Stop() 공개 메소드

Stops the poller, blocking until stopped.
public Stop ( ) : void
리턴 void
예제 #1
        public void Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken, params Task[] tasks)
            var registration = cancellationToken.Register(() => m_poller.Stop(), true);

            Task.WhenAll(tasks).ContinueWith(t => m_poller.Stop(), cancellationToken);


예제 #2
        private void OnShimReady(object sender, NetMQSocketEventArgs e)
            string command = e.Socket.ReceiveFrameString();

            if (command == NetMQActor.EndShimMessage)
예제 #3
        public void ReceiveMessageFailedIfWasNotProcessed()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string>();
            var serviceName = "echo";
            Guid requestId = Guid.Empty;

            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClientAsync(hostAddress))
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // doesn't reply to client
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();

                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add(e.Info);
                session.ReplyReady += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.IsTrue(false, "I'm not supposed to receive replies since broker is not sending them");
                session.FailedRequest += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.That(requestId, Is.Not.EqualTo(Guid.Empty));
                    Assert.That(e.RequestId, Is.EqualTo(requestId));

                var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => poller.Run());

                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });

                requestId = session.Send(serviceName, requestMessage);
                var result = task.Wait(session.Timeout + session.Timeout);
                Assert.IsTrue(result, $"During {session.Timeout}ms was not received a FailedReply");
예제 #4
        public void Send_CorrectInputWithLogging_ShouldReturnCorrectReply()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string>();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClient(hostAddress))
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>

                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
                    // we expect to receive a 4 Frame message
                    // [client adrR][e][mdp header][service][request]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 5)
                        Assert.Fail("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                    // REQUEST socket will strip the his address + empty frame
                    // ROUTER has to add the address prelude in order to identify the correct socket(!)
                    // [client adr][e][mdp header][service][reply]
                    var request = msg.Last.ConvertToString(); // get the request string
                    msg.RemoveFrame(msg.Last); // remove the request frame
                    msg.Append(new NetMQFrame(request + " OK")); // append the reply frame

                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add(e.Info);
                // well formed message
                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });
                // correct call
                var reply = session.Send("echo", requestMessage);


                Assert.That(reply.FrameCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
                Assert.That(reply.First.ConvertToString(), Is.EqualTo("REQUEST OK"));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[0], Is.EqualTo("[CLIENT] connecting to broker at tcp://localhost:5555"));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[1].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] sending"), Is.True);
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[2].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] received"), Is.True);
예제 #5
            private void OnPipeReady(object sender, NetMQSocketEventArgs e)
                NetMQMessage message = m_pipe.ReceiveMultipartMessage();

                string command = message.Pop().ConvertToString();

                switch (command)
                case ConfigureCommand:
                    string interfaceName = message.Pop().ConvertToString();
                    int    port          = message.Pop().ConvertToInt32();
                    Configure(interfaceName, port);

                case PublishCommand:
                    m_transmit           = message.Pop();
                    m_pingTimer.Interval = message.Pop().ConvertToInt32();
                    m_pingTimer.Enable   = true;

                case SilenceCommand:
                    m_transmit         = null;
                    m_pingTimer.Enable = false;

                case SubscribeCommand:
                    m_filter = message.Pop();

                case UnsubscribeCommand:
                    m_filter = null;

                case NetMQActor.EndShimMessage:

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
예제 #6
        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    respondingIsActive = false;
                    if (poller != null && poller.IsRunning)

