예제 #1
파일: SURF.cs 프로젝트: dunghand/msrds
        public IplImage Init(string fileName1)
            _Obj = Cv.LoadImage(fileName1, LoadMode.GrayScale);
            _ObjColor = Cv.CreateImage(_Obj.Size, BitDepth.U8, 3);

            using (CvMemStorage storage = Cv.CreateMemStorage(0))
                Cv.CvtColor(_Obj, _ObjColor, ColorConversion.GrayToBgr);

                Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    CvSURFParams param = new CvSURFParams(500, true);
                    Cv.ExtractSURF(_Obj, null, out _ObjectKeypoints, out _ObjectDescriptors, storage, param);
                    Console.WriteLine("Object Descriptors: {0}", _ObjectDescriptors.Total);


            return _Obj;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 画像中からSURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)を検出する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">8ビット,グレースケールの入力画像. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">オプション:8ビットのマスク画像.非0 のマスクピクセルが50%以上を占める領域からのみ,特徴点検出を行う.</param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">出力パラメータ.キーポイントのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. これは,CvSURFPoint 構造体のシーケンスになる</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">オプション:出力パラメータ.ディスクリプタのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. シーケンスの各要素は,params.extended の値に依存して, 64-要素,あるいは 128-要素の浮動小数点数(CV_32F)ベクトルとなる. パラメータが NULL の場合,ディスクリプタは計算されない.</param>
        /// <param name="storage">キーポイントとディスクリプタが格納されるメモリストレージ</param>
        /// <param name="param">CvSURFParams 構造体に入れられた,様々なアルゴリズムパラメータ</param>
        /// <param name="useProvidedKeyPts">If useProvidedKeyPts!=0, keypoints are not detected, but descriptors are computed at the locations provided in keypoints (a CvSeq of CvSURFPoint).</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The input 8-bit grayscale image. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">The optional input 8-bit mask. The features are only found in the areas that contain more than 50% of non-zero mask pixels. </param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">The output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of keypoints. This will be the sequence of CvSURFPoint structures.</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">The optional output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of descriptors; Depending on the params.extended value, each element of the sequence will be either 64-element or 128-element floating-point (CV_32F) vector. If the parameter is null, the descriptors are not computed. </param>
        /// <param name="storage">Memory storage where keypoints and descriptors will be stored. </param>
        /// <param name="param">Various algorithm parameters put to the structure CvSURFParams</param>
        /// <param name="useProvidedKeyPts">If useProvidedKeyPts!=0, keypoints are not detected, but descriptors are computed at the locations provided in keypoints (a CvSeq of CvSURFPoint).</param>
        public static void ExtractSURF(CvArr image, CvArr mask, ref CvSeq<CvSURFPoint> keypoints, out CvSeq<float> descriptors, CvMemStorage storage, CvSURFParams param, bool useProvidedKeyPts)
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("img");
            if (storage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("img");

            IntPtr maskPtr = (mask == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : mask.CvPtr;
            IntPtr descriptorsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr keypointsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (useProvidedKeyPts)
                keypoints = new CvSeq<CvSURFPoint>(SeqType.Zero, storage);
                keypointsPtr = keypoints.CvPtr;
                CvInvoke.cvExtractSURF(image.CvPtr, maskPtr, ref keypointsPtr, ref descriptorsPtr, storage.CvPtr, param.Struct, useProvidedKeyPts);
                descriptors = new CvSeq<float>(descriptorsPtr);
                CvInvoke.cvExtractSURF(image.CvPtr, maskPtr, ref keypointsPtr, ref descriptorsPtr, storage.CvPtr, param.Struct, useProvidedKeyPts);
                keypoints = new CvSeq<CvSURFPoint>(keypointsPtr);
                descriptors = new CvSeq<float>(descriptorsPtr);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 画像中からSURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)を検出する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">8ビット,グレースケールの入力画像. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">オプション:8ビットのマスク画像.非0 のマスクピクセルが50%以上を占める領域からのみ,特徴点検出を行う.</param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">出力パラメータ.キーポイントのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. これは,CvSURFPoint 構造体のシーケンスになる</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">オプション:出力パラメータ.ディスクリプタのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. シーケンスの各要素は,params.extended の値に依存して, 64-要素,あるいは 128-要素の浮動小数点数(CV_32F)ベクトルとなる. パラメータが NULL の場合,ディスクリプタは計算されない.</param>
        /// <param name="storage">キーポイントとディスクリプタが格納されるメモリストレージ</param>
        /// <param name="param">CvSURFParams 構造体に入れられた,様々なアルゴリズムパラメータ</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The input 8-bit grayscale image. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">The optional input 8-bit mask. The features are only found in the areas that contain more than 50% of non-zero mask pixels. </param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">The output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of keypoints. This will be the sequence of CvSURFPoint structures.</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">The optional output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of descriptors; Depending on the params.extended value, each element of the sequence will be either 64-element or 128-element floating-point (CV_32F) vector. If the parameter is null, the descriptors are not computed. </param>
        /// <param name="storage">Memory storage where keypoints and descriptors will be stored. </param>
        /// <param name="param">Various algorithm parameters put to the structure CvSURFParams</param>
        public static void ExtractSURF(CvArr image, CvArr mask, out CvSeq<CvSURFPoint> keypoints, out CvSeq<float> descriptors, CvMemStorage storage, CvSURFParams param)
            keypoints = null;
            ExtractSURF(image, mask, ref keypoints, out descriptors, storage, param, false);
예제 #4
        public SURFSample()
            // cvExtractSURF
            // SURFで対応点検出            

