CalculateOutput() 공개 메소드

public CalculateOutput ( ) : void
리턴 void
예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Works correctly for approximation with single value output.
        /// Otherwise will just take first value from network output as function value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network"></param>
        private void CreateApproximationFunctionPoints(NeuralNetwork network)
            ApproximationFunctionPoints = new Double[NumberOfPointForApproximationFunction, 2];
            double maximum = 0, minimum = 0;

            foreach (var data in DataProvider.DataSet) // choose max and min
                if (data.X.Max() > maximum)
                    maximum = data.X.Max();
                if (data.X.Min() < minimum)
                    minimum = data.X.Min();
            double step   = (maximum - minimum) / NumberOfPointForApproximationFunction;
            double xValue = minimum;
            var    output = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(1);

            for (int index = 0; index < NumberOfPointForApproximationFunction; index++)
                if (network.IsBiasExisting)
                    output = network.CalculateOutput(Vector <double> .Build.Dense(new double[2] {
                        1, xValue
                    output = network.CalculateOutput(Vector <double> .Build.Dense(new double[1] {
                ApproximationFunctionPoints[index, 0] = xValue;
                ApproximationFunctionPoints[index, 1] = output[0]; //Assumed approximation will have only single output
                xValue += step;
예제 #2
        private void CreateResultMatrixForClassification(NeuralNetwork network)
            var testSet         = DataProvider.DataSet;                                  //helper variable to shorten code and clarify;
            int numberOfClasses = network.Layers[Layers.Length - 1].Weights.ColumnCount; //neurons in last layer

            ClassificationFullResults = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(numberOfClasses, numberOfClasses);

            for (int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < testSet.Length; dataIndex++)
                var output            = network.CalculateOutput(testSet[dataIndex].X, CalculateMode.NetworkOutput);
                int chosenClassNumber = output.MaximumIndex();
                int properClassNumber = testSet[dataIndex].D.MaximumIndex();
                ClassificationFullResults[properClassNumber, chosenClassNumber] += 1;
예제 #3
파일: NetworkTester.cs 프로젝트: 210183/IAD
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses network on every data from test set and uses error calc to calc aggregated error
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double TestNetwork(NeuralNetwork network, IDataProvider dataProvider)
            var testSet = dataProvider.DataSet; //var to clarify and shorten
            var errors  = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(testSet.Length, 0);

            Vector <double> currentOutput;

            for (int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < testSet.Length; dataIndex++)
                currentOutput     = network.CalculateOutput(testSet[dataIndex].X);
                errors[dataIndex] = ErrorCalculator.CalculateErrorSum(currentOutput, testSet[dataIndex].D);
            var totalError = ErrorCalculator.CalculateEpochError(errors);

예제 #4
파일: OnlineTrainer.cs 프로젝트: 210183/IAD
        public void TrainNetwork(ref NeuralNetwork networkToTrain, int maxEpochs, double desiredErrorRate = 0)
            var learnSet = DataProvider.LearnSet; //shorter

            var TempTestErrorHistory = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(maxEpochs + 1);

            Vector <double> TemporaryEpochErrorHistory = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(maxEpochs, 0); //place to temporary store epoch errors for all epochs

            TempTestErrorHistory[0]       = Double.MaxValue;                                         // assume error at beginning is maximal
            TemporaryEpochErrorHistory[0] = Double.MaxValue;                                         // assume error at beginning is maximal

            int             shuffleAmount = (int)Math.Round(Math.Log(learnSet.Length, 2));           // calculate how much should shuffle learn set depending on its size
            Vector <double> output;
            Vector <double> errorVector;
            int             EpochIndex = 1; // epochs are counted starting from 1

            while (EpochIndex < maxEpochs)
                DataProvider.ShuffleDataSet(learnSet, shuffleAmount);                       // shuffle some data in learn set
                CurrentEpochErrorVector = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(learnSet.Length, 0); // init with 0s

                #region calculate epoch
                for (int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < learnSet.Length; dataIndex++)
                    output      = networkToTrain.CalculateOutput(learnSet[dataIndex].X, CalculateMode.OutputsAndDerivatives);
                    errorVector = ErrorCalculator.CalculateErrorVector(output, learnSet[dataIndex].D);
                    CurrentEpochErrorVector[dataIndex] = ErrorCalculator.CalculateErrorSum(output, learnSet[dataIndex].D);
                    #region adapt weights
                    LearningAlgorithm.AdaptWeights(networkToTrain, errorVector, CurrentEpochErrorVector[dataIndex], CurrentEpochErrorVector[dataIndex.Previous()]);
                #region epoch error
                TemporaryEpochErrorHistory[EpochIndex] = ErrorCalculator.CalculateEpochError(CurrentEpochErrorVector);
                if (TemporaryEpochErrorHistory[EpochIndex] <= desiredErrorRate) //learning is done
                #region Adapt Learning Rate
                LearningAlgorithm.AdaptLearningRate(TemporaryEpochErrorHistory[EpochIndex], TemporaryEpochErrorHistory[EpochIndex.Previous()]);
                #region create and store test results
                var testError = tester.TestNetwork(networkToTrain, DataProvider);
                TempTestErrorHistory[EpochIndex] = testError;
                #region update best network state
                if (TempTestErrorHistory[EpochIndex] < BestError)
                    BestNetworkState = networkToTrain.DeepCopy();
                    BestError        = TempTestErrorHistory[EpochIndex];

            #region save errors for all epochs that actually were calculated
            TestErrorHistory = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(EpochIndex);

            EpochErrorHistory = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(EpochIndex);

            TemporaryEpochErrorHistory.CopySubVectorTo(EpochErrorHistory, 0, 0, EpochIndex);
            TempTestErrorHistory.CopySubVectorTo(TestErrorHistory, 0, 0, EpochIndex);
            //restore best network state ( on set for verifying)
            networkToTrain = BestNetworkState;