예제 #1
        public RelationshipGraph(AMO.Database tabularDatabase)
            foreach (TableInfo tableInfo in AMO2Tabular.TablesEnumerateFull(tabularDatabase))
                using (AMO.MeasureGroup currentMeasureGroup = tabularDatabase.Cubes[0].MeasureGroups[tableInfo.DataSourceName])
                    foreach (AMO.MeasureGroupDimension measureGroupDimension in currentMeasureGroup.Dimensions)
                        if (measureGroupDimension is AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)
                            AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension referencedTable = measureGroupDimension as AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension;

                            string foreignTableId     = referencedTable.IntermediateCubeDimensionID;
                            string foreignColumnId    = referencedTable.IntermediateGranularityAttributeID;
                            string primaryKeyTableId  = referencedTable.CubeDimensionID;
                            string primaryKeyColumnId = string.Empty;
                            foreach (AMO.MeasureGroupAttribute attribute in referencedTable.Attributes)
                                if (attribute.Type == AMO.MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity)
                                    primaryKeyColumnId = attribute.AttributeID;

                            FullName         foreignKeyEnd = new FullName(foreignTableId, foreignColumnId);
                            FullName         primaryKeyEnd = new FullName(primaryKeyTableId, primaryKeyColumnId);
                            RelationshipPair relationship  = new RelationshipPair(primaryKeyEnd, foreignKeyEnd);
                            AddForeignKeyUpPair(primaryKeyTableId, relationship);
                            AddPrimaryKeyDownPair(foreignTableId, relationship);
예제 #2
        private static void RelationshipAddReferenceMeasureGroupDimension(AMO.Database tabularDatabase,
                                                                          string currentMeasureGroupId,
                                                                          RelationshipPair relationshipPair,
                                                                          string relationshipId = null)
            string foreignTableId  = relationshipPair.ForeignKeyEnd.TableId;
            string foreignColumnId = relationshipPair.ForeignKeyEnd.ColumnId;
            string pkTableId       = relationshipPair.PrimaryKeyEnd.TableId;
            string pkColumnId      = relationshipPair.PrimaryKeyEnd.ColumnId;

            //  Creating the ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension that defines the 'Activeness' of a relationship
            using (AMO.Cube modelCube = tabularDatabase.Cubes[0])
                using (AMO.MeasureGroup currentMG = modelCube.MeasureGroups[currentMeasureGroupId])
                    using (AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension newReferenceMGDim = new AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension())
                        newReferenceMGDim.CubeDimensionID                    = pkTableId;
                        newReferenceMGDim.IntermediateCubeDimensionID        = foreignTableId;
                        newReferenceMGDim.IntermediateGranularityAttributeID = foreignColumnId;
                        //  Replicating attributes (columns) from dimension
                        foreach (AMO.CubeAttribute PKAttribute in modelCube.Dimensions[pkTableId].Attributes)
                            using (AMO.MeasureGroupAttribute PKMGAttribute = newReferenceMGDim.Attributes.Add(PKAttribute.AttributeID))
                                using (AMO.DataItem dataItem = new AMO.DataItem(pkTableId, PKAttribute.AttributeID, PKAttribute.Attribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType))
                                    using (AMO.ColumnBinding columnBinding = new AMO.ColumnBinding(pkTableId, PKAttribute.AttributeID))
                                        PKMGAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source = columnBinding;
                        newReferenceMGDim.Attributes[pkColumnId].Type = AMO.MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;

                        //  If relationship is not null or empty then this is a direct relationship and
                        //  has to have Materialization.Regular
                        if (!relationshipId.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace())
                            newReferenceMGDim.Materialization = AMO.ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular;
                            newReferenceMGDim.RelationshipID  = relationshipId;
                            newReferenceMGDim.Materialization = AMO.ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Indirect;