            // call cv::initModule_nonfree() before using SURF/SIFT.

            using (IplImage obj = Cv.LoadImage(Const.ImageSurfBox, LoadMode.GrayScale))
            using (IplImage image = Cv.LoadImage(Const.ImageSurfBoxinscene, LoadMode.GrayScale))
            using (IplImage objColor = Cv.CreateImage(obj.Size, BitDepth.U8, 3))
            using (IplImage correspond = Cv.CreateImage(new CvSize(image.Width, obj.Height + image.Height), BitDepth.U8, 1))
                Cv.CvtColor(obj, objColor, ColorConversion.GrayToBgr);

                Cv.SetImageROI(correspond, new CvRect(0, 0, obj.Width, obj.Height));
                Cv.Copy(obj, correspond);
                Cv.SetImageROI(correspond, new CvRect(0, obj.Height, correspond.Width, correspond.Height));
                Cv.Copy(image, correspond);

                // SURFの処理
                CvSURFPoint[] objectKeypoints, imageKeypoints;
                float[][] objectDescriptors, imageDescriptors;
                Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    CvSURFParams param = new CvSURFParams(500, true);
                    Cv.ExtractSURF(obj, null, out objectKeypoints, out objectDescriptors, param);
                    Console.WriteLine("Object Descriptors: {0}", objectDescriptors.Length);
                    Cv.ExtractSURF(image, null, out imageKeypoints, out imageDescriptors, param);
                    Console.WriteLine("Image Descriptors: {0}", imageDescriptors.Length);
                Console.WriteLine("Extraction time = {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                // シーン画像にある局所画像の領域を線で囲む
                CvPoint[] srcCorners = new CvPoint[4]
                        new CvPoint(0, 0), new CvPoint(obj.Width, 0), new CvPoint(obj.Width, obj.Height), new CvPoint(0, obj.Height)
                CvPoint[] dstCorners = LocatePlanarObject(objectKeypoints, objectDescriptors, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors, srcCorners);
                if (dstCorners != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        CvPoint r1 = dstCorners[i%4];
                        CvPoint r2 = dstCorners[(i + 1)%4];
                        Cv.Line(correspond, new CvPoint(r1.X, r1.Y + obj.Height), new CvPoint(r2.X, r2.Y + obj.Height), CvColor.White);

                // 対応点同士を線で引く
                int[] ptPairs = FindPairs(objectKeypoints, objectDescriptors, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors);
                for (int i = 0; i < ptPairs.Length; i += 2)
                    CvSURFPoint r1 = objectKeypoints[ptPairs[i]];
                    CvSURFPoint r2 = imageKeypoints[ptPairs[i + 1]];
                    Cv.Line(correspond, r1.Pt, new CvPoint(Cv.Round(r2.Pt.X), Cv.Round(r2.Pt.Y + obj.Height)), CvColor.White);