                    if (responseSocket != null && receiveHandler != null)
                        responseSocket.ReceiveReady -= receiveHandler;
                disposedValue = true;
예제 #7
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: sharpe5/netmq
        /// <summary>
        ///     the broker setting up the cluster
        ///          State 2 ---+         +--- State n
        ///                     |         |
        ///                     +----+----+
        ///     client 1 ---|        |         |--- worker 1
        ///     client 2 ---+---- BROKER 1 ----+--- worker 2
        ///     :           |        |         |    :
        ///     client n ---+   +----+----+    +--- worker n
        ///                     |         |
        ///                  BROKER 2   BROKER n
        ///     BROKER 2 and n are not included and must be setup separately
        ///     A minimum of two address must be supplied
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">[0] = this broker's address
        ///                    [1] = 1st peer's address
        ///                     :
        ///                    [n] = nth peer address</param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     since "inproc://" is not working in NetMQ we use "tcp://"
        ///     for each broker we need 5 ports which for this example are
        ///     assigned as follows (in true life it should be configurable whether
        ///     they are ports or tcp/ip addresses)
        ///     this brokers address => local frontend binds to     tcp://
        ///                             cloud frontend binds to                    :5556
        ///                             local backend binds to                     :5557
        ///                             state backend binds to                     :5558
        ///                             monitor PULL binds to                      :5559
        ///     the sockets are connected as follows
        ///               this broker's monitor PUSH connects to    tcp://
        ///                         (if peer's address and port is  tcp://
        ///               this broker's cloud backend connects to                  :5576
        ///               this broker's state frontend connects to                 :5578
        ///     this scheme is fix in this example
        /// </remarks>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Title = "NetMQ Inter-Broker Router";

            const string baseAddress = "tcp://";

            if (args.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: program me peer1 [peer]*");
                Console.WriteLine("each broker needs 5 port for his sockets!");
                Console.WriteLine("place enough distance between multiple broker addresses!");

            // trapping Ctrl+C as exit signal!
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
                e.Cancel = true;
                s_keepRunning = false;

            // get random generator for later use
            var rnd = new Random();
            // get list for registering the clients
            var clients = new List<byte[]>(NbrClients);
            // get a list of peer addresses
            var peers = new List<byte[]>();
            // get all peer addresses - first is this broker!
            for (var i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)

            // build this broker's address
            var me = baseAddress + args[0];
            // get the port as integer for later use
            var myPort = int.Parse(args[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("[BROKER] The broker can be stopped by using CTRL+C!");
            Console.WriteLine("[BROKER] setting up sockets ...");

            // set up all the addresses needed in the due course
            var localFrontendAddress = me;
            var cloudFrontendAddress = baseAddress + (myPort + 1);
            var localBackendAddress = baseAddress + (myPort + 2);
            var stateBackendAddress = baseAddress + (myPort + 3);
            var monitorAddress = baseAddress + (myPort + 4);

            // create the context and all the sockets
            using (var localFrontend = new RouterSocket())
            using (var localBackend = new RouterSocket())
            using (var cloudFrontend = new RouterSocket())
            using (var cloudBackend = new RouterSocket())
            using (var stateBackend = new PublisherSocket())
            using (var stateFrontend = new SubscriberSocket())
            using (var monitor = new PullSocket())
                // give every socket an unique identity, e.g. LocalFrontend[Port]
                    cloudBackend, stateFrontend);

                // subscribe to any message on the stateFrontend socket!

                // bind the serving sockets

                // connect sockets to peers
                for (var i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)
                    // build the cloud back end address
                    var peerPort = int.Parse(args[i]);
                    var address = baseAddress + (peerPort + 1);
                    Console.WriteLine("[BROKER] connect to cloud peer {0}", address);

                    // this cloudBackend connects to all peer cloudFrontends

                    // build the state front end address
                    address = baseAddress + (peerPort + 3);
                    Console.WriteLine("[BROKER] subscribe to state peer {0}", address);

                    // this stateFrontend to all peer stateBackends

                // setup the local worker queue for LRU and monitor cloud capacity
                var workerQueue = new Queue<byte[]>();
                int previousLocalCapacity = 0;

                // receive the capacity available from other peer(s)
                stateFrontend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // the message should contain the available cloud capacity
                    var capacity = e.Socket.ReceiveFrameString();

                    Debug.Assert(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(capacity), "StateFrontend: message was empty!");

                    int couldCapacity;
                    Debug.Assert(int.TryParse(capacity, out couldCapacity), "StateFrontend: message did not contain a number!");

