internal SqlAzManStoreGroupMember(NetSqlAzManStorageDataContext db, IAzManStoreGroup storeGroup, int storeGroupMemberId, IAzManSid sid, WhereDefined whereDefined, bool isMember, SqlAzManENS ens)
     this.db = db;
     this.storeGroup = storeGroup;
     this.storeGroupMemberId = storeGroupMemberId;
     this.sid = sid;
     this.whereDefined = whereDefined;
     this.isMember = isMember;
     this.ens = ens;
 internal SqlAzManApplication(NetSqlAzManStorageDataContext db, IAzManStore store, int applicationId, string name, string description, byte netsqlazmanFixedServerRole, SqlAzManENS ens)
     this.db = db;
     this.applicationId = applicationId; = store; = name;
     this.description = description;
     this.netsqlazmanFixedServerRole = netsqlazmanFixedServerRole;
     this.ens = ens;
예제 #3
 internal SqlAzManItem(NetSqlAzManStorageDataContext db, IAzManApplication application, int itemId, string name, string description, ItemType itemType, string bizRule, BizRuleSourceLanguage? bizRuleScriptLanguage, SqlAzManENS ens)
     this.db = db;
     this.itemId = itemId;
     this.application = application; = name;
     this.bizRuleSource = bizRule;
     this.bizRuleSourceLanguage = bizRuleScriptLanguage;
     this.description = description;
     this.itemType = itemType;
     this.ens = ens;
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:SqlAzManStore"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string.</param>
 public SqlAzManStorage(string connectionString)
     this.userTransaction = false;
     #if MMCDEBUG
     System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This message is for Debug only. Attach now to the process 'MMC.EXE'.", "Debug", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information);
     this.instanceGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
     this.logging = new LoggingUtility();
     //ENS Subscriptions
     this.ens = new SqlAzManENS();
     this.ConnectionString = connectionString;
 internal SqlAzManAuthorization(NetSqlAzManStorageDataContext db, IAzManItem item, int authorizationId, IAzManSid owner, WhereDefined ownerSidWhereDefined, IAzManSid sid, WhereDefined objectSidWhereDefined, AuthorizationType authorizationType, DateTime? validFrom, DateTime? validTo, SqlAzManENS ens)
     this.db = db;
     this.authorizationId = authorizationId;
     this.item = item;
     this.owner = owner;
     this.ownerSidWhereDefined = ownerSidWhereDefined;
     this.sid = sid;
     this.sidWhereDefined = objectSidWhereDefined;
     this.authorizationType = authorizationType;
     this.validFrom = validFrom;
     this.validTo = validTo;
     this.ens = ens;
 internal SqlAzManApplicationGroup(NetSqlAzManStorageDataContext db, IAzManApplication application, int applicationGroupId, IAzManSid sid, string name, string description, string lDapQuery, GroupType groupType, SqlAzManENS ens)
     this.db = db;
     this.application = application;
     this.applicationGroupId = applicationGroupId;
     this.sid = sid; = name;
     this.description = description;
     this.lDapQuery = String.IsNullOrEmpty(lDapQuery) ? String.Empty : lDapQuery;
     this.groupType = groupType;
     this.ens = ens;
     if (groupType != GroupType.Basic)
         this.members = new Dictionary<IAzManSid, IAzManApplicationGroupMember>();