                        //  Adding the ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension to the measure group
예제 #3
        private static void setActiveRelationship(AMO.Cube currentCube, string MVTableName, string MVColumnName, string PKTableName, string relationshipID)
            AMO.MeasureGroup currentMG = currentCube.MeasureGroups[MVTableName];

            if (!currentMG.Dimensions.Contains(PKTableName))
                AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension NewReferenceMGDim = new AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension();
                NewReferenceMGDim.CubeDimensionID             = PKTableName;
                NewReferenceMGDim.IntermediateCubeDimensionID = MVTableName;
                NewReferenceMGDim.Materialization             = AMO.ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular;
                foreach (AMO.CubeAttribute PKAttribute in currentCube.Dimensions[PKTableName].Attributes)
                    AMO.MeasureGroupAttribute   PKMGAttribute     = NewReferenceMGDim.Attributes.Add(PKAttribute.AttributeID);
                    System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType PKMGAttributeType = PKAttribute.Attribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType;
                    PKMGAttribute.KeyColumns.Add(new AMO.DataItem(PKTableName, PKAttribute.AttributeID, PKMGAttributeType));
                    PKMGAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source = new AMO.ColumnBinding(PKTableName, PKAttribute.AttributeID);
            AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension currentReferenceMGDim = (AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)currentMG.Dimensions[PKTableName];
            currentReferenceMGDim.RelationshipID = relationshipID;
            currentReferenceMGDim.IntermediateGranularityAttributeID = MVColumnName;
예제 #4
        public static void RelationshipAlterActive(AMO.Database tabularDatabase,
                                                   string pkTableName,
                                                   string pkColumnName,
                                                   string foreignTableName,
                                                   string foreignColumnName,
                                                   bool active,
                                                   bool updateInstance = true)
            //  Terminology note:
            //  -   the Foreing side of the relationship is named the From end in AMO
            //  -   the PK side of the relationship in named the To end in AMO
            //  Relationships flow FROM the foreign side of the relationship
            //  TO the primary key side of the relationship in AMO
            //      ==> [Inactive] Relationship information is stored in the Foreign Dimension object in a relationship object
            //      ==> [Active] Relationship information is stored in the MeasureGroup object of the table in a ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension object

            //  Major steps in adding a relationship
            //  - Validate required input arguments and other initial preparations
            //  - If Activating:
            //      - Verify relationship exist before Activating
            //          -   If relationship doesn't exist throw an error
            //      - Verify no multipath or alternate path will be created by activating this relationship
            //      - If ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension, for the PK table, doesn't exist add it to the Dimensions collection in the MeasureGroup
            //          -   replicate attributes (columns) from Dimension
            //      - If ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension exists, update relationshipID and IntermediateGranularity
            //      - To the Dimensions collection in the MeasureGroup
            //          - Add all other intermediate relationships from 'Ancestors' paths
            //          - Add all other intermediate relationships to the 'Descendants' paths --> Update MeasureGroups in the 'Descendants' paths
            //       T1       T2         T5               T6         T7
            //      ----     -----      -----            -----      -----
            //      |a1| <-- |a2 |      |a5 |            |a6 |      |a7 |
            //      |  |     |a2i| <--  |a5i|   /|       |   |      |a7i|
            //      |  |     |   |      |   |  / ------| |a6i| <--  |   |
            //      ----     -----      |   | /        | |   |      -----
            //                          |   | \  Rel56 | |   |
            //       T3       T4        |   |  \ ------| |   |       T8
            //      ----     -----      |   |   \|       |   |      -----
            //      |a3| <-- |a4 |      |   |            |   | <--  |a8 |
            //      |  |     |a4i| <--  |a5j|            |   |      |a8i|
            //      |  |     |   |      |   |            |   |      |   |
            //      ----     -----      -----            -----      -----
            //      \_________  ____________/         \________  ________/
            //                \/                               \/
            //             Ancestors                      Descendants
            //  When adding Rel56, as active, to the model, on top of everything that already exists, you have to:
            //  --> Add a ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension or updating existing one: (T5, T6.a6i) will include: Materialization:=Regular, RelationshipId:=<relationship id>
            //  --> After adding (T5, T6.a6i) to T6, you have to:
            //                                           Add              Add             Add
            //                                          to T6            to T7           to T8
            //                                         ......           ......          ......
            //                                                          (T5, T6.a6i)    (T5, T6.a6i)
            //                                         (T2, T5.a5i)     (T2, T5.a5i)    (T2, T5.a5i)
            //                                         (T1, T2.a2i)     (T1, T2.a2i)    (T1, T2.a2i)
            //                                         (T4, T5.a5j)     (T4, T5.a5j)    (T4, T5.a5j)
            //                                         (T3, T4.a4i)     (T3, T4.a4i)    (T3, T4.a4i)
            //  --> as reference dimensions to the MeasureGroup
            //  --> because the relationships between T6<--T7 and T6<--T8 already exist, the materialization and relationship
            //      definitions were added at the time the relationship were created ==> no need to do anything like
            //      on T6.
            //  - If De-Activating
            //      - Verify relationship exist before De-Activating
            //      - If relationship doesn't exist throw an error
            //      - Remove All ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension, for the PK table and Down Below tables, from MeasureGroup
            //  Note:   In AMO, strings as indexers refer to the ID of the object, not the name
            //  Note:   Only one DataSourceView is used in Tabular Models
            //          ==> tabularDatabase.DataSourceViews[0] represents the DSV of the model
            //  Note:   Only one Cube is used in Tabular Models
            //          ==> tabularDatabase.Cubes[0] represents the cube in the model
            //  Note:   Microsoft design tools use the following pattern to keep track of the
            //          datasource matching elements:
            //          DataSourceView->TableName <---> Dimension.ID, MeasureGroup.ID
            //          DataSourceView->ColumnName <---> Dimension->ColumnID, MeasureGroup.DegeneratedDimension->CoumnID
            //          So far, this sample follows the same pattern.
            //          WARNING:    Breaking the above pattern when creating your
            //                      own AMO to Tabular functions might lead to
            //                      unpredictable behavior when using Microsoft
            //                      Design tools in your models.