                // get the status message and print it
                monitor.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveFrameString();

                    Console.WriteLine("[MONITOR] {0}", msg);

                // all local clients are connecting to this socket
                // they send a REQ and get a REPLY
                localFrontend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // [client adr][empty][message id]
                    var request = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
                    // register the local client for later identification if not known
                    if (!clients.Any(n => AreSame(n, request[0])))
                    // if we have local capacity send worker else send to cloud
                    if (workerQueue.Count > 0)
                        // get the LRU worker adr
                        var worker = workerQueue.Dequeue();
                        // wrap message with workers address
                        var msg = Wrap(worker, request);
                        // send message to the worker
                        // [worker adr][empty][client adr][empty][data]
                        // get an random index for peers
                        var peerIdx = rnd.Next(peers.Count - 2) + 2;
                        // get peers address
                        var peer = peers[peerIdx];
                        // wrap message with peer's address
                        var msg = Wrap(peer, request);
                        // [peer adr][empty][client adr][empty][data]

                // the workers are connected to this socket
                // we get a REPLY either for a cloud client [worker adr][empty][peer adr][empty][peer client adr][empty][data]
                // or local client [worker adr][empty][client adr][empty][data]
                // or a READY message [worker adr][empty][WORKER_READY]
                localBackend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // a worker can send "READY" or a request
                    // or an REPLAY
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();

                    // just to make sure we received a proper message
                    Debug.Assert(msg != null && msg.FrameCount > 0, "[LocalBackend] message was empty or frame count == 0!");

                    // get the workers identity
                    var id = Unwrap(msg);
                    // this worker done in either way so add it to available workers
                    // if it is NOT a ready message we need to route the message
                    // it could be a reply to a peer or a local client
                    // [WORKER_READY] or [client adr][empty][data] or [peer adr][empty][peer client adr][empty][data]
                    if (msg[0].Buffer[0] != WorkerReady)
                        Debug.Assert(msg.FrameCount > 2, "[LocalBackend] None READY message malformed");

                        // if the adr (first frame) is any of the clients send the REPLY there
                        // and send it to the peer otherwise
                        if (clients.Any(n => AreSame(n, msg.First)))

                // this socket is connected to all peers
                // we receive either a REQ or a REPLY form a peer
                // REQ [peer adr][empty][peer client adr][empty][message id] -> send to peer for processing
                // REP [peer adr][empty][client adr][empty][message id] -> send to local client
                cloudBackend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();

                    // just to make sure we received a message
                    Debug.Assert(msg != null && msg.FrameCount > 0, "[CloudBackend] message was empty or frame count == 0!");

                    // we need the peers address for proper addressing
                    var peerAdr = Unwrap(msg);

                    // the remaining message must be at least 3 frames!
                    Debug.Assert(msg.FrameCount > 2, "[CloudBackend] message malformed");

                    // if the id is any of the local clients it is a REPLY
                    // and a REQ otherwise
                    if (clients.Any(n => AreSame(n, msg.First)))
                        // [client adr][empty][message id]
                        // add the peers address to the request
                        var request = Wrap(peerAdr, msg);
                        // [peer adr][empty][peer client adr][empty][message id]

                // all peers are binding to this socket
                // we receive REPLY or REQ from peers
                // REQ [peer adr][empty][peer client adr][empty][data] -> send to local worker for processing
                // REP [peer adr][empty][client adr][empty][data] -> send to local client
                cloudFrontend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();

                    // just to make sure we received a message
                    Debug.Assert(msg != null && msg.FrameCount > 0, "[CloudFrontend] message was empty or frame count == 0!");

                    // we may need the peers address for proper addressing
                    var peerAdr = Unwrap(msg);

                    // the remaining message must be at least 3 frames!
                    Debug.Assert(msg.FrameCount > 2, "[CloudFrontend] message malformed");

                    // if the address is any of the local clients it is a REPLY
                    // and a REQ otherwise
                    if (clients.Any(n => AreSame(n, msg.First)))
                        // in order to know which per to send back the peers adr must be added again
                        var original = Wrap(peerAdr, msg);