                // 特徴点の場所に円を描く
                for (int i = 0; i < objectKeypoints.Length; i++)
                    CvSURFPoint r = objectKeypoints[i];
                    CvPoint center = new CvPoint(Cv.Round(r.Pt.X), Cv.Round(r.Pt.Y));
                    int radius = Cv.Round(r.Size*(1.2/9.0)*2);
                    Cv.Circle(objColor, center, radius, CvColor.Red, 1, LineType.AntiAlias, 0);
                Console.WriteLine("Drawing time = {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                // ウィンドウに表示
                using (CvWindow windowObject = new CvWindow("Object", WindowMode.AutoSize))
                using (CvWindow windowCorrespond = new CvWindow("Object Correspond", WindowMode.AutoSize))
예제 #5
파일: Cv_E.cs 프로젝트: 0sv/opencvsharp
 private static float[][] ExtractSurfDescriptors(IntPtr descriptorsPtr, CvSURFParams param)
     CvSeq<IntPtr> descriptorsSeq = new CvSeq<IntPtr>(descriptorsPtr);
     float[][] descriptors = new float[descriptorsSeq.Total][];
     int dim = (param.Extended) ? 128 : 64;
     for (int i = 0; i < descriptorsSeq.Total; i++)
         descriptors[i] = new float[dim];
         IntPtr? ptr = descriptorsSeq[i];
         if (ptr.HasValue)
             Marshal.Copy(ptr.Value, descriptors[i], 0, dim);
     return descriptors;
예제 #6
파일: Cv_E.cs 프로젝트: 0sv/opencvsharp
        /// <summary>
        /// 画像中からSURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)を検出する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">8ビット,グレースケールの入力画像. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">オプション:8ビットのマスク画像.非0 のマスクピクセルが50%以上を占める領域からのみ,特徴点検出を行う.</param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">出力パラメータ.キーポイントのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. これは,CvSURFPoint 構造体のシーケンスになる</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">オプション:出力パラメータ.ディスクリプタのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. シーケンスの各要素は,params.extended の値に依存して, 64-要素,あるいは 128-要素の浮動小数点数(CV_32F)ベクトルとなる. パラメータが NULL の場合,ディスクリプタは計算されない.</param>
        /// <param name="param">CvSURFParams 構造体に入れられた,様々なアルゴリズムパラメータ</param>
        /// <param name="useProvidedKeyPts">If useProvidedKeyPts!=0, keypoints are not detected, but descriptors are computed at the locations provided in keypoints (a CvSeq of CvSURFPoint).</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The input 8-bit grayscale image. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">The optional input 8-bit mask. The features are only found in the areas that contain more than 50% of non-zero mask pixels. </param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">The output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of keypoints. This will be the sequence of CvSURFPoint structures.</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">The optional output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of descriptors; Depending on the params.extended value, each element of the sequence will be either 64-element or 128-element floating-point (CV_32F) vector. If the parameter is null, the descriptors are not computed. </param>
        /// <param name="param">Various algorithm parameters put to the structure CvSURFParams</param>
        /// <param name="useProvidedKeyPts">If useProvidedKeyPts!=0, keypoints are not detected, but descriptors are computed at the locations provided in keypoints (a CvSeq of CvSURFPoint).</param>
        public static void ExtractSURF(CvArr image, CvArr mask, ref CvSURFPoint[] keypoints, out float[][] descriptors, CvSURFParams param, bool useProvidedKeyPts)
            if (!useProvidedKeyPts)
                ExtractSURF(image, mask, out keypoints, out descriptors, param);

            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("image");
            if (param == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("param");
            if (keypoints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("keypoints");

            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage(0))
            using (CvSeq <CvSURFPoint> keypointsSeqIn = CvSeq<CvSURFPoint>.FromArray(keypoints, SeqType.Zero, storage))
                IntPtr maskPtr = (mask == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : mask.CvPtr;
                IntPtr descriptorsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr keypointsPtr = keypointsSeqIn.CvPtr;
                NativeMethods.cvExtractSURF(image.CvPtr, maskPtr, ref keypointsPtr, ref descriptorsPtr, storage.CvPtr, param.Struct, false);
                CvSeq<CvSURFPoint> keypointsSeqOut = new CvSeq<CvSURFPoint>(keypointsPtr);
                keypoints = keypointsSeqOut.ToArray();

                descriptors = ExtractSurfDescriptors(descriptorsPtr, param);
예제 #7
파일: Cv_E.cs 프로젝트: 0sv/opencvsharp
        /// <summary>
        /// 画像中からSURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)を検出する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">8ビット,グレースケールの入力画像. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">オプション:8ビットのマスク画像.非0 のマスクピクセルが50%以上を占める領域からのみ,特徴点検出を行う.</param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">出力パラメータ.キーポイントのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. これは,CvSURFPoint 構造体のシーケンスになる</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">オプション:出力パラメータ.ディスクリプタのシーケンスへのポインタのポインタ. シーケンスの各要素は,params.extended の値に依存して, 64-要素,あるいは 128-要素の浮動小数点数(CV_32F)ベクトルとなる. パラメータが NULL の場合,ディスクリプタは計算されない.</param>
        /// <param name="param">CvSURFParams 構造体に入れられた,様々なアルゴリズムパラメータ</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The input 8-bit grayscale image. </param>
        /// <param name="mask">The optional input 8-bit mask. The features are only found in the areas that contain more than 50% of non-zero mask pixels. </param>
        /// <param name="keypoints">The output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of keypoints. This will be the sequence of CvSURFPoint structures.</param>
        /// <param name="descriptors">The optional output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of descriptors; Depending on the params.extended value, each element of the sequence will be either 64-element or 128-element floating-point (CV_32F) vector. If the parameter is null, the descriptors are not computed. </param>
        /// <param name="param">Various algorithm parameters put to the structure CvSURFParams</param>
        public static void ExtractSURF(CvArr image, CvArr mask, out CvSURFPoint[] keypoints, out float[][] descriptors, CvSURFParams param)
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("image");
            if (param == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("param");