            #region Validate input arguments and other initial preparations
            //  Validate required input arguments
            if (tabularDatabase == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(TabularDatabaseStringName);
            if (pkTableName.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pkTableName");
            if (pkColumnName.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pkColumnName");
            if (foreignTableName.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("foreignTableName");
            if (foreignColumnName.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("foreignColumnName");
            if (!IsDatabaseCompatibilityLevelCorrect(tabularDatabase))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.InvalidCompatibilityLevelOperationException);

            //  Other initial preparations
            //  -   Cleaning and preparing name variables
            pkTableName       = pkTableName.Trim();
            pkColumnName      = pkColumnName.Trim();
            foreignTableName  = foreignTableName.Trim();
            foreignColumnName = foreignColumnName.Trim();

            //  -   Obtain Id's
            string pkTableId       = tabularDatabase.Dimensions.GetByName(pkTableName).ID;
            string pkColumnId      = tabularDatabase.Dimensions[pkTableId].Attributes.GetByName(pkColumnName).ID;
            string foreignTableId  = tabularDatabase.Dimensions.GetByName(foreignTableName).ID;
            string foreignColumnId = tabularDatabase.Dimensions[foreignTableId].Attributes.GetByName(foreignColumnName).ID;


            RelationshipGraph currentRelationshipsGraph;

            //  Branch on 'active'
            //  -   true ==> set relationship to Active
            //  -   false ==> set relationship to Inactive
            switch (active)
            case true:
                #region set relationship to Active
                //  Verify relationship existence
                //  --> Throw an error if relationship doesn't exist

                //  -   Define placeholder for the relationship id; it's needed later
                string relationshipId = RelationshipTryGetRelationshipId(tabularDatabase, pkTableName, pkColumnName, foreignTableName, foreignColumnName);

                if (relationshipId.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.RelationshipDoesNotExistInvalidOperationException);