                        // reduce the capacity to reflect the use of a worker by a cloud request
                        previousLocalCapacity = workerQueue.Count;
                        // get the LRU worker
                        var workerAdr = workerQueue.Dequeue();
                        // wrap the message with the worker address and send
                        var request = Wrap(workerAdr, original);

                // in order to reduce chatter we only check to see if we have local capacity to provide to cloud
                // periodically every 2 seconds with a timer
                var timer = new NetMQTimer((int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds);

                timer.Elapsed += (t, e) =>
                    // send message only if the previous send information changed
                    if (previousLocalCapacity != workerQueue.Count)
                        // set the information
                        previousLocalCapacity = workerQueue.Count;
                        // generate the message
                        var msg = new NetMQMessage();
                        var data = new NetMQFrame(previousLocalCapacity.ToString());
                        var stateMessage = Wrap(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(me), msg);
                        // publish info

                    // restart the timer
                    e.Timer.Enable = true;

                // start all clients and workers as threads
                var clientTasks = new Thread[NbrClients];
                var workerTasks = new Thread[NbrWorker];

                for (var i = 0; i < NbrClients; i++)
                    var client = new Client(localFrontendAddress, monitorAddress, (byte)i);
                    clientTasks[i] = new Thread(client.Run) { Name = string.Format("Client_{0}", i) };

                for (var i = 0; i < NbrWorker; i++)
                    var worker = new Worker(localBackendAddress, (byte)i);
                    workerTasks[i] = new Thread(worker.Run) { Name = string.Format("Worker_{0}", i) };

                // create poller and add sockets & timer
                var poller = new NetMQPoller

                // start monitoring the sockets

                // we wait for a CTRL+C to exit
                while (s_keepRunning)

                Console.WriteLine("Ctrl-C encountered! Exiting the program!");

                if (poller.IsRunning)

예제 #8
        public void Send_EmptyReplyFromBrokerWithLogging_ShouldThrowApplicationException()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string>();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClient(hostAddress))
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // return empty reply
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
                    // we expect to receive a 4 Frame message
                    // [REQ ADR][EMPTY]["MDPC01"]["echo"]["REQUEST"]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 5)
                        Assert.Fail("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                    // REQUEST socket will strip the his address + empty frame
                    // ROUTER has to add the address prelude in order to identify the correct socket(!)
                    // [REQ ADR][EMPTY]["MDPC01"]["echo"]["REQUEST"]


                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add(e.Info);
                // well formed message
                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });
                // correct call
                session.Send("echo", requestMessage);


                Assert.That(loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[0], Is.EqualTo("[CLIENT] connecting to broker at tcp://localhost:5555"));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[1].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] sending"), Is.True);
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[2].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] received"), Is.True);
예제 #9
        public void Send_WrongServiceNameWithLogging_ShouldLogPermanentError()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string>();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClient(hostAddress))
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // just swallow message -> wrong service name


                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add(e.Info);
                // well formed message
                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });
                // wrong service name
                session.Send("xyz", requestMessage);


                Assert.That(loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo(7));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[6], Is.EqualTo("[CLIENT ERROR] permanent error, abandoning!"));
예제 #10
파일: Client.cs 프로젝트: hdxhan/netmq
        public void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("[CLIENT {0}] Starting", m_id);

            var rnd = new Random(m_id);
            // each request shall have an unique id in order to recognize an reply for a request
            var messageId = new byte[5];
            // create clientId for messages
            var clientId = new[] { m_id };
            // a flag to signal that an answer has arrived
            bool messageAnswered = false;
            // we use a poller because we have a socket and a timer to monitor
            using (var clientPoller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var client = new RequestSocket())
            using (var monitor = new PushSocket())

                client.Options.Identity = new[] { m_id };
                var timer = new NetMQTimer((int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds);

                // use as flag to indicate exit
                var exit = false;

