A secure mailbox address which includes a fingerprint for a certificate.

When signing or encrypting a message, it is necessary to look up the X.509 certificate in order to do the actual sign or encrypt operation. One way of accomplishing this is to use the email address of sender or recipient as a unique identifier. However, a better approach is to use the fingerprint (or 'thumbprint' in Microsoft parlance) of the user's certificate.

상속: MailboxAddress
예제 #1
		public void TestMultipartEncryptedSignAndEncryptALgorithmUsingKeys ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing and encrypting..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "AB0821A2");
			DigitalSignatureCollection signatures;
			IList<PgpPublicKey> recipients;
			PgpSecretKey signer;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				recipients = ctx.GetPublicKeys (new [] { self });
				signer = ctx.GetSigningKey (self);

			var encrypted = MultipartEncrypted.SignAndEncrypt (signer, DigestAlgorithm.Sha1, EncryptionAlgorithm.Cast5, recipients, body);

			//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-signed-encrypted.asc"))
			//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

			var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (out signatures);

			Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
			Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");

			Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
			foreach (var signature in signatures) {
				try {
					bool valid = signature.Verify ();

					Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
				} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
					Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
예제 #2
		public void TestMimeMessageSignAndEncrypt ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing and encrypting..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "AB0821A2");
			var message = new MimeMessage { Subject = "Test of signing with OpenPGP" };
			DigitalSignatureCollection signatures;

			message.From.Add (self);
			message.To.Add (self);
			message.Body = body;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				message.SignAndEncrypt (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<MultipartEncrypted> (message.Body);

				var encrypted = (MultipartEncrypted) message.Body;

				//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-signed-encrypted.asc"))
				//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

				var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx, out signatures);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
				Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");

				Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
				foreach (var signature in signatures) {
					try {
						bool valid = signature.Verify ();

						Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
					} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
						Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
예제 #3
		public void TestMultipartSignedSignUsingKeys ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "44CD48EEC90D8849961F36BA50DCD107AB0821A2");
			PgpSecretKey signer;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				signer = ctx.GetSigningKey (self);

				foreach (DigestAlgorithm digest in Enum.GetValues (typeof (DigestAlgorithm))) {
					if (digest == DigestAlgorithm.None ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.DoubleSha ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.Tiger192 ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.Haval5160 ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.MD4)

					var multipart = MultipartSigned.Create (signer, digest, body);

					Assert.AreEqual (2, multipart.Count, "The multipart/signed has an unexpected number of children.");

					var protocol = multipart.ContentType.Parameters["protocol"];
					Assert.AreEqual ("application/pgp-signature", protocol, "The multipart/signed protocol does not match.");

					var micalg = multipart.ContentType.Parameters["micalg"];
					var algorithm = ctx.GetDigestAlgorithm (micalg);

					Assert.AreEqual (digest, algorithm, "The multipart/signed micalg does not match.");

					Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (multipart[0], "The first child is not a text part.");
					Assert.IsInstanceOf<ApplicationPgpSignature> (multipart[1], "The second child is not a detached signature.");

					var signatures = multipart.Verify ();
					Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
					foreach (var signature in signatures) {
						try {
							bool valid = signature.Verify ();

							Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
						} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
예제 #4
		public void TestMimeMessageEncrypt ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up encrypting..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "44CD48EEC90D8849961F36BA50DCD107AB0821A2");
			var message = new MimeMessage { Subject = "Test of signing with OpenPGP" };

			message.From.Add (self);
			message.To.Add (self);
			message.Body = body;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				message.Encrypt (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<MultipartEncrypted> (message.Body);

				var encrypted = (MultipartEncrypted) message.Body;

				//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-encrypted.asc"))
				//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

				var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
				Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");
예제 #5
		public void TestSecureMimeSignAndEncrypt ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing and encrypting..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "b7dd33847c3308dd9e12b4c3c94b545d76ab5e41");
			var message = new MimeMessage { Subject = "Test of signing and encrypting with S/MIME" };
			ApplicationPkcs7Mime encrypted;

			message.From.Add (self);
			message.To.Add (self);
			message.Body = body;

			using (var ctx = CreateContext ()) {
				message.SignAndEncrypt (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<ApplicationPkcs7Mime> (message.Body, "The message body should be an application/pkcs7-mime part.");

				encrypted = (ApplicationPkcs7Mime) message.Body;

				Assert.AreEqual (SecureMimeType.EnvelopedData, encrypted.SecureMimeType, "S/MIME type did not match.");

			using (var ctx = CreateContext ()) {
				var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx);

				// The decrypted part should be a multipart/signed
				Assert.IsInstanceOf<MultipartSigned> (decrypted, "Expected the decrypted part to be a multipart/signed.");
				var signed = (MultipartSigned) decrypted;

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (signed[0], "Expected the first part of the multipart/signed to be a multipart.");
				Assert.IsInstanceOf<ApplicationPkcs7Signature> (signed[1], "Expected second part of the multipart/signed to be a pkcs7-signature.");

				var extracted = (TextPart) signed[0];
				Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, extracted.Text, "The decrypted text part's text does not match the original.");

				var signatures = signed.Verify (ctx);

				Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
				foreach (var signature in signatures) {
					try {
						bool valid = signature.Verify ();

						Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
					} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
						Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);

					var algorithms = ((SecureMimeDigitalSignature) signature).EncryptionAlgorithms;
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia256, algorithms[0], "Expected Camellia-256 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256, algorithms[1], "Expected AES-256 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia192, algorithms[2], "Expected Camellia-192 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192, algorithms[3], "Expected AES-192 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia128, algorithms[4], "Expected Camellia-128 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128, algorithms[5], "Expected AES-128 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Idea, algorithms[6], "Expected IDEA capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Cast5, algorithms[7], "Expected Cast5 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.TripleDes, algorithms[8], "Expected Triple-DES capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC2128, algorithms[9], "Expected RC2-128 capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC264, algorithms[10], "Expected RC2-64 capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Des, algorithms[11], "Expected DES capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC240, algorithms[12], "Expected RC2-40 capability");