoNothing();                    //To avoid a warning message.  The ex is needed to ensure all exceptions are caught.
예제 #2
        ///<summary>Returns a list of MedLabFacilityNums, the order in the list will be the facility ID on the report.  Basically a local re-numbering.
        ///Each message has a facility or facilities with footnote IDs, e.g. 01, 02, etc.  The results each link to the facility that performed the test.
        ///But if there are multiple messages for a test order, e.g. when there is a final result for a subset of the original test results,
        ///the additional message may have a facility with footnote ID of 01 that is different than the original message facility with ID 01.
        ///So each ID could link to multiple facilities.  We will re-number the facilities so that each will have a unique number for this report.</summary>
        public static List <MedLabFacility> GetFacilityList(List <MedLab> listMedLabs, out List <MedLabResult> listResults)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            listResults = listMedLabs.SelectMany(x => x.ListMedLabResults).ToList();
            for (int i = listResults.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)     //loop through backward and only keep the most final/most recent result
                if (i == 0)
                if (listResults[i].ObsID == listResults[i - 1].ObsID && listResults[i].ObsIDSub == listResults[i - 1].ObsIDSub)
            listResults.OrderBy(x => x.MedLabNum).ThenBy(x => x.MedLabResultNum);
            //listResults will now only contain the most recent or most final/corrected results, sorted by the order inserted in the db
            List <MedLabFacAttach>  listFacAttaches     = MedLabFacAttaches.GetAllForResults(listResults.Select(x => x.MedLabResultNum).Distinct().ToList());
            Dictionary <long, long> dictResultNumFacNum = listFacAttaches.ToDictionary(x => x.MedLabResultNum, x => x.MedLabFacilityNum);
            List <MedLabFacility>   listFacilities      = new List <MedLabFacility>();

            for (int i = 0; i < listResults.Count; i++)
                if (!dictResultNumFacNum.ContainsKey(listResults[i].MedLabResultNum))
                long facilityNumCur = dictResultNumFacNum[listResults[i].MedLabResultNum];
                if (!listFacilities.Exists(x => x.MedLabFacilityNum == facilityNumCur))
                listResults[i].FacilityID = (listFacilities.Select(x => x.MedLabFacilityNum).ToList().IndexOf(facilityNumCur) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');