                // every 10 s check if message has been received, if not then send error message and ext
                // and restart timer otherwise
                timer.Elapsed += (s, e) =>
                    if (messageAnswered)
                        e.Timer.Enable = true;
                        var msg = string.Format("[CLIENT {0}] ERR - EXIT - lost message {1}", m_id, messageId);
                        // send an error message

                        // if poller is started than stop it
                        if (clientPoller.IsRunning)
                        // mark the required exit
                        exit = true;

                // process arriving answers
                client.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // mark the arrival of an answer
                    messageAnswered = true;
                    // worker is supposed to answer with our request id
                    var reply = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();

                    if (reply.FrameCount == 0)
                        // something went wrong
                        monitor.SendFrame(string.Format("[CLIENT {0}] Received an empty message!", m_id));
                        // mark the exit flag to ensure the exit
                        exit = true;
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();

                        // create success message
                        foreach (var frame in reply)
                            sb.Append("[" + frame.ConvertToString() + "]");

                        // send the success message
                        monitor.SendFrame(string.Format("[CLIENT {0}] Received answer {1}",

                // add socket & timer to poller

                // start poller in another thread to allow the continued processing

                // if true the message has been answered
                // the 0th message is always answered
                messageAnswered = true;

                while (!exit)
                    // simulate sporadic activity by randomly delaying

                    // only send next message if the previous one has been replied to
                    if (messageAnswered)
                        // generate random 5 byte as identity for for the message

                        messageAnswered = false;

                        // create message [client adr][empty][message id] and send it
                        var msg = new NetMQMessage();



                // stop poller if needed
                if (clientPoller.IsRunning)
예제 #11
        public void ReconnectToBrokerIfIsNotReplying()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            const int timeOutToReconnectInMillis = 7500;
            var loggingMessages = new List<string>();
            var serviceName = "echo";
            var messagesReceivedOnBroker = 0;

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClientAsync(hostAddress))
                session.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeOutToReconnectInMillis);
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
                    if (messagesReceivedOnBroker != 0) // doesn't respond if is the first message received!
                        // we expect to receive a 4 Frame message
                        // [client adrR][e][mdp header][service][request]
                        if (msg.FrameCount != 6)
                            Assert.Fail("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                        // REQUEST socket will strip the his address + empty frame
                        // ROUTER has to add the address prelude in order to identify the correct socket(!)

                        var requestId = msg.Last.ConvertToString(); // get the requestId string
                        msg.RemoveFrame(msg.Last); // remove the request frame

                        var request = msg.Last.ConvertToString(); // get the request string
                        msg.RemoveFrame(msg.Last); // remove the request frame

                        msg.Append(new NetMQFrame(request + " OK")); // append the reply frame

                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add(e.Info);
                session.ReplyReady += (s, e) =>
                    var reply = e.Reply;

                    Assert.That(reply.FrameCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
                    Assert.That(reply.First.ConvertToString(), Is.EqualTo("REQUEST OK"));


                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });

                int timeOutInMillis = timeOutToReconnectInMillis + 3000; // Waits for the timeOut on the client
                var timer = new NetMQTimer(timeOutInMillis);
                timer.Elapsed += (s, e) =>
                    session.Send(serviceName, requestMessage); // resends the request after timeout

                var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => poller.Run());

                session.Send(serviceName, requestMessage);

                var result = task.Wait(timeOutToReconnectInMillis * 2);

                var numberOfConnects = loggingMessages.FindAll(x => x.Contains("[CLIENT] connecting to broker")).Count;
                Assert.IsTrue(numberOfConnects > 1);
예제 #12
        public void SendWrongMDPVersionFromBrokerNoLoggingShouldThrowApplicationException()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClientAsync(hostAddress))
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // return empty reply
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
                    // we expect to receive a 4 Frame message
                    // [REQ ADR][EMPTY]["MDPC01"]["echo"]["REQUEST"][requestId]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 6)
                        Assert.Fail("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                    // REQUEST socket will strip the his address + empty frame
                    // ROUTER has to add the address prelude in order to identify the correct socket(!)
                    // [REQ ADR][EMPTY]["MDPC00"]["echo"]["REQUEST"][requestId]
                    var clientAddress = msg.Pop();
                    msg.Pop(); // forget empty frame
                    msg.Pop(); // drop the MDP Version Frame
                    msg.Push("MDPC00"); // insert wrong MDP version
                    msg.Push(clientAddress); // reinsert the client's address


                int timeOutInMillis = 10000;
                var timer = new NetMQTimer(timeOutInMillis); // Used so it doesn't block if something goes wrong!
                timer.Elapsed += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.Fail($"Waited {timeOutInMillis} and had no response from broker");


                session.ReplyReady += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.That(e.Exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("MDP Version mismatch"));
                    poller.Stop(); // To unlock the Task.Wait()

                session.FailedRequest += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.That(e.Exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("MDP Version mismatch"));
                    poller.Stop(); // To unlock the Task.Wait()

                var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => poller.Run());

                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });
                session.Send("echo", requestMessage);

예제 #13
        public void SendEmptyReplyFromBrokerWithLoggingShouldThrowApplicationException()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string>();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClientAsync(hostAddress))
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    // return empty reply
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
                    // we expect to receive a 4 Frame message
                    // [REQ ADR][EMPTY]["MDPC01"]["echo"]["REQUEST"][requestId]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 6)
                        Assert.Fail("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                    // REQUEST socket will strip the his address + empty frame
                    // ROUTER has to add the address prelude in order to identify the correct socket(!)
                    // [REQ ADR][EMPTY]["MDPC01"]["echo"]["REQUEST"][requestId]


                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add(e.Info);
                session.ReplyReady += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.That(loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
                    Assert.That(loggingMessages[0], Is.EqualTo("[CLIENT] connecting to broker at tcp://localhost:5555"));
                    Assert.That(loggingMessages[1].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] sending"), Is.True);
                    Assert.That(loggingMessages[2].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] received"), Is.True);

                    poller.Stop(); // To unlock the Task.Wait()

                var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => poller.Run());
                // well formed message
                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });
                // correct call
                session.Send("echo", requestMessage);

                int timeOutInMillis = 10000;
                var timer = new NetMQTimer(timeOutInMillis); // Used so it doesn't block if something goes wrong!
                timer.Elapsed += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.Fail($"Waited {timeOutInMillis} and had no response from broker");

예제 #14
        public void SendCorrectInputWithLoggingShouldReturnCorrectReply()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string>();
            var serviceName = "echo";

            using (var broker = new RouterSocket())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller())
            using (var session = new MDPClientAsync(hostAddress))
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
                    // we expect to receive a 4 Frame message
                    // [client adrR][e][mdp header][service][request]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 6)
                        Assert.Fail("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                    // REQUEST socket will strip the his address + empty frame
                    // ROUTER has to add the address prelude in order to identify the correct socket(!)
                    // [client adr][e][mdp header][service][reply][requestId]

                    var requestId = msg.Last.ConvertToString(); // get the requestId string
                    msg.RemoveFrame(msg.Last); // remove the request frame

                    var request = msg.Last.ConvertToString(); // get the request string
                    msg.RemoveFrame(msg.Last); // remove the request frame

                    msg.Append(new NetMQFrame(request + " OK")); // append the reply frame

                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add(e.Info);
                session.ReplyReady += (s, e) =>
                    var reply = e.Reply;

                    Assert.That(reply.FrameCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
                    Assert.That(reply.First.ConvertToString(), Is.EqualTo("REQUEST OK"));

                int timeOutInMillis = 10000;
                var timer = new NetMQTimer(timeOutInMillis); // Used so it doesn't block if something goes wrong!
                timer.Elapsed += (s, e) =>
                    Assert.Fail($"Waited {timeOutInMillis} and had no response from broker");

                var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => poller.Run());

                var requestMessage = new NetMQMessage(new[] { new NetMQFrame("REQUEST") });

                session.Send(serviceName, requestMessage);


                Assert.That(loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[0], Is.EqualTo("[CLIENT] connecting to broker at tcp://localhost:5555"));
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[1].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] sending"), Is.True);
                Assert.That(loggingMessages[2].Contains("[CLIENT INFO] received"), Is.True);
예제 #15
        public void Receive_BrokerDisconnectedWithLogging_ShouldReturnRequest ()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string> ();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket ())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller ())
            using (var session = new MDPWorker (hostAddress, "test"))
                broker.Bind (hostAddress);
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors but don't answer
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) => e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage ();

                poller.Add (broker);
                poller.RunAsync ();

                // speed up the test
                session.HeartbeatDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250);
                session.ReconnectDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250);
                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add (e.Info);
                // initialise the worker - broker protocol
                session.Receive (null);

                poller.Stop ();

                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count (m => m.Contains ("retrying")), Is.EqualTo (3));
                // 3 times retrying and 1 time initial connecting
                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count (m => m.Contains ("localhost")), Is.EqualTo (4));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Last ().Contains ("abandoning"));
예제 #16
        public void Receive_REPLYtoREQUEST_ShouldSendCorrectReply ()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5557";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string> ();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var broker = new RouterSocket ())
            using (var poller = new NetMQPoller ())
            using (var session = new MDPWorker (hostAddress, "test", new[] { (byte) 'W', (byte) '1' }))
                broker.Bind (hostAddress);
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage ();
                    if (msg[3].Buffer[0] == (byte) MDPCommand.Ready)
                        // this is a READY message and we
                        // send REQUEST message
                        var request = new NetMQMessage ();
                        request.Push ("echo test"); // [request]
                        request.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty); // [e][request]
                        request.Push ("C1"); // [client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (new[] { (byte) MDPCommand.Request }); // [command][client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (msg[2]); // [header][command][client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty); // [e][header][command][client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (msg[0]); // [worker adr][e][header][command][client adr][e][request]
                        // send reply which is a request for the worker
                        e.Socket.SendMultipartMessage (request);

                    if (msg[3].Buffer[0] == (byte) MDPCommand.Reply)
                        // we expect to receive
                        // [WORKER ADR][e]["MDPW01"][REPLY][CLIENT ADR][e][request == "echo test"]
                        // make sure the frames are as expected
                        Assert.That (msg[0].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("W1"));
                        Assert.That (msg[1], Is.EqualTo (NetMQFrame.Empty));
                        Assert.That (msg[2].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("MDPW01"));
                        Assert.That (msg[3].BufferSize, Is.EqualTo (1));
                        Assert.That (msg[3].Buffer[0], Is.EqualTo ((byte) MDPCommand.Reply));
                        Assert.That (msg[4].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("C1"));
                        Assert.That (msg[5], Is.EqualTo (NetMQFrame.Empty));
                        Assert.That (msg[6].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("echo test"));

                        // tell worker to stop gracefully
                        var reply = new NetMQMessage ();
                        reply.Push (new[] { (byte) MDPCommand.Kill });
                        // push MDP Version
                        reply.Push (msg[2]);
                        // push separator
                        reply.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty);
                        // push worker address
                        reply.Push (msg[0]);
                        // send reply which is a request for the worker
                        e.Socket.SendMultipartMessage (reply);

                poller.Add (broker);
                poller.RunAsync ();

                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add (e.Info);
                // initialise the worker - broker protocol
                // and get initial request
                var workerRequest = session.Receive (null);
                // just echo the request
                session.Receive (workerRequest);

                poller.Stop ();

                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo (8));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[0], Is.EqualTo ("[WORKER] connected to broker at tcp://localhost:5557"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[1].Contains ("Ready"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[2].Contains ("[WORKER] received"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[3].Contains ("Request"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[4].Contains ("Reply"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[6].Contains ("Kill"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[7].Contains ("abandoning"));