                //  Verify that activating this relationship does not violate the rule of no alternate paths when it will be created
                //      Build a graph of the actual state of relationships
                currentRelationshipsGraph = new RelationshipGraph(tabularDatabase);
                if (currentRelationshipsGraph.RelationshipAlternatePathExists(pkTableId, foreignTableId))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.RelationshipViolatesAlternatePathRuleInvalidOperationException);

                //  The 'activeness' of a relationship is defined by the existence of a ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension
                //  that include Materialization as Regular
                using (AMO.Cube modelCube = tabularDatabase.Cubes[0])
                    using (AMO.MeasureGroup foreignTableMG = modelCube.MeasureGroups[foreignTableId])
                        if (!foreignTableMG.Dimensions.Contains(pkTableId))
                            //  Creating the ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension that defines the 'Activeness' of a relationship
                            RelationshipAddReferenceMeasureGroupDimension(tabularDatabase, foreignTableId, new RelationshipPair(new FullName(pkTableId, pkColumnId), new FullName(foreignTableId, foreignColumnId)), relationshipId);

                            //  Adding Intermediate relationships for all tables in the paths from PrimaryKeyEndBelow for direct ForeignKeyEnd
                            foreach (RelationshipPair primaryKeyDownRelationship in currentRelationshipsGraph.RelationshipsListPrimaryKeyDown(pkTableId))
                                RelationshipAddReferenceMeasureGroupDimension(tabularDatabase, foreignTableId, primaryKeyDownRelationship);

                            //  Adding Intermediate relationships for all tables in the paths from PrimaryKeyEndBelow in each of the tables
                            //  that are ForeignKeyEndAbove
                            foreach (string foreignKeyTableUpId in currentRelationshipsGraph.TableListForeignKeyUp(foreignTableId))
                                using (AMO.MeasureGroup foreignKeyUpMG = tabularDatabase.Cubes[0].MeasureGroups[foreignKeyTableUpId])
                                    RelationshipAddReferenceMeasureGroupDimension(tabularDatabase, foreignKeyUpMG.ID, new RelationshipPair(new FullName(pkTableId, pkColumnId), new FullName(foreignTableId, foreignColumnId)));
                                    foreach (RelationshipPair primaryKeyDownRelationship in currentRelationshipsGraph.RelationshipsListPrimaryKeyDown(pkTableId))
                                        RelationshipAddReferenceMeasureGroupDimension(tabularDatabase, foreignKeyUpMG.ID, primaryKeyDownRelationship);
                            //  Because the ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension already exists, this probably means just a change on the foreign key used as Active
                            using (AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension currentReferenceMGDim = (AMO.ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)foreignTableMG.Dimensions[pkTableId])
                                currentReferenceMGDim.RelationshipID = relationshipId;
                                currentReferenceMGDim.IntermediateGranularityAttributeID = foreignColumnId;

            case false:
                #region set relationship to Inactive
                //  Verify relationship existence
                //  --> If relationship doesn't exist throw an error
                if (!RelationshipExists(tabularDatabase, pkTableName, pkColumnName, foreignTableName, foreignColumnName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.RelationshipDoesNotExistInvalidOperationException);

                //      Build a graph of the actual state of relationships
                currentRelationshipsGraph = new RelationshipGraph(tabularDatabase);

                //  Remove the ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension to remove the 'Activeness'

                //  Removing Intermediate relationships for all tables in the paths from PrimaryKeyEndBelow for direct ForeignKeyEnd
                foreach (string primaryKeyDownTableId in currentRelationshipsGraph.TableListPrimaryKeyDown(pkTableId))

                //  Adding Intermediate relationships for all tables in the paths from PrimaryKeyEndBelow in each of the tables
                //  that are ForeignKeyEndAbove
                foreach (string foreignKeyTableUpId in currentRelationshipsGraph.TableListForeignKeyUp(foreignTableId))
                    foreach (string primaryKeyDownTableId in currentRelationshipsGraph.TableListPrimaryKeyDown(pkTableId))


            //  Update server instance
            if (updateInstance)
                tabularDatabase.Update(AMO.UpdateOptions.ExpandFull, AMO.UpdateMode.UpdateOrCreate);