            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage(0))
                IntPtr maskPtr = (mask == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : mask.CvPtr;
                IntPtr descriptorsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr keypointsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                NativeMethods.cvExtractSURF(image.CvPtr, maskPtr, ref keypointsPtr, ref descriptorsPtr, storage.CvPtr, param.Struct, false);
                CvSeq<CvSURFPoint> keypointsSeq = new CvSeq<CvSURFPoint>(keypointsPtr);
                keypoints = keypointsSeq.ToArray();

                descriptors = ExtractSurfDescriptors(descriptorsPtr, param);
예제 #8
파일: SURF.cs 프로젝트: dunghand/msrds
        public IplImage Test(string fileName2)
            IplImage correspond = null;

            using (CvMemStorage storage = Cv.CreateMemStorage(0))
            using (IplImage image = Cv.LoadImage(fileName2, LoadMode.GrayScale))
                correspond = Cv.CreateImage(new CvSize(image.Width, _Obj.Height + image.Height), BitDepth.U8, 1);

                Cv.SetImageROI(correspond, new CvRect(0, 0, _Obj.Width, _Obj.Height));
                Cv.Copy(_Obj, correspond);
                Cv.SetImageROI(correspond, new CvRect(0, _Obj.Height, correspond.Width, correspond.Height));
                Cv.Copy(image, correspond);

                // SURFの処理
                CvSeq<CvSURFPoint> imageKeypoints;
                CvSeq<float> imageDescriptors;
                Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    CvSURFParams param = new CvSURFParams(500, true);
                    Cv.ExtractSURF(image, null, out imageKeypoints, out imageDescriptors, storage, param);
                    Console.WriteLine("Image Descriptors: {0}", imageDescriptors.Total);
                Console.WriteLine("Extraction time = {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                // シーン画像にある局所画像の領域を線で囲む
                CvPoint[] srcCorners = new CvPoint[4]{
                    new CvPoint(0,0), new CvPoint(_Obj.Width,0), new CvPoint(_Obj.Width, _Obj.Height), new CvPoint(0, _Obj.Height)
                CvPoint[] dstCorners = LocatePlanarObject(_ObjectKeypoints, _ObjectDescriptors, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors, srcCorners);
                if (dstCorners != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        CvPoint r1 = dstCorners[i % 4];
                        CvPoint r2 = dstCorners[(i + 1) % 4];
                        Cv.Line(correspond, new CvPoint(r1.X, r1.Y + _Obj.Height), new CvPoint(r2.X, r2.Y + _Obj.Height), CvColor.White);

                // 対応点同士を線で引く
                int[] ptpairs = FindPairs(_ObjectKeypoints, _ObjectDescriptors, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors);
                for (int i = 0; i < ptpairs.Length; i += 2)
                    CvSURFPoint r1 = Cv.GetSeqElem<CvSURFPoint>(_ObjectKeypoints, ptpairs[i]).Value;
                    CvSURFPoint r2 = Cv.GetSeqElem<CvSURFPoint>(imageKeypoints, ptpairs[i + 1]).Value;
                    Cv.Line(correspond, r1.Pt, new CvPoint(Cv.Round(r2.Pt.X), Cv.Round(r2.Pt.Y + _Obj.Height)), CvColor.White);

                // 特徴点の場所に円を描く
                for (int i = 0; i < _ObjectKeypoints.Total; i++)
                    CvSURFPoint r = Cv.GetSeqElem<CvSURFPoint>(_ObjectKeypoints, i).Value;
                    CvPoint center = new CvPoint(Cv.Round(r.Pt.X), Cv.Round(r.Pt.Y));
                    int radius = Cv.Round(r.Size * (1.2 / 9.0) * 2);
                    Cv.Circle(_ObjColor, center, radius, CvColor.Red, 1, LineType.AntiAlias, 0);
                Console.WriteLine("Drawing time = {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


            return